by Max Barry

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Great Cuban Empire wrote:I would like to thank all of you for my opportunity to make this region the best region out of them all. I vow that to the best of my ability I will care for and listen to all of you. Just know that I was the correct choice in this election.

I love chiken!

-Jewish and Communist regime of the Great Cuban Empire

your welcome

Vuna wrote:you spelled chicken wrong. how dare you! That is quite the insult in this region!....I think so?

It was misspelled to show that I am the superior.

Great Cuban Empire wrote:It was misspelled to show that I am the superior.



I will tell Bruce to give you power. but he doesn't be online a lot...

Hello Chickens!

Great Cuban Empire wrote:It was misspelled to show that I am the superior.

oh that's a weird way of showing your superior..but okay?

Ironlandd wrote:Hello Chickens!


OI where the chicken nuggets?

Central London wrote:hullo

hi hru?

Saskovinra wrote:Chicken


Owlton wrote:OI where the chicken nuggets?

in the fridge.

Ironlandd wrote:hi hru?

hey. I'm doing well. hbu

Canada234 wrote:Olá pessoal


Central London wrote:howdy.

Como posso receber um cargo?

Canada234 wrote:Como posso receber um cargo?

1. Please speak English.

2. no. we just had our delegate elections. another wont happen again till January.

nice to meet you though :)

Canada234 wrote:Como posso receber um cargo?

May I ask do you plan to stay here long term?

Central London wrote:May I ask do you plan to stay here long term?

I plan to

Canada234 wrote:I plan to

I'm making map rn.

what land you want

Central London wrote:I'm making map rn.

what land you want

It can be any one

hey guys, out of interest how did this region come to be the largest on nationstates?

Chicken. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ..

Xen Lovocrousland wrote:hey guys, out of interest how did this region come to be the largest on nationstates?

Xen Lovocrousland wrote:hey guys, out of interest how did this region come to be the largest on nationstates?


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