by Max Barry

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by The Hive Mind of Testlandia. . 161,479 reads.

The Complete List of NSCodes

These BBCode-like tags can be used in Dispatches, Telegrams, Regional Message Board (RMB) posts, Regional World Factbook Entries (WFEs), and World Assembly proposals. Not all tags are valid for all message types: see below.

Bold, Italic, Underline
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: b, i, u

I [b]really[/b] like text that [i]makes a point[/i], you [u]know[/u]?
I really like text that makes a point, you know?

Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript
Valid: Everywhere
Tags: strike, sub, sup

I [strike]like[/strike] [sub]love[/sub] love [sup]love[/sup] this region!
I like love love love this region!

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: nation
Shortcut: @
Options: long, noflag, noname

I am [nation]Testlandia[/nation]. Or, to use my full name, [nation=long]Testlandia[/nation]. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me [nation=noflag]Testlandia[/nation] or [nation=long+noflag]Testlandia[/nation]. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: [nation=noname]Testlandia[/nation]
I am Testlandia. Or, to use my full name, The Hive Mind of Testlandia. If you prefer to omit flags, you can call me Testlandia or The Hive Mind of Testlandia. In dispatches (only), I can be a mere flag: Testlandia

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a nation name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: region
Shortcut: @

[region]The Pacific[/region] was the very first region in the world.
The Pacific was the very first region in the world.

(Tip: When writing a post or dispatch, hit "@" and begin typing a region name for an auto-completing shortcut.)

World Assembly Proposal
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: proposal
Option: proposal ID

Please support [proposal=separatist_peoples_1416233457]my proposal[/proposal]!
Please support my proposal!

World Assembly Resolution
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: resolution
Option: council ID (GA, SC, or UN)#resolution ID

The foundation of modern WA legislation is [resolution=GA#2]the Rights and Duties law[/resolution].
The foundation of modern WA legislation is the Rights and Duties law.

Valid: Everywhere
Tag: spoiler
Options: text to display on button


[spoiler=Try this one, too!]Boo!![/spoiler]

Valid for links: Everywhere
Valid for other sites: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: url
Options: URL

Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is [url=]Max Barry[/url]?
Did you know the guy who wrote NationStates is LinkMax Barry?

A lot of people live in [url=]the forums[/url]!
A lot of people live in the forums!

You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this:
You can actually omit the [url] tag for full URLs, like this: page=faq.

But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know [url=]this link leads to the FAQ[/url].
But it's usually most helpful to provide descriptive text, so people know this link leads to the FAQ.

Valid: Everywhere
Tags: list, *
Options: 1, a, i, A, I

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

[list=1][*]A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:
[list=i][*]"1" is 1, 2, 3...
[*]"i" is i, ii, iii...
[*]"a" is a, b, c...[/list]
[*]And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...[/list]
  1. A more complicated list, which contains a nested list:

    1. "1" is 1, 2, 3...

    2. "i" is i, ii, iii...

    3. "a" is a, b, c...

  2. And the above can be capitalized, for A, B, C... and I, II, III...

Unformatted text
Valid: Everywhere
Tag: pre

[pre]You bold like [b]this[/b]![/pre]

You bold like [b]this[/b]!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: size

Sometimes you want [size=150]big text[/size] but other times only [size=90]small text[/size] will do.
Sometimes you want big text, but other times only small text will do.

Valid: Dispatches, WFEs
Tag: color
Alternative name: colour
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

I [color=red]love[/color] a little [colour=#FF9900]color[/colour].
I love a little color.

Valid: RMBs
Tag: quote
Options: name of author;post ID

[quote=testlandia;4970610]It's an outrage![/quote]
Testlandia wrote:It's an outrage!

Background color
Valid: Dispatches
Tags: background, background-block
Options: name or hexidecimal code of color

Backgrounds can be applied to [background=yellow]highlight a few words[/background].
Backgrounds can be applied to highlight a few words.

[background-block=yellow]Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.[/background-block]
Backgrounds can also be applied at the paragraph level, which is especially noticeable...

...when it flows over multiple lines.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: font
Options: name of font(s), in order of preference

[font=Courier]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

[font=Times New Roman, Arial, sans]What a beautiful font![/font]
What a beautiful font!

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: align
Alternative names: center, centre
Options: left, right, center, justify

[align=center]Centered text.[/align]
Centered text.

[align=right]Right-justified text.[/align]
Right-justified text.

[centre]This is also centred, especially if you're British.[/centre]
This is also centred, especially if you're British.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: img
Options: view (standout, shadow, border)


You can also set some visual options:

[img view="shadow"][/img]

[img view="standout"][/img]

[img view="standout border shadow"][/img]

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: float
Options: left, right

Images float on either side of this text.

Images float on either side of this text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: box

[box]A pretty box.[/box]
(You're looking at it. Sadly, boxes cannot contain other boxes.)

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: sidebar

[sidebar]Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).[/sidebar]
Sidebars are very similar to box + float-right, but don't stretch across the whole screen (except on mobile devices).

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: tab
Option: number of pixels to indent

[tab=100]Some indented text[/tab].
Some indented text.

Valid: Dispatches
Tag: anchor
Option: name of anchor (no spaces or punctuation!)

[anchor=JUMPHERE][/anchor]Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to [url=#JUMPHERE]my anchor[/url].
Useful for tables of contents.
Jump to my anchor.

Valid: Dispatches
Tags: table, tr (table row), td (table cell)
Options: plain

[table][tr][td]A table's first row looks different[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Second row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Third row[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!
See?[/td][td]Next cell[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hovering over a row highlights it[/td][td]Not bad, eh?[/td][/tr]

A table's first row looks different

Next cell

Second row

Next cell

Third row

Next cell

Fourth row, which goes on at some length about nothing. It also has a line break in it. Here it comes. Ready? Okay!! Here it is!!


Next cell

Hovering over a row highlights it

Not bad, eh?

[tr][td]Table type:[/td][td]Plain[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Excitement level:[/td][td]Low[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Usefulness for formatting:[/td][td]High[/td][/tr]

Table type:




Excitement level:


Usefulness for formatting:


The Hive Mind of Testlandia

