- 2
Dream for nostalgia
- 1
The I.M.R.C.
- 2
Let that sink in
- 2
The republic of Donka (wiki world styled)
- 1
The geopolitico weekly news (third edition)
- 1
- 4
Settentrionalia’s currency
- 1
a guide on how to worldbuild
- 1
The geopolitico weekly news (2nd edition)
- 1
Wikivideos.com page
- 1
26th president of Settentrionalia, Marka ottcher
- 6
The forum homies
- 4
0.99$ around Inelia (postcards from different capitals of Inelian nations)
- 1
Settentrionalian space administration (S.S.A.)
- 1
The Koncioni initiative (factbook joke for liegalla)
- 1
The 1998 Wi-Fi act proposal
- 2
Settentrionalian music
- 1
The Inelian Security Treaty
- 2
Like this
- 1
The constitution of Settentrionalia