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He's trying to embrace the zombies no matter what. It doesn't "keep getting changed". It's manually set afaik.
Idk…I just think it’s really annoying because I didn’t set it and I don’t want to embrace the zombies…
In the Heart of the Holy See
In the home of Christiantiy!
the seat of power is in danger!
There is a foe of a thousand swords!
Go ahead and ruin my sabaton singing!
They’ve been abandoned by there lords.
their fall from grace will pave their path to salvation!
Then the One hundred and Eighty Nine!
I think I cured you enough!
In the service of Heaven!
They're protecting the holy line
Got it mate!
R.I.P Sabaton singing.
Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, Sveniland, Technom, and Ockerstan
I find it spammy but it's not against the rules. It can be done without posting four posts in a row by the same player. If it was alternated between several people I wouldn't have (that much of) a problem with it.
Yes the damn event is over! Both of my nations ended it with research focus and living people!
Finally! Now to wait for next N-Day in February...
Radio Kurtmannski!
Halloween special
Thriller by Michael Jackson
wadup Birds! this the shiny, brand new, and created out of preparation! Technomian alt!
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