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I still remembered my password
Genoda 2 0 and Dackians
Well, now I have to recruit more people, and then start implementing ideas.
Post self-deleted by Porustania.
I know that i need to send telegrams for this, but I don't know how to send telegrams specifically for recruitment. Don't you know?
I don't have any extra money, let's do it another way.
Well, I have to figure out the api.
I have already received the tg id and secret key, and also requested the client key, it remains to wait until moderation gives it to me. After that, the client will have to install it, and the telegrams will be sent by themselves. The main thing is that it will bring success.
Do you know any other ways to recruit? Because I do not know how soon I will be given the client key.
can u pls join wa? Porustania
Yo, it's already 4 embassies! In the future, I also plan to open embassies with Morpheus and tfw
Yay, I finally got the client key!
Well, I kind of set up the api. Porustania
1. its still not raided
2. i think yeah
Warm Welcome to Motricland, Doguegerld!
Recruitment is working, Porustania
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