by Max Barry

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by Tannerfrankland. . 211 reads.

History of TannerFrankLand

History of TannerFrankLand

The following is the history of TannerFrankLand's formation and past. It is divided into two stories, the story of how we overthrew our old nation and its dictator, and the story of how our nation was formed from the ashes of the old.
Nalt and the rise and fall of Abelinda

Nalt was an old Nation in The East Pacific, the nation was a deeply religious Christian nation. The first female President, Abelinda was elected for two consecutive terms. She was a civil rights leader prior to her Presidency, and fought the Christian Church on many issues through her Presidency. She also slashed budgets and regulations in order to decrease taxes and boost the economy. Her third major policy was one of interventionism: in order to prevent civil rights abuses abroad, she frequently deployed the military, making Nalt many enemies. Nevertheless, she was a charismatic and charming person, she was considered very popular during her two terms, and campaigned to be allowed to continue her rule past the two-term limit, the result was a referendum abandoning elections and allowing Abelinda to continue her reign.

Several years after the end of elections in Nalt, the economy took a severe dive. Deregulation of banks had caused riskier loans to be given, and more suppliers to start up than the market would normally allow, causing overproduction and price drops. The price drops lowered revenues and the suppliers that took out loans could not repay, causing the banking system to collapse. This caused a wave of opposition, most notable was the glorious hero Ville Corvis. Corvis argued the cause of the recent disaster was weak leadership of Abelinda and immoral beahaviour of Abelinda's followers. Ville Corvis advocated strong government control on most things, returning to a moral and conservative past. He was imprisoned for his opposition, but his message still spread.

As Corvisians gained power their raids and ambushes not only became more often, they infiltrated Abelinda's forces. In the final months of Abelinda's reign her right-hand man, leader of military died of natural causes. The next in line to lead the military was Tanner Franklin, unknown to Abelinda, Franklin was actually one of Corvis' most loyal supporters. Franklin used his position of power to enact a secret plan, freeing Corvis and hustling him into hiding as Abelinda investigated the escape Franklin announced his desertion and revolt, and encouraged members of the military to follow him in the Great Desertion. This began the Naltan Civil War. Franklin lead the civil war, fighting Abelinda's forces brutally. Ville Corvis continued the public relations war, spreading anti-Abelinda messages and gaining support and recruits for Franklin's army. Alex Corvis, son of Ville Corvis, formed the third and crucial part of the resistance. Alex Corvis left the country immediately after the great defection to gather international support for Franklin's army. These allies invaded and overwhelmed Abelinda's forces after months of fighting and Franklin was able to capture the former ruler.

The New Republic, A New Hope

Nalt's supreme ruler having been defeated, the leaders of the Revolution now had much to decide. First, the nation's name was changed. Nalt had, during the years of Abelinda's rule, become remarkably unpopular abroad, and a new name would signal to everyone within and outside the nation a new era. Both Ville and Alex Corvis supported the name TannerFrankLand in honour of Tanner Franklin, the greatest general to ever lead the nation's forces and the public agreed.

The New Republic was formed as the region's government, the government is structured as a republican democracy. The Executive Council is an elected body of three that administrates the government's programs and departments and also has the power to make decisions if a crisis arises. Other than in crisis situations where time is of the essence, all legislating and policy making is done by the people who sign petitions to get laws on the ballot and then the voters vote the proposal into law or down.

Abelinda's catastrophic failure as leader of Nalt has caused a major backlash in TannerFrankLand's citizenry. The non-religious trend growing in Nalt has been crushed, the immorality is one of the reasons most believe the economic problems came to Nalt in the first place. Utopism is the fastest growing and official religion, though Christianity is still practiced from the days of Nalt prior to Abelinda. Utopism is a monotheistic religion, it was formed by a small group following the great desertion when the civil war in Nalt began, the basic tenets are that God sent the Triad (Ville Corvis, Tanner Franklin, and Alex Corvis) to earth to bring Utopia, and that the government they formed shall eventually meet this goal. Utopism has very strict family values and decency standards. Though this, and though the fear that allowing people a great deal of civil or economic freedoms as Abelinda did, would end in the same result as Abelinda's a large majority of TannerFrankLand's citizens support the conservative agenda of TannerFrankLand's Executive Council.

The Flag of TannerFrankLand was the last major change. The Heartagram has been designed to represent TannerFrankLand. The Heartagram is an inverted pentagram with the top two points rounded to resemble a heart. The rounded corners represent the peaceful and diplomacy that Alex Corvis brings to the Triad. The points represent the military strength and swift and lethal law and order Tanner Franklin brings to the Triad, and the straight bars represent the clear intellectual and moral leadership Ville Corvis brings to the Triad. The black background of the flag represents the dark past of TannerFrankLand, and the bright red colour of the heartagram represents the brightness that the Triad shall bring (it grows brighter towards the top left of the heartagram from the bottom right) and also the blood that had to be spilled and will have to be spilled to reach the goal of Utopism.

