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Royal Arrest in Capital City
Yesterday, Princess Machi, of Bigtopia, was arrested in the capital city of N27, even though she had diplomatic immunity, The N27 Government has removed it and arrested her with a charge of the murder of Princess Mog, of the N27 royal family. The Bigtopian government has asked for Princess Machi to be returned to Bigtopian soil, but King Monk had refused, and as a warning, King Monk fired ten short range missiles into the Bigtopian city outskirts.The Bigtopian Government has withdrawn all troops from all Bigtopian Embassies, and because of the strengthy warning attack, they have decided to get her back by other means. The penalty for murder in N27 is death by electric chair, and the Bigtopian Royal Family has no exception. Princess Machi will be executed on the 7th of March, 2015.
UPDATE: The Bigtopian Government had spies within the N27 Government, unknown to the N27 Government. They have captured Princess Margei and refuse to give her back unless the government releases Princess Machi. The N27 government has spoken officially, saying that it will not give in to blackmail, and that Princess Margei will be found, and if the Bigtopian Government does anything to her, or delcares war, King Monk has said that he will blow Bigtopia off the map.
UPDATE: Princess Margei was recovered alive and well, with the N27 Government still holding Princess Machi captive. Her execution will happen today at 9am.
UPDATE: Princess Machi was executed today at 9am as specified, and the Bigtopian Government is madder than a mackrel, and had launched a war upon N27, however, before any troops or missiles could reach N27. King Monk was true to word, and has blown Bigtopia off the map. Queen Patille was found alive and was taken captive. she is now in the most secure prison in N27 with over 25,000 guards to stop her escaping.