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guess who has SPACE PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dream of fully automated luxury gay space communism finally comes true
Anyone down to do some space race? maybe even some space war? just a tad
I do not have a space program :(
Already got space settlements.
be a shame if something happenned to them... mwahahahahaha
Turcijia has developed her First Strike Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles! It's a wonderous development for peace among peoples. That aren't liberal.
I love how you consider liberals your primary opponents even though there are arguably much worse types of governments out there.
Like globalists?
Arbalest, The Krona, and Kieferlanden
worse. Centrists.
So timid and indecisive
I believe this forum would be of some help regarding flag design: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=442202
What the hell? Giving tax cuts and opening the road to private industry not only exploded my economy but everything else I care about! This is an insane relevation. Fatih, you won't even believe me! I got a 6% Defence Forces modifier for funding internet providers!
That being said. I've become the second mightiest military power of the Khamen Union, this is truly a blessing day. I shall be the largest and be its bulwark against our enemies (i'll even protect the liberals; I know, i'm just that nice of a country)
L V M H, State of Eusan, and Arbalest
Hey there Khamen Union! I know I haven't talked here in a while, I have been quite busy with stuff over at Albastru (We have a new constitution and government!)
But anyways, how are you guys?
Whats that supposed to be?
Good question.
>Opposition leaders goes to secret meeting with rival nation's politicians
>"Tell him not to do that and treathen sanctions"
>Your political freedom is now Sh*t From A Butt
who writes these issues man
Also the other issue where a guy kills his daugther for kissing a boy, and the only 3 options are
Screen all the immgirants for "barbaric customs"
More Religion
Let the guy kill his daugther
eh, you can dismiss the issue. Then again some of those issues are...well...extreme at best, whatever you choose. And let's not speak about the effect on your nation.
i did, but i in a game where you get five issues a day, having to dismiss one is kinda sad
I consistently dismiss issues which do not give any positive outcomes.
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