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Help. I am infected by NationStates. I had a dream last night where I accidentally moved to another region. Help. I am dreaming about NationStates. Maybe I need that therapist
This post has been fact-checked by me, WA Fact-Checking Team (which doesn't exist), Mox Blueberry, and that spider that lives under my bed (that's even too much authority):
NEOM is doomed to failure. First of all, because it is created in a place where all resources, especially water, must be brought. And only then because of its cost and low attractiveness for tourism.
Neanderthals are starting to scare me with their views. I don't even want to think what you would do to Homo Sapiens when you conquer the world...
Yea I see that. Wanna start a runaway civil disrest in there?
It worked in the middle east.
What is going to your mind brother. Maybe seek a therapist. Please stop your Anime Addiction
Oof that is slightly unsettling.
Nah bruv, just the parts where Neanderthal once dominated, greenland, antarctica and mars. Sapiens get the rest. And the only reason Iceageans are wary of Homo Sapien immigration is Sapiens carry a dominant gene, if there were a “merger of the species”, the outcome would still be sapien. If that weren’t the case it would be different.
Skalliad, Vurk, and Potatopelago
In the European territory of Skalliad (51st State of Ukraine), only flooding used to be a serious threat, but that was solved long ago by reinforcing rivers and relocating some populated areas. Plagues are not a serious problem in 2176. And forest fires are instantly detected by drones and satellites, and put out. A minor problem in the form of rare powerful earthquakes occurring in Romania (Vrancea Zone) has been eliminated by the use of modern materials and construction standards for buildings and other facilities.
While the North American territory of Skalliad or Red Zone (50 States of the former USA) is more dangerous, it is currently unpopulated, uncontrolled and has not been cleaned up from radiation and chemical contamination after the Great American Catastrophe. This problem will be solved in the near future. Volcanoes and supervolcanoes are a separate problem. Skalliad has learned only to slow the onset of their eruptions or explosions, but not to prevent them.
As for the other threats, they are prevented by another crazy project of The Armed Forces of Skalliad, or at least it can minimize the damage. In general, life in Skalliad is extremely safe, and natural threats very rarely cause significant damage
Reporting for duty! o7
That's communist propaganda
Rather than taxing people and lining the pockets of politicians people should instead be paid living wages and companies should care more about their employees and creating a good product than their investors
Imagine being killed by Luigi's Mansion,
All hail the mighty Iceagea! Glory to the imperial kingdom!
I am a crappy flag designer
Oh damn... you changed the flag!
It is great this one!
Happy Neanderthal Appreciation Day everyone! 🦣
Note the high taxes were for the top percentage of people where 80% barely made a dent in their fortunes. Obviously it would make far less sense to tax the average joe that rate. I don’t think something that actually existed in the capitalistic UK could be communist propaganda.
Oh yeah, I always forget that the Gulf states are desert with barely any resources, and it doesn't help that the Saudis are horrible urban planners. I don't doubt that something similar will happen to Egypt's new capital
That was a really interesting article…I mean I already definitely without a shadow of a doubt because I know everything knew all of that and didn’t just learn it now…
Have fun dying of blood loss, dude.
Please endorse my nation and I shall endorse your's
No. just…. no…
Please don’t share that kind of personal information.
Once you start dreaming about NS, it's too late, you've reached the point of no return 😈
It is too late, the only thing we can offer is some mild pain medication while the infection takes over.
You are not alone. I have dreamed about nationstates before but I can't remember the context.
I tend to have very vivid and strange dreams.
I also had a dream about Nationstates last night actually, it was that season 4 came out and The Western European Commonwealth was celebrating in the rmb over the rarity of their card.
Convilla, Leviggo, Potatopelago, and Grego
Why me? 😭
Cheesystan, Convilla, and Grego
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