by Max Barry

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«12. . .594595596597598599600. . .772773»

Post self-deleted by RTM3.

Merethin wrote:should we just give up and surrender to tacoman at this point


Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:I'm genuinely surprised that given the options of:

1. Side with zombies

2. Make cures

3. Arm yourself with guns

That Tacoman picked what he did instead of picking #3 like everyone here probably expected. XD

You betcha

Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:Uninfected population: 8 Mil.

Considering that canonically I only acknowledge having a population of 6.2 million, I must therefore assume Wisconsin is doing great with the whole Zombie apocalypse thing.

Same, my infection rate is in the negatives canonically.

Technom wrote:Damm, death's embrace take me, and start playing "My Way"

Damn good song to die to!

Merethin wrote:should we just give up and surrender to tacoman at this point


Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:I'm genuinely surprised that given the options of:

1. Side with zombies

2. Make cures

3. Arm yourself with guns

That Tacoman picked what he did instead of picking #3 like everyone here probably expected. XD

I actually fully expected him to go all out zombies!

Based on the survivors I have left, I have decided that the Kingdom of Heristal Raposhtru will become a zombie kingdom.

Or how to put it, damn it, in view of the carnange, you might as well take advantage of it to build something

RealTacoMan! I surrender to your zombie army.

May we keep hope that Reanu Keeves will save our souls...

Long live the Kingdom of Heristal Raposhtru, a thriving place for zombies!

Heristal Raposhystru wrote:Long live the Kingdom of Heristal Raposhtru, a thriving place for zombies!

Brains.... flesh.... yummy...

Colocia, save your friends for I have already surrendered.

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:Colocia, save your friends for I have already surrendered.

i wont let you down!

Colocia wrote:i wont let you down!


Colocia wrote:o okay sorry

All my pops were zombified, so only cures could save me.
Thank you.

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:All my pops were zombified, so only cures could save me.
Thank you.

do you want me to cure u or just leave u alone?

Colocia wrote:do you want me to cure u or just leave u alone?

You can cure me. Just don't use the TZES on my dwindling population.

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:You can cure me. Just don't use the TZES on my dwindling population.


Penmarch with the absolute CARRY here!

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:Penmarch with the absolute CARRY here!

couldnt agree more!
he is a real one!

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:Penmarch with the absolute CARRY here!


I thought you were embracing them. You betrayed me. We won't forget.

Merethin wrote:>:D

I thought you were embracing them. You betrayed me. We won't forget.


All your base are belong to me, Merethin!

how the hell did i get 27 million zombies out of nowhere

Cherkovija wrote:how the hell did i get 27 million zombies out of nowhere

Saved ya!

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