by Max Barry

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by The Merciful and Just Monarch 👑 of Compound Light Microscope. . 254 reads.

UKO Royal Family (Outdated Document)

~Majesty of the Realms-Monarch:
~His Majesty 👑
~King Yusuf Alphonse Spiritus
(Compound Light Microscope)
(Current Monarch)
House of Spiritus-Regalia

Princess of Alexandria:
(Heir to the Throne)
(Daughter to the Monarch)
House of Spiritus

Duke of Emeraldia
Pineapple juice
(Brother of the Monarch)
House of Emeraldia

Duke of Anacovia (Pronounced All-ix-and-dree-yaa)
(Uncle of the Monarch)
House of Anacovia

Duke of Lindeville
Erusea Kingdom
(Knight of the Realm)
House of Linderville

Descriptions of the Royal Houses:

-House of Spiritus-Regalia:
The official house of the monarch. This "house" goes to the current sovereign/monarch. A heir does not receive the "regalia" portion of this house until they are deemed monarch.

-House of Spiritus-
The house of the children/grand-children of the monarch.

-House of Anacovia
The official house for any of the first-cousins of the monarch. This house may also be given to any "uncles" or "aunts" of the monarch.

-House of Emeraldia
The official house for any siblings of the monarch and their descendants. Only the heir will ever claim "House of Spiritus." Any other siblings will be given this "house."

-House of Linderville-
This is the official house for any of the well respected individuals who were granted the privilege of being in the royal family without and direct lineage to the current sovereign/monarch.

In the event that House of Spiritus-Regalia" or the "House of Spiritus" ceases to exist, this is the current line of "House" succession.

House of Spiritus-Regalia
House of Spiritus

House of Emeraldia
House of Anacovia
House of Linderville

The individual (by nation) line of succession is already in order.

Royal Tittle
Here are the official monarchical titles in the royal family.

His Majesty, Majesty of the Realms-Monarch

All tittles after this are listed after regions of Union of the Kind Ones.

Prince/Princess of Alexandria (Pronounced All-ix-and-dree-yaa)
Duke/Duchess of Noverlatia (Pronounced No-Veeerrr-layy-she-a)
Duke/Duchess of Istalgia: (Pronounced: Iss-stelle-gee-a)
Duke/Duchess of Linostrotremburoatia (Pronounced: Lyn-o-stro-trem-berr-o-ay-she-aaa)
Duke/Duchess of Sallenoctotriporatia (Pronounced: Sal-en-knock-toe-trip--o-ray-she-a)
Duke/Duchess of Prognostratia: (Pronounced: Pr-ahh-gg-noo-stray-she-a)
Duke/Duchess of Tarnostroclaptinoctoburg (Pronounced: Tar-no-stro-clap-tin-ahh-k-toe-burg)

Alexandria: Used to describe "Northern" UKO
Noverlatia: Used to describe "Eastern" UKO
Istalgia: Used to describe "Southern" UKO
Linostrotremburoatia: Used to describe "Western" UKO
Sallenoctotriporatia: Used to describe "Central" UKO
Prognostratia: Used to describe "Upper" UKO
Tarnostroclaptinoctoburg: Used to describe "Lower" UKO

(Note: A geographical map of UKO is in the works and this will make sense one day!)

The royal family's duties are...

-To be active in the region
-To act as a figurehead government and to work alongside the parliament and regular government.
-To be a role-model for all nations and to abide by the UKO constitution and its laws.

Additional Rules:

-His Majesty, or the current monarch is in charge of maintaining the royal family.
-Members of the royal family, except for the founder of the region (Compound Light Microscope) is subjected to impeachment of the royal family if found guilty by fair trial of violating any UKO laws.

Issued By:
His Majesty Compound Light Microscope
