by Max Barry

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by The City of Upper Calcutta. . 140 reads.

The Revised Government of India Act, 2018

The Cabinet

Appointment and roles

1.The Prime Minister or WA Delegate has the right to choose a cabinet of ministers from WA nations.
2.The members of the cabinet is collectively responsible to the region, and individually responsible to the Prime Minister.
3.The Cabinet strength and structure is to be decided by the incumbent delegate.

Removal and Dissolution

1.The Prime Minister has the right to remove or shuffle the Cabinet Members.
2.The tenure of the Cabinet ends with the tenure of the delegate as they are appointed by the delegate.

The Founder and Delegate

The Founder/President of India

The Founder shall be the Ceremonial Head of the State and the Guardian to the region.

The Founder have the right to override any elected Delegate if:

1.The Delegate is found to perform illegal activities.(Breaking NS Laws)
2.Delegate becomes a challenge to the Integrity of India.

The Founder may deliver executive functions also if:

1.On advice of the Delegate if He/She may not have enough influence.
2.The Delegate applies for leave.
3.On matters regarding to security of India, on request from the Cabinet.
4.During the election period.

The Founder may not enforce major policy changes during the election period.

The Delegate

The Delegate shall be the Head of the Elected Government of India. All the Cabinet Ministers report directly to the delegate, except The Ministers of Defense may report directly to the Founder, overriding The Delegate on matters regarding Intelligence and security. The Delegate shall co-ordinate, lead and execute the decisions of the Government of India. The Delegate is the representative of India to the outside world, and hence follow a code of Diplomatic conduct. The Delegate is answerable to the region, and The member nations may anytime request The Delegate to reconsider his/her decisions based on a poll. The Delegate is free to pursue his/her Foreign policy, which can be scrutinized by the cabinet. The Delegate shall execute matters regarding Internal Affairs on advice from the Ministers in charge of Internal Affairs.

If a Delegate Ceases to Exist during his/her term or if another Delegate is elected without an official election, the Founder suspends Executive authority of the delegate and hosts fresh elections within 7 days.

Tenure of The Delegate:
The tenure of the Delegate/Prime Minister shall be 150 Days.

The Cabinet Ministers

A member in the cabinet has generally more than one portfolio. They report to the Prime Minister except the Minister of Defence, who can take orders from the Founder.

Vice Delegate

The delegate has the right to appoint any number of Vice Delegates. Their roles include supervision of the Cabinet and smooth running of India, they assist and advice and act on behalf of the Delegate on all matters regarding the region. He is bound by same code of conduct as of the Delegate, and expected to uphold the dignity and integrity of India.

Minister of Home Affairs

The Minster of Home Affairs ensures regional stability and tranquility in the region and in RMB. He ensures that the internal security of India is not threatened by enforcing strict endorsement caps and communicating with members. He watches over the populace for hostile elements, and duly takes action in consultation with Minister of Defense. He also makes sure that fellow WA nations do vote regularly so that the regional power increases. Minister of Home Affairs is free to exercise his border control powers in case of a situation.

Roles: Appearance, Border Control, Communication, Polls

Defense Minister

The Defense Minister is in charge of internal as well as external security of the region. He shall supervise all Cabinet ministers and advise the Founder and Delegate on matters regarding security. The internal security Ministers shall coordinate with MoD. He shall supervise foreign policy, ensuring national interests are not at stake.

Roles: Border Control, Communication

Minister of External Affairs

The Minister of External Affairs conducts foreign relations on behalf of the people of India. He shall be assisted by ample number of Minister of States as necessary. He shall be supervised by the Prime Minister. Him alone may create official puppets to act as ambassadors and should be clearly named accordingly. He should also watch out for potential nations willing to settle in India, and alert and coordinate with Minister of Human Resource Development.

Roles: Border Control, Communication, Embassies

Minister of Human Resource Development

The Minister for HRD is in charge of immigration into India. He should find potential willing nations and make sure that they have a pleasant stay. He is assisted by enough number of Minister of States. Minister of HRD shall actively consult with the Founder,Delegate, and Minister of Defense.

Roles: Border Control, Communication, Polls

Minister of State

MoS is the junior position/entry cadre in the Indian Cabinet. Unlike a cabinet minister they shall focus in one portfolio. There can be any number of MoS at a given time for a portfolio.
MoS portfolios, their names and functions are at the discretion of the Cabinet and WA Delegate.


The Election process can be started by any citizen after 150 days of the Prime Minister's first day in office. At this point any citizen can call for elections by requesting the Founder.

The Founder hosts the Elections

The election period will be 14 days, beginning from the last week of the Tenure of the Incumbent Delegate.

First week is the nomination period, from which day the borders of India shall be closed.

Next week is the election period, upon which the delegate shall be deemed non-executive, and the Government is suspended.


Any minister of the Cabinet with authority over Embassies can accept and send embassy requests.

Guidelines for starting embassies with regions:

Given that any or all of these criteria are met by the region, Embassy requests are accepted if:

1. The region has, at the time of acceptance, at least 4 WA Delegate nations residing
2. The region is a popular hub for regional interactions.
3. The region does not ally with extremist ideologies
4. The region has the exact name of any existing nation or political entity in the real world


Amendments to the Constitution can be made by the Prime Minister at any time.

Official documents such as new legislation have to be prepared by any member of the Cabinet and ratified by the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister and/or Minister of Home Affairs may choose to conduct a poll or referendum on any new law. Only WA nations qualify to vote in referenda.

Citizens are allowed to question each detail of any legislation.

The City of Upper Calcutta

