Dispatch → Factbook → Legislation
Continuity of Government Act (2024)
I. 'Incapacitated' is defined by this act as "unable or unwilling to executed the duties required of the role the individual has been invested with."
II. 'Temporary' is the context of assuming a role an individual has not been elected or appointed to, is defined as "the duration of the time it takes for the rightful holder of that office to return to competency to hold that office."
III. 'Competent' is defined as "Being able to undertake the expected duties of an office or role to which an individual has been assigned or elected."
I. This act may be invoked for the following offices:
- The Head-of-State
- The Head-of-Government
- The President of the Senate
- The Speaker of the House
II. This act may be invoked to:
a. Temporarily remove an individual from office,
b. Permanently remove an individual from office.
III. The Head-of-State can be removed through their own volition, medical incompetence (i.e. under-going a surgical procedure, unconscious). They may also be removed by the persons listed in Section 1 - Subsection I for reasons not in debate (i.e. Death, Medically unfit) and may not be the result of a vote of no confidence.
IV. All other positions can be removed through their own volition, medical incompetence such as reasons listed above. They may also be removed by the persons listed in Section 1 - Subsection 1 for the same reasons, or by a vote of no confidence.
V. A vote-of-no-confidence for the Head-of-Government is to be conducted by the Cabinet, consisting of the Federal Cabinet Secretaries, and the Deputy Prime Minister. For passage, this vote must have a majority of 70% in favour of removing the Head-of-Government. It must also be voted on by the Cabinet if the removal is permanent or temporary, and if temporary, what terms must be met to restore the Head-of-Government to their former position.
VI. Once a vote-of-no-confidence has been passed by the Cabinet, the State Governors and the Monarch must convene to discuss the instability of the government, summoning the individual responsible for becoming the "Acting Head-of-Government", before delivering the removal notice to the Head-of-Government.
VII. In the event a vote-of-no-confidence is permanent, the Acting Head-of-Government shall govern for the amount of time it takes to hold elections, and for a new Head-of-Government to be elected and sworn in.
VIII. In the event a vote-of-no-confidence is permanent, the Acting Head-of-Government shall govern for the amount of time it takes for the Cabinet to be satisfied that the Head-of-Government can return to their elected role. A vote shall be held once a fortnight to ensure this occurs, and requires a simple 50% majority in favour for the Head-of-Government to return to their elected role.
IX. A vote-of-no-confidence can be introduced for the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, or any of the High Court judges in a similar way to the Head-of-Government, however the vote must be initiated by their peers. For example, the Speaker of the House would be voted on by the Congress and the President of the Senate by the Senate.
I. The Head-of-State, as per the constitution, is the Monarch, otherwise called the King or the Queen.
II. In the event that the Head-of-State, for whatever reason, is unable to discharge his, her or their duties as Monarch, the following list of people shall step in to represent them as Regent until such time as they are able to return to power. This list is comprehensive and is to be followed in order, if multiple members on the list are incapacitated, the next name must be selected, until the highest-ranking person is found who is able to rule as Regent, and is fit to represent the Monarch.
Title or Position | Position in the Line of Succession |
King-Consort/Queen-Consort | 1 |
Crown Prince/Princess | 2 |
Any legitimate children by the Monarch, in order of age | 3 |
Any siblings the Monarch has, in order of age. | 4 |
The Duke/Duchess of Pragia | 5 |
The Duke/Duchess of Atlantia | 6 |
The Duke/Duchess of Dilonaise | 7 |
The Duke/Duchess of Nilhaine | 8 |
The Duke/Duchess of Londone | 9 |
The Duke/Duchess of Lockthorne | 10 |
The Deputy Prime Minister | 11 |
Federal Secretary of State for Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs | 12 |
I. The Head-of-Government, as per the constitution, shall be the Prime Minister.
II. In the event that the Head-of-Government, for whatever reason, is unable to discharge his, her or their duties as Prime Minister, the following list of people shall step in to represent them as Acting Prime Minister until such time as they are able to return to power. This list is comprehensive and is to be followed in order, if multiple members on the list are incapacitated, the next name must be selected, until the highest-ranking person is found and able to rule as Acting Prime Minister.
Title or Position | Position in the Line of Succession |
Deputy Prime Minister | 1 |
Federal Secretary of State for Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs | 2 |
Federal Secretary for Health and the Environment | 3 |
Federal Secretary for Education | 4 |
Federal Secretary for the Treasury | 5 |
Federal Secretary for Defence | 6 |
Federal Secretary for Justice | 7 |
Attorney General | 8 |
The President of the Senate | 9 |
The Speaker of the House | 10 |
I. The President of the Senate shall herein be referred to as President.
II. In the event that the President, for whatever reason, is unable to discharge his, her or their duties as President, the following list of people shall step in to represent them as Acting President until such time as they are able to return to power. This list is comprehensive and is to be followed in order, if multiple members on the list are incapacitated, the next name must be selected, until the highest-ranking person is found and able to rule as Acting President.
Title or Position | Position in the Line of Succession |
Senators from the President's Party, in order of Senate tenure. If there is a tie, the Governors shall decide. | 1 |
The Deputy Speaker of the House, if politically aligned with the President's party. | 2 |
Senators from outside the President's party, in order of Senate Tenure. If there is a tie, the Governors shall decide. | 3 |
I. The Speaker of the House shall be referred to as the Speaker.
II. In the event that the Speaker, for whatever reason, is unable to discharge his, her or their duties as Speaker, the following list of people shall step in to represent them as Acting Speaker until such time as they are able to return to power. This list is comprehensive and is to be followed in order, if multiple members on the list are incapacitated, the next name must be selected, until the highest-ranking person is found and able to rule as Acting Speaker.
Title or Position | Position in the Line of Succession |
The Deputy Speaker of the House. | 1 |
The Shadow Speaker of the House. | 2 |
Congressional Members of the House, in order of tenure, political alignment with the Speaker, and in the event of a tie, the Prime Minister shall break that tie. | 3 |
I. In the event that the entirety of the government is incapacitation for any reason as precipitates the lack of any governing authority, the Regional Authority of United Kingdom, in conjunction with the World Assembly shall intervene to oversee basic functions of government until an election is completed for ten individuals (one Prime Minister and two accompanying members of parliament, three Governors, two senators, two congress officials) to ensure the government is functional.
II. In the event that any government member is incapacitated in suspicious circumstances involving any member of the line of succession, that member shall not be eligible to inherit the role until they have been cleared by the N27 Police Force.