by Max Barry

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Empire of Dogetopia and The fake nation of pingu


The fake nation of pingu

Empire of Dogetopia wrote:I noticed that in the proposed constitution, we are supposed to worship Mr. Peckles. I think this might start a holy war, as most dingoes practice elementalism- the worship of fire, water, air, and the ground. Unless its metaphorical? Like, is it saying that we should all have great respect for Peckles?

I don’t think it will clash as Mr Peckles doesn’t claim to be a god, just a supreme overlord so he probably won’t clash with religion.

Empire of Dogetopia and The fake nation of pingu

Empire of Dogetopia wrote:Speaking of moon colonies, we should have a poll on whether or not we should have a unified space program or a separate one.

I’ll fo that after this poll ends.

Good. With all of these matters settled, I can work on my doomsday device. Which, apparently, I have. Those humans won't know what hit them!

The constitution is finished, and if you’ve got any free time you may be able to help with sending recruitment telegrams, that would be much appreciated!

B.T.W make sure you don’t hit any animals!

I’ve just added the recruitment telegram as a pinned dispatch, just copy and paste.

Sorry, my country is isolationist, so I can't help with recruitment. My people would rather have a small group of allied countries rather than a massive union.

Empire of Dogetopia wrote:Sorry, my country is isolationist, so I can't help with recruitment. My people would rather have a small group of allied countries rather than a massive union.

Ok, it’s not mandatory

The Chicken Overlords government has noticed that Sonia Ander is a rather religious nation-Chicken Overlords has nothing against religion, along as it is compatible with our regional policies, so we would appreciate if you would disclose your main religion(s) to confirm they are compatible with Chicken Overlords' ideology.

Thank you and Regards,
Jacobus, Senior secretary to Mr Peckles

South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos wrote:The Chicken Overlords government has noticed that Sonia Ander is a rather religious nation-Chicken Overlords has nothing against religion, along as it is compatible with our regional policies, so we would appreciate if you would disclose your main religion(s) to confirm they are compatible with Chicken Overlords' ideology.

Thank you and Regards,
Jacobus, Senior secretary to Mr Peckles

Ok sure I will

The fake nation of pingu

Thank you for your attention, Sonia Ander

Jacobus, Senior Secretary to Mr Peckles

Hey guys, I'm nuking Brasilistan, or whatever that country is called. I hope nobody minds a bit of radiation in their airspace...

Utopia of mr peckles

Have you made sure there are no good animals there?

It doesn't matter-Brasiliistsn kidnaps our children and forces them to work in the mines. They are evil humans.

Utopia of mr peckles

Don’t you think nuking them is too good for them-you should kidnap them and make them work in your mines, and if the don’t they get tortured and turned into human nuggets!

The Fer, are sure you clicked the option you ment to on the poll-all of the above includes PATHETIC HUMANS.

It's too late- they're all dead. On the plus side, I can take over their diamond mines and boost my economy!

Weren’t they blown up to? Or are they deep underground?

Empire of Dogetopia wrote:Speaking of moon colonies, we should have a poll on whether or not we should have a unified space program or a separate one.

Poll is up for 1 day, or after everyone in the region has voted.

Not all of the humans are dead-just the ones in the city. The rest have already fled, as their military was in the city when it was deystroyed.

If they are as evil as the other humans, then you can kidnap them and make them work in your mines, and if the don’t they get tortured and turned into human nuggets! As I suggested before.

I caught some of them, but they killed themselves before I could get them to the mines. A quick look around one of their cities revealed anti-Dogetopian propaganda, leading me to believe that the citizens were being brainwashed. They'd rather die than work for me. I didn't see any propaganda against animals in general though, just against my country. Surprisingly, about half of the enemy population consisted of other animals, no doubt traitors to the cause.

I noticed specifically that many dogs, cats, rodents, and birds have joined the humans. They have been deluded, and they think our cause is wrong. I even noticed some chickens on the enemy side! We need to launch a propaganda counter-offensive. I don't have the money to do all of it myself, so I'll need you guys to donate some cash for the operation.

Yes sadly, there are still some bad chickens, mind you very few, there were BILLIONS, well if they side with the humans, they are humans so they will be punished as such.

The fake nation of pingu

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