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Damn, are you writing that? That was very nice
I try my best. This post is close to the one I made about pizza, just changing a little here and there - but once you have created a baseline it is relatively simple to just write and write, besides I have been roleplaying for many years so I am used to it. These days I have less time though, so sometimes I use CharGPT to get a text going, but I often end up changing a lot anyway, as it rarely makes sense.
Another poll has arrived!
What do you think? Does money bring happiness?
So how is everyone doing?
Good and you? (There's a good discussion in the poll)
Yeah I agree it
I am doing great. The poll is 12 and 12 just now, this one is going to be a close one!
I get the tie breaker!
I heard food is quite good at killing the feeling of hunger! 😁
I also heard sleeping is amazing at fixing exhaustion!
I am not a medical expert nor do I claim to be one. Take all my advice with a grain of salt. 👍
Still 12 hours! You never know! It might become a tie again!
New poll people! Time to get going! Sorry for the delay, I forgot that the other poll finished.
Quirrelsit, Vesaed, Verzenos, and Blcan Cor
Apparently other people are thinking the same thing... This poll won't be close like the last ones lol
My region (New Atlantica) just got featured!
Nice! That is awesome!
Found myself
C'mon time travel is super easy all you need to do is go faster than the speed of light and do 10 backflips while eating a hot dog!
I heard you also needed some condiments on the hot dog if you wanted to go back in time lol
Erm excuse me! I am from Australia in the year 2145 actually! Be nice please! Lol
Haha bro
As a region collector I have noticed that if a region name I want is taken it was either founded within the past 10 days or has existed since the dawn of time.
Lodgi, Star Federation, and Okona42
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