by Max Barry

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by Tannerfrankland. . 209 reads.

Overview of TannerFrankLand

Overview of TannerFrankLand

TannerFrankLand is a new republic formed after the collapse of Nalt. TannerFrankLand's economy is strictly regulated and the culture is dominated primarily by the strong belief in Utopism, the official religion of TannerFrankLand. Utopism is a state-worship style monotheistic religion, the believers think the leaders of the Revolution which created TannerFrankLand were sent by God to bring Utopia, and as such they strongly support the ideas of their leaders. TannerFrankLand is a democracy, most laws are directly voted on by citizens. However in a crisis situation the Executive Council has the power to act. TannerFrankLand is was an non-interventionist, pro-strong regulation, and values security and unity over free speech. A controversial aspect is Utopism is the belief in reincarnation creates a racially segregated society, where whites are considered superior to non-whites because of actions in a past-life.

Further Information

More in-depth explanations of some topics are available:
History of TannerFrankLand

