by Max Barry

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«12. . .138139140141142143144»

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by a moderator.

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by a moderator.

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by Lodgi.

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by Lodgi.


New year's resolutions everyone?

Star Federation wrote:New year's resolutions everyone?

Hello! I think I arrived late... I was walking ;-;

No ideas... I just want to have some game ideas, draw, maybe complete some factbooks and probably learn the violin?

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by Lodgi.

get me out of this region plesase

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by Lodgi.

Star Federation wrote:New year's resolutions everyone?

sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy

Post by Siyan Sne suppressed by a moderator.

Post self-deleted by Quirrelsit.

Star Federation wrote:New year's resolutions everyone?

First of all, hello, I don't know if I'm allowed to be here but since you posted an invitation in the RMB of The Creeds, I will take the liberty of dropping by like Pedro in his house.

New Year's Resolution? I usually don't think of that, I just figure out what to do throughout the year, but there's some things I would like to do, like mastering my art, get shredded, land a good job, the usual stuff.

Star Federation wrote:New year's resolutions everyone?

Find someone to hangout with irl. I have some friends abroad, but as it is I don't have anyone to do anything in real life at the moment

Bosken State wrote:First of all, hello, I don't know if I'm allowed to be here but since you posted an invitation in the RMB of The Creeds, I will take the liberty of dropping by like Pedro in his house.

New Year's Resolution? I usually don't think of that, I just figure out what to do throughout the year, but there's some things I would like to do, like mastering my art, get shredded, land a good job, the usual stuff.

Fully allowed :)

Star Federation wrote:New year's resolutions everyone?

Get actually good grades in school. I kind of need to knock it out of the park if I want to get into the University degree I want

Ah shoot! The poll ended! But luckily I am here to save the day!
There is a new poll!

Lodgi wrote:Ah shoot! The poll ended! But luckily I am here to save the day!
There is a new poll!

In my opinion. Hot dog is a food where you can put: Ketchup, mustard, sausage, corn, straw potatoes, onion-... [Brazilian voices continue this list]

And finally... Etc.!

Quirrelsit wrote:In my opinion. Hot dog is a food where you can put: Ketchup, mustard, sausage, corn, straw potatoes, onion-... [Brazilian voices continue this list]

And finally... Etc.!

I put tomato sauce, mustard, onion. Australian voice stops because we are boring lol

Sandwich is a broad term. Just because it's not the first thing that comes to your mind it doesn't mean it's not a sandwich. Well, maybe except for the so-called "french hotdog"

HOW! i get acess from NS from a PS3!!!!!!

This can be really strange. But at same time is amazing

Chetlosvakcos wrote:HOW! i get acess from NS from a PS3!!!!!!

Chetlosvakcos wrote:This can be really strange. But at same time is amazing

Like the console?

It is a great honor that our dispatch is pinned.

As the crew gathered around the campfire after a long day of adventuring, Gideon Seawing, the cook, cheerfully handed out rations while the conversation turned to lighter topics.

Thor Gullscry:
"Alright, everyone, settle a debate once and for all—Is a hot dog a sandwich? I say yes. Two slices of bread, something in the middle. It's a sandwich, plain and simple."

Gareth Seabright:
"Thor, it’s not two slices. It’s one bun, usually connected at the base. It’s more like a taco than a sandwich!"

Elara Skyme:
"A taco? Come on, Gareth. A hot dog doesn’t belong with tacos or sandwiches. It’s a hot dog. Its own majestic category—like me gliding through the skies. Unique and unmatched!"

Roderic Gullshield:
clears throat "I believe a hot dog is a sandwich because it aligns with the essence of a protective covering. The bun shields the filling, much like how I shield our group from danger."

Elric Seacrest:
"I admire the logic, Roderic, but as a strategist, I must correct your terminology. A sandwich requires the filling to be encased between separate pieces of bread. The structural integrity of a hot dog does not fit that mold."

Loric Marlin:
yawning "Does it matter? As long as it’s food and it’s easy to eat, I don’t care what you call it. Pass me another one of those fries, Gideon."

Talia Seawatch:
"A hot dog’s not just food—it’s an art form! Beautifully chaotic, just like me in battle. And no, it’s not a sandwich. It’s far too wild to be tamed by sandwich rules."

Liora Gullwing:
"Elegance matters, and a sandwich should have symmetry. A hot dog bun doesn’t qualify. The messiness of a hot dog is unbecoming of a true sandwich."

Isolde Tidemist:
"While I respect both sides of the debate, the tides of opinion flow toward no. The bun is too specialized—it lacks the versatility of a true sandwich. Much like the sea chooses its form, a hot dog chooses to be… itself."

Cassandra Gullflare:
"I feel it in my gut—a hot dog isn’t a sandwich. And my gut never lies, much like my seagull impressions. Want to hear?"

She lets out an impressively sharp seagull screech, which momentarily halts the conversation.

Rowan Shorefeather:
"I’ve observed many meals near the shores. Sandwiches come in pairs—hot dogs do not. It’s their nature."

Gwyneth Mariner:
"Rowan, that’s not entirely fair. I’ve seen plenty of split hot dog buns. But I still think they’re not sandwiches—they belong to the sea of handheld delights!"

Finnian Windgull:
"Let the wind decide! A sandwich holds steady in the breeze; a hot dog flops about. Trust me, I’ve tried eating one while following seagulls!"

Orin Skymaster:
"The wings of the seagull tell me this: A hot dog exists between definitions, much like we exist between land and sky. It’s undefinable."

Gideon Seawing:
grinning "A hot dog isn’t a sandwich. It’s comfort food, plain and simple. And by the way, my hot dogs are always paired with a smile!"

Alaric Shorewing:
"Call it whatever you want, but if you drop one on the shore, the seagulls won’t debate—they’ll claim it as theirs."

Anwen Gullkeeper:
"Perhaps the hot dog’s true nature is elusive, like the spirits I summon. It’s neither sandwich nor not-sandwich. It simply is."

The crew fell into thoughtful silence, only interrupted by the occasional squawk of a nearby seagull. Finally, Thor Gullscry broke the quiet.

"Well, whatever it is, it’s delicious. And I’m having another one. Debate over!"

While the debate was going on, Aethercrest the Hero sat quietly a little away from the group and looked towards the sky in his silent search for their lost god, Minnaia.


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