by Max Barry

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by The United Mangrove Archipelago of Ransium. . 2,286 reads.

Legislative Priorities of Ransium

In the past few months Ransium has switched it's legislative priorities to pick issue responses which attempt to raise the nation's stats in 4 main categories, with the following priorities:
1) Weather
2) Environmental beauty
3) Longevity
4) Tourism

If an issue does not affect any of the following categories generally issues which increase pacifism, civil, and political freedom will be selected although there are some absolutist lines the leadership will not cross. (Note: As of October 10th, 2016 Ransium's government has decided to prioritize weather over environment. In effect when a choice either improves the environment or increases weather, improving weather will be selected. Whether this change is symbolic or those rare choices that improve weather at the expense of the environment will be made remains to be seen.
