by Max Barry

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Iceagea wrote:It’s cos i’m his favourite :)

Does this mean we’re starting the Iceagea cult?

Leviggo wrote:Does this mean we’re starting the Iceagea cult?

All cults can only be started by the previous cult idol, that would be Nardin.

Iceagea wrote:All cults can only be started by the previous cult idol, that would be [nation]Nardin[nation].

What counts as a flag cult?

Iceagea wrote:All cults can only be started by the previous cult idol, that would be Nardin.

Tomorrow on Tuesday, December 10 will be Neanderthal Appreciation Day, everyone make sure to bring your finest Iceagean flags for the occasion

Laver Island wrote:Nuke the pacific

Nuke the Great Trash Island. They've had it too good for far too long. 💥🗑🏝

Laver Island wrote:Nuke the pacific

So i was bored and decided to make a list:

1. Make puppets and stuff poll ballots.
2. Make dispatches about what you can do in NS
3. upvote this dispatch
4. Play that one cool nationstates vs cards thingy game
5. condemn the black hawks again
6. Try to endorse as many people as you can in one hour
7. Found a region with a puppet and then “raid” it with your region’s military
8. Argue with other people about the best way to ship a dinosaur in a cardboard box
9. Make fun of people in your region for being inactive and then ban them for arguing with you
10. Dismiss all officers and remove the delegate’s power and become a really really unfair tyrannical ruler.
11. Challenge other people
12. Gain the trust of a really large region, then close all embassies.
13. Try to make the most embassies possible and make all your embassies regions think they’re special but really they’re not
14. Make a puppet, and go to the north pacific and demand that you are made an officer there
15. Read people’s dispatches and downvote them all because mine is superior!!!!
16. Avoid the wrath of the mods
17. Eat the south pacific
18. Refound an embarrasing region that no one wanted to be refounded
19. Found a region with a puppet, request embassies with a region that has a lot of embassies, then once someone accepts, ban him and abort construction of embassies.
20. Get more embassies than the dank meme alliance then laugh at them for being bad
21. Try to take over the rejected realms with a single WA nation. It’s hard to do.
22. Mourn spam founder’s loss. R.I.P.
23. Get The frogs republic of kekistan to post on your RMB and then ban him and laugh
24. Create a really big and awesome region like spam, then become god
25. Become god regardless
26. Appease the mods
27. Build a memorial to max barry
29. Make a puppet that is similarly named to a really big and important nation, such as “captain spam puppet” to really get on their nerves.
30. Deny the existamce of god in a really religious region then watch them get triggered, or do the same with a secular region and watch them worship you.
32. Cry because the bar on the corner of every region closed their embassy with you
33. Cry some more because Spam founder is dead
34. Raid a warzone and then establish a communist regime there based on the mickey mouse club house. Or do that with the rejected realms.
35. Insult captain spam because within 9 hours his autistic factbook reached 5th on the dispatch ranking but then he dabs on you because youre just a hater and then the whole universe explodes
36. Make a really bad joke and laugh at the normies who think it’s funny
37. Click the refresh button on this page over and over again so this dispatch seems like it has a lot of reads.
38. Make puppets and upvote your own dispatches
39. Get off your computer, go outside, and stop playing NS for a while
40. NAH. Don’t do that.
41. Take so much time reading this factbook that you didn’t realize that i skipped the number 31.
42. Build up other people’s new regions.
43. Tear them down again because they trusted you too much! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
44. Or don’t do that that’s kinda mean instead just tear down your own region because you are lonely and no one cares.
45. Look at your clock and realize it is midnight…but keep on playing because you haven’t raided the West Pacific.
46. (Telegram me if you really want to know number 31)
47. Shun the non-believers (if you’re an atheist, shun the believers, i guess...)
48. Run out of ideas on what to put in this factbook
49. Stare at the NS home screen while the website server is shut down
50. Make a region composed entirely of your puppets and accidentally raid one of the regions you founded or one of the regions you are in or The Black Hawks.
51. Make a fake knockoff version puppet of some big nation.
52. Make a knockoff puppet of that puppet.
54. Move all your puppets to Graveyard AND WATCH THEM DIE!!!!!

I am currently accepting suggestions for this factbook. Telegram me if you have some.

Read factbook

Ahum, number 17.

Leblancroux wrote:But I really liked their poll, so I decided to make it a poll despite the disqualification

Please vote:

As a highly volcanic land, einswenn is always under eruption threats. But there have been so much done to secure people and cities. While not all the ranges are safe, the urban areas have volcanoes primarily as a touristic attraction and scenery

The more remote lands possess a big danger to anyone who ends up nearby. Also avalanches. Imagine a remote majestic mountain range with smoky red fiery peak and blinding white snow surroundings. That’s beautiful but super deadly 💀

Iceagea wrote:That’s not true. I dislike all people. Get it right.

Finally someone that thinks like me 😌

what is this RolePlay Europe

Dremotia wrote:what is this RolePlay Europe

A region where you can roleplay as your nation/it’s leader (That isn’t actually allowed here (I think))

Nardin wrote:Tomorrow on Tuesday, December 10 will be Neanderthal Appreciation Day, everyone make sure to bring your finest Iceagean flags for the occasion

Ooh, exciting!

Just a little question: When will the regional map re open? Like will it happen any time soon?

Norinsk wrote:Just a little question: When will the regional map re open? Like will it happen any time soon?

i don't think it will

Nardin wrote:Tomorrow on Tuesday, December 10 will be Neanderthal Appreciation Day, everyone make sure to bring your finest Iceagean flags for the occasion

Yes. Iceageamas.

Norinsk wrote:Just a little question: When will the regional map re open? Like will it happen any time soon?

It MIGHT happen in the next few weeks

I forgot my password so i had to go through the whole reset process

KKoRea wrote:It MIGHT happen in the next few weeks

thats a big might

Elisabethshagen wrote:region=roleplay_europe

What's the password?

Yesss! I just can't describe how much negative numbers are evil! But I was successful to pacify them! Hahahaha! Now, I have solid base to simulate political popularity in the Vurk!

Most simplistic approach is giving each thing a percentage, and work with them. But since I have many parties and even political alliances to work with; that would mean editing ALL ELEMENTS just for a single change.

So I thought making point based system, so you can make changes each time. Giving points mean increase in percentage (point/total point = percentage, after all) However, what happens if you deal with negative numbers and zeros?

Now, there is something called "normalisation" I researched about. For example;

I have 3 political party: A, B and C.
A -> -20 points
B -> +30 points
C -> +30 points

Since working with these values, make total amount of points 40, it will give bizzare result of, A having -50% success and both B and C having 75% success'. Which are correct on paper (as their sum equals to 100%) but it is not possible to use for arriving any conclusion.

So I added absolute value of the smallest number. Now:
A -> 0 point
B -> +50 points
C -> +50 points

Now perfectly fine, A is 0%; B and C both are 50%. Now one problem gone. Because that 50% success is their success in one category, typically a wing. Like center-left. So they will share half to half of center-left votes. And even if, in this picture, some party has "0" and due to naturalisation, they get some success, it is technically possible and not out of possibility. After all, worst party sets the minimum amount of "being successful" in a wing.

That meant I had to calculate wings popularities. I have 7 of those, typical political axis (far, mid, center, lefts; center; center, mid, far rights). Similar point approach works. But now, naturalisation doesn't work.

Let's take 3 axis for the example:
K -> -5000 points
L -> +100 points
M -> +150 points

*K -> 0 point
*L -> +5100 points
*M -> +5150 points
Now if we do same naturalisation process, it seems fine, however when we make calculations;
*K -> 0%
*L -> ≈49,26%
*M -> ≈50,73%
That is wrong. Because, M suppoused to have approximately one and half times of L. Then, adding simply 5000 to each option, doesn't work. And if I do that with numbers much higher, values interestigly starts to get close (due to limit, in the mathematics). So, I need to add 5000 according to their weights. Like in a perfect world, if a wing disappears, their all vote potential will be absorbed according to each weights of all remaining wings. (That means adding |min|*[value/sum-of-all-positive-values])
**K -> 0 point
**L -> +2100 points
**M -> +3150 points
That means;
**K -> 0%
**L -> +40%
**M -> +60%
See the ratio?

All these may seem easy on the paper, but when you try to make it in excel, it easily gets confusing.

Now, I don't know where to put luck factor, I am stuck here. Or, does luck factor irrevelant? Because, after all, each points will be gained or lost after each RP move, interaction etc.

However, definetly, some randomisation is required. After all, there are empty votes, there may be people who can't gove vote, or refuse to go vote...

By the way, it turned out, being reasonable and giving opposition parties senseable amount of popularity meant, if Vurkian Managerialist Party goes elections, it can be only a minority government or biggest partner of a coalition. Oh, you can tell that is Achilles heel of a dictator beneveolent, people's leader.

Brelve wrote:What's the password?

We have embassy on RolePlay Europe, you can post there while residing in the main region. It is impossible to join our roleplay region, otherwise.

do yall like the per say festive feeling flag?

Vurk wrote:We have embassy on RolePlay Europe, you can post there while residing in the main region. It is impossible to join our roleplay region, otherwise.

Ah,thanks anyway

What ya'll favorite candy

Slight flag update,also Almond Joy is my favorite

South Sene Xhic wrote:What ya'll favorite candy

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

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