«12. . .29,69429,69529,69629,69729,69829,69929,700. . .30,19830,199»
You too ;)
Post by Livaotheion suppressed by The New Nordic Union.
yes (more than one word)
i was the start of 29,697!
Congratulations 🥳
I was the start of 29,000
X Country, New Vardarland, and Calbout
And I was at the end.
Showoff... (Idk how to make this post longer but it still isn’t a one-word post now)
Wait a minute... If I go to page 29000... It’s Iceagea, not you! Impostor!
I swear at one point I was…
(Including deleted posts) You did have the most posts on that page (Tied with Sloventa)
If you include nations quoting me…
Unfourtunately I've never been at Russia. Perhaps one day. Though I must pick precisely, it appears. Which city or oblast I should visit when I get the first oppurtunity? St. Petersburg and Moscow would be popular choice, but I also really wonder, for instance, Vladivostok. Or, around of Lake Baikal. List just keeps going on. I am interested in -of course- Soviet history but also being able to track down old empire's effects or if there, any buildings would be also awesome. Additionaly, Tran-Siberian railway would be one of train travel I would like to do. Perhaps after Western Russia.
Istanbul? Of course, who can't deny hypnotising beauty of the city, which was capital for two historical empires? Although, when I came to Istanbul, many locals told me that Istanbul wasn't the old Istanbul anymore. Still, there are lot to do, lot to visit. I still love my home city, due to its simplicty and pro-routine advantages but for the first time, I suprised, I run out of what to do at there.
I wish you for hitting luck in the eye to visit Istanbul or wherever you want!
Ideally, the only people that should get to overthrow and hang Assad would be the Syrian people and institute a people-oriented state that includes all the ethnic, religious, and tribal groups (considering that Hafiz and Bashar did pretty much exterminate any socialist movements during their respective time in power). I'm very uncomfortable with using offshoots of al-Qaeda and ISIS who have beheaded people, instituted Sharia Law, and butchered women and minorities to overthrow him (with foreign-backing and tactical support from Turkey, the US, and Israel). I feel bad for the Syrian people who get to see Assad finally get overthrown but have to deal with Israel bombing and taking more territory from the south, HTS instituting regressive Islamist policies found in the Sunni oil dictatorships of the GCC, the Kurds who will get left out to dry by the US and become Turkish cannon fodder, and the FSA who are now proxies for so many different foreign powers that we don't know where they stand. Now Syria becomes even more of a Mad Max hellhole where so many extremist factions are now fighting for power, and the one remotely secular group (the Kurdish SDF) are going to become enveloped by Turkey and their HTS/SNA proxies.
The Champions League, Kanokla, Montecrux, Leblancroux, and 2 othersVurk, and Potatopelago
Hello, Europeans!
Due to Russia’s large size all of the key points are way too remote to each other. Apart from the two capitals there are Golden Ring cities of medieval history, heavily sovietised cities like Toliatti and Samara, stunning city of Kazan, also the Mountain Altai Republic is worth visiting but it’s hard to comfortably access
The far east is nice but I haven’t been there myself. Transsiberian railway is a hell trip for me but could be a thrilling adventure for foreigners xD over a week of living in an always moving train with no major disembarkment
All the other places you mentioned are also nice to visit. You can also check Murmansk region with its barren lands beyond polar circles, or Sakhalin island where Japanese culture is mixed with Russian one
Hello, South Pacifician!
59 endorsements thanks so much! And in Syria the news the Turkish Backed Rebel group is going after the Kurdish due to Turkey Fearing a rise in Kurdish nationalism. In the South. Isreal has taken the United Nations buffer some and has bombed the southern rebels to destroy and spare equipment and there is a few ISIS controlled regions in the eastern desert. And I personally read hat ISIS grows because of no government.
In the November contest Saarenmaa should have won lol, but because of certain events, we preferred to disqualify them
But I really liked their poll, so I decided to make it a poll despite the disqualification
Please vote:
Einswenn, The New Nordic Union, The Champions League, Helisweerde, and 6 othersX Country, Skalliad, Potatopelago, Pacifian, Shodan ia, and Osterlandet
* Unique events every month with card prizes
* Make the “Card” tap in Eurocord more active
* Get a Euro Nation in the top ten international artwork nations in the world
* Glory to Qatar 🇶🇦
Science shows prizes for winning contests makes more people enter said contest.
Main Promise:
To have monthly Events with Card prizes.
1. The 🎍🕌👑 ARAB KINGDOM 👑🕌🎍 of KKoRea
2. The Hindu-Korean Federation of Namsan
Young European Marxist Union Members

Founder: Younger and cooler Marl Karx
Founded: Same day as it was founded
Current Head: head replacement is not medically possible yet
Membership: Young European Marxists under the ages of 100
Ideology: European Marxism
Colours: Mocha (#2736C) and Blush (#FDF1F5)
Anthem: Yemum's a pretty lady
Young European Marxist Union Members [Y.E.M.U.M] is a party within the region of Europe looking to implement global European Marxism. We hope to achieve this by constructing bathrooms worldwide.
We are famous for our Eiffel towers, welfare states, turtles, sweet mums and more European things!
Y.E.M.U.M was founded as a new emerging party that wanted to address the lack of bathrooms.
Y.E.M.U.M is governed by a Toiletist-Socialist council consisting of:
Chairperson - Laver Island current 3rd Commissioner
General Secretary - The New Nordic Union current Undersecretary for Moderation
Janitor Supreme - Thracia and Crimea
Lead Plumber - Potatopelago current 2nd Commissioner
Toilet Paper Procurement Officer - Iskalland
Regional Policies
-Y.E.M.U.M opposes term limits for commissioners - Y.E.M.U.M supports St Scarlett's eternal commissionership to safeguard the toilet revolution!
-Expanding citizenship so that the sweet and amazing and beautiful and smart and incredibly based European Marxist Laver Island can run without changing WA.
-Expanding regional rules to crack down on unironic Fascists and other forms of alt-righters in Europe.
--Y.E.M.U.M supports creating dispatches with information to help combat unconscious biases so that we can create a more inclusive space
-Encourage the Home Office to host more events.
-A Toiletist-Socialist society is always improving
The reactionary forces of the world are increasingly growing in their influence and Nationstates is not immune to it. The party has officially recognised the need to combat reactionaries and bigotry through other means than just electoral participation.
As per the decision of the 1st Party Congress of Y.E.M.U.M, the organisation The Order of the Fortress and Sword of Europe will be merged into Y.E.M.U.M and thus become the party's paramilitary wing.
Y.E.M.U.M's paramilitary wing is led by Field Marshal of the Toiletist-Socialist Workers's Revolution The New Nordic Union.
Observing States
This party is a half-joking party, and accordingly it is not a part of the lore of The Armed States of Skalliad.
I apologize in advance for the broken, bright quotes, but it can't be fixed. The story of the joke began with another European party known as Y.E.M.U.M, created by Laver Island, and this post:
I then joked that I wanted to join the party too, which was ironic since Skalliad is sworn enemies with the communists, also because they assassinated our President. But then I deleted the post. Nevertheless, soon I received a notification that I was added to the party's factbook as its member, and we had a conversation with Laver Island:
Then there was a lot of jokes from a lot of people, which you can find at the RMB. I will just leave the main posts here:
Then, a few days later, war suddenly started:
A short time later, Laver Island quoted another nation:
And it ended with this factbook and the current factbook you're reading right now. But by ending, I mean covering the events in this factbook. In fact, the war has continued further, with many other people joining in and posting their jokes. All of this can be found in the RMB by keywords. But despite that, I'll add a few more jokes here for the history:
Description: | Information: |
The founders of the party: | |
Date of foundation of the party: | 19.06.2024 (Multiverse Standard Calendar) |
The current head of the party: | The head has rolled away from us, unfortunately |
Requirements for joining the party: | What is that!? |
Ideology: | Left-Centrist-Right Bathroomism |
The motto of the party: | Everybody loves the Fat Cats from Wall Street! |
The Y.E.C.A.T party was founded after accusations of Iceagea and the expulsion of Skalliad from the Y.E.M.U.M party, to compete with them.
Our public bathrooms are the best not just in Europe, but in the Multiverse, for the following reasons in particular:
They are individual. From each person 2€, and to each person a public bathroom! This is achieved by building a large number of public bathrooms, and their compact interior design.
They are clean. This is achieved by automatically ventilating public bathrooms, as well as washing and sterilizing all their surfaces after each use. No more stink and no more unpleasant situations thanks to the latest technologies!
They are inclusive. Our public bathrooms do not divide people in any way and are completely universal, suitable for people with disabilities and any gender and age. All people are equal and have the right to use the public bathrooms! Special automatic assistive devices are present for disabled people and children. Oh come on, they are even suitable for aliens!
They are vandal resistant. Some communist decides to come and destroy one of our public bathrooms? That's not a problem! Our latest automatic "Anti-Parasite 3000" system will quickly deal with them and kick them out into the street, and never let them into any other public bathroom again.
They are convenient. Do you have an urgent need to use the public bathroom, and so urgent that you don't even have time to pay for it? That's not a problem either! We have a policy of "Use first, then pay"! But if some communist wants to rob us and not pay, the automatic systems won't let them out and will call the police to charge them a fine.
They are humane. You don't have any money but you need to use the public bathroom? That's not a problem either! Thanks to our newest system, you can borrow three uses by scanning your face at the entrance! Until the debt is paid, you will no longer be able to use our public bathrooms.
They respect your privacy as well as your civil and political rights and freedoms. Unlike the communists, no more public bathrooms roommates and cameras! And no more propaganda! Use our public bathrooms in quiet and with privacy! You can even hide from terrorists and survive a nuclear war inside them!
They help you to monitor your health. Only in our public bathrooms you can automatically and for free get the results of two medical tests that can help you to discover some diseases on time! They are not retained anywhere, and are deleted after viewing, or they can be sent to your device.
You think it's all about public bathrooms? Absolutely not! Our party is committed to the following goals:
The comprehensive support of Europe's leadership.
Defeat of the communists and other radicals in Europe and in the entire Multiverse.
Building of the best public bathrooms throughout Multiverse.
Popularization of the Fat Cats. Who doesn't love them? They're so cute!
Constant improvement of the party by considering suggestions from anyone, including its members and Observer Countries.
The improvement of the living conditions of all people in Europe, especially the poor, by providing humanitarian, legal and monetary assistance, by improving the environment, and by promoting tolerance and diversity.
Join the Y.E.C.A.T today, so that tomorrow we can together strive for a better future!
To join, change your status, or leave the party, please send an official diplomatic telegram here.
1. Iceagea
2. Kronverg
3. Montecrux
4. Parsininsa
5. Skalliad
6. Vurk
7. Waffland
8. Western Balkania
To become an Observer State, to change your status, or to renounce that status, please send an official diplomatic telegram here.
1. Foudina
2. KKoRea
3. Leblancroux
4. New Vardarland
5. Potatopelago
If you are a leader of one of the European parties, to become an official ally of the Y.E.C.A.T party, or to renounce that status, please send an official diplomatic telegram here.
1. The Aristocats Party
2. The Midnight Party
3. The Potato Party
Your Conservative Reformist Choice
The Conservative Reformist Congress (or CRC) is a broad, right-wing party, founded in January 2023. We seek to accommodate people from across the right of the political spectrum, from the centre-right to right.
The Conservative Reformist Congress is a political party that embodies a fusion of conservative principles, republican values, and a strong commitment to regional unity. The party strives to uphold traditional values while fostering an environment of religious freedom and personal responsibility. Emphasizing a robust regional defense, the party aligns with republican ideals of a strong and secure region.
At its core, the party is dedicated to preserving the union, fostering a sense of unity among diverse states and communities. The Conservative Reformist Congress seeks to empower parliamentarian decision-making while maintaining a cohesive regional identity. Through a platform that champions both conservative ideals and the unity of the region, the party aims to provide pragmatic solutions that resonate with a broad spectrum of citizens, fostering a united and prosperous future for the region.
Chairman: Trpezi
Vice-Chairman: Christ
Founder: Trpezi
Founded: January 2023
Membership: 3
Ideology: Conservatism, Social Conservatism, Big-Tent, Republicanism, Unity, Region First
Political Position: Centre-right to right-wing
Color: ■ Yellow, ■ Green
Seats in the Senate: 1/5
Seats in the House of Representatives: 2
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress wants to encourage all residents to engage with regional law-making by writing or amending legislation, voting in elections, debating on the RMB, or becoming part of the government. The Conservative Reformist Congress would like to see all legislation originate in Congress.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress seeks to change the workings of the regional government to give more power to Congress, and rely less on the President when changing legislation or following elections.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress opposes secular bills and standards. A proposed bill should not restrict religious freedom and displace monotheistic religions.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress considers cooperation to be one of the most important aspects. Every monotheistic religion should get along and work together. So that morals and values continue to exist.
■ It is important to the Conservative Reformist Congress that the region is considered first and no other is prioritized.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress wants to maintain traditions and conservatism. Liberal and progressive policies are detrimental to the future and to the faith.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress wants to protect and maintain republicanism at all costs.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress seeks to increase links with other regions and nations, through the World Assembly, the creation of embassies, and interregional organisations.
■ The Conservative Reformist Congress recognises that the WA can come to decisions which individual nations may disagree with, and therefore allows its members to choose whether they would like to be a part of it.
To join the Conservative Reformist Congress, please telegram the Chairman, Trpezi
The Party Chairperson is elected annually. The Vice-Chairperson and any other Party Officials are appointed by the Chairperson.
Senators: 1, Representatives: 2
Nation |
Party Role |
Branch |
Government Position |
Chairman |
Senate |
Senator |
Vice-Chairman |
Government |
Secretary of Home Affairs, |
Member |
House of Representatives |
Representative |

The Forward Europa Party is a new party that was founded on October 21, 2024, with a democratic ideology.
After the emergence of the European centrist party, the Holy Roman Empire (ruled by Emperor Wilhelm II, who had different ideologies from his father) which happened when the parliament held an election to establish a new party (New Future, which has now merged with the Forward Europa party) with the result of 318 votes to 182 (for and against) resulting in the establishment of a new party (specific to the country) called New Future on October 17, 2024. But then the Act on the Establishment of the Forward Europa Party came, causing some parties to merge with Forward Europa, such as New Future, The Communian, Bavaria National, etc.
Economic Policies
The party's basic economic policy is set to be on the lines of capitalism and socialism (the middle path), which will be followed by various laws in the future.
Other Partys Relationship.
YENUM:Because Holy Europe Empire is member of YENUM.


Western Balkania aka Muktir (Founder)
Holy Europe Empire
New Vardarland
Former Members/Observers:
Aresetia (Expelled Due to Scandal Involving Their Alt “Cao Weie”)
Alcrosnia (Now known as Alcrosnia-2 or Alcrosnia-3) (Left Due to Relations with Y.E.C.A.T.)
Deceased Members/Observers:
Nueva gloria
Allied & Endorsed Parties:
Young European Capitalist Alliance Team owned by Skalliad and Iceagea

Observer States:
The Western European Commonwealth
If you are interested in joining, please telegram Calbout, and we’ll add you to the party.
Can Eburia please go back to europe
Over 100% might be overkill. Unless you had a mechanism for those who are in that tax bracket to secure some funds to live off of and then 100% of what remains would be taxed.
Also where can we read the bug book of grudges? In local bookstores near us?
The Western European Commonwealth, Skalliad, Holy Europe Empire, Vurk, and 1 otherShodan ia
I like how you quoted my joke party instead of my real one UVE
Apparently you're EMP now too
«12. . .29,69429,69529,69629,69729,69829,69929,700. . .30,19830,199»