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TNPV LI : The Results!
[background-block=#800020] [hr] [align=right][color=#ffffff][i]Warning! This Dispatch might look distorted on mobile or smaller tablets.[/i][/color][color=#800020]. ...........................[/color][color=#ffffff][size=150][b]PLEASE UPVOTE THE DISPATCH HERE ^[/b][/size][/align][/color] [color=#ffffff][hr][/color] [/background-block] [background-block=#ffffff] [anchor=top][/anchor][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/25nJLcxH/Beetter-top-banner.png[/img] [/center][/background-block] [center][i]For historical information about The North Pacific Vision, check our [url=https://sites.google.com/view/tnpv/welcome][b]official website[/b][/url][/i][/center] [background-block=#800020][size=200][color=#ffffff][b][center]Finals COMMENCE![/center][/b][/color][/size][/background-block][hr] [box] [i]The crowd of thousands is watching in silence. Chad Chadley II and Stevie Sottings still haven't arrived. Meanwhile, all away across the country, sitting patiently in Lucaton Stadium...[/i] [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: ([i]stroking his cartoonishly long beard after waiting for a week[/i]) My goodness sir, when will the semifinals begin? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: ([i]Also stroking his long beard[/i]) Well, my schedule says that the semifinals stage should be over by now... let me check it again on my phone. [i]Chad Chadley II pulls out his iPhone 2 from his beard.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Aw man, it's out of battery. Wait, look Stevie! A messenger pigeon! [i]Some thoughtful TNPV official decided to send a messenger pigeon, and after two days of flying, it has finally reached Lucaton stadium, where the two are sitting. Stevie reads the small parchment while Chad Chadley strokes the tired pigeon.[/i] [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: Sir, the grand finals are already starting in Mesvice City! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: WHAT!? This can't be happening! I already missed TNPV XLIII; I can't miss this one! [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: There's no way we can make it across the country in time. The message says they'll get Nyar Nilsogg again to host, as well as Berto Sinpatton. Hey, he was in the movie series [i]The Dusk Story[/i]! I love the movies! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: No Stevie, we must get to Mesvice City. We need to be there. For Mesvice. For the North Pacific. For the ENTIRETY OF THE PACIFICS! [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: I don't mean to be the spoil sport, but we can't possibly get to the other side of Mesvice in less than an hour! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: ([i]Smiling mischievously[/i]) Oh, I know how we can get there. [i]Later...[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: And here it is! [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: It's a... helicopter. [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Yes! In fact, this was the helicopter I was going to jump out of in TNPV XLIII! This was the stadium I was practising in! [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: That's nice and all, sir, but a helicopter isn't fast enough! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: If this was a regular helicopter, yes, but this [b]isn't[/b] one! [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: Wha- what do you mean? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: See those rockets beside it? [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: Please sir... you can't seriously... [i]It has been almost an hour since the dynamic duo were meant to arrive, so the TNPV officials from [nation=noflag]Ethnon[/nation], [nation=noflag]Ihese[/nation] and [nation=noflag]Anne of Cleves in TNP[/nation] are telling Nyar and Berto what to do.[/i] [b]Ihesian Official[/b]: Alright Berto, you just walk up and give a brief introduction, then we'll have the flag parade. [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Alright... do I have to memorise anything? [b]Ihesian Official[/b]: Well, you're meant to have a script prepared, but Chad Chadley II has a famous history of improvising on the spot... just don't overdo anything, capiche? [b]Nyar Nilsogg[/b]: Alright Berto, let's do thi- wait, what's that? [i]They all look up into the night sky. You can see a helicopter with giant trails of smoke behind. You can hear screaming from it.[/i] [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: SIR! HOW ARE WE MEANT TO GET OFF? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Shut up and jump when I tell you to. You have your parachute, right? [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: WE HAD PARACHUTES?! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Correct answer, we have none. [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: WHAT!? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Stevie, quiet! One the count of three, JUMP! One... two... THREE! [i]The duo jump off with no parachute. The whole stadium gasps. Many people look away, in fear of seeing a very tragic event.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: WE NEED TO FALL INTO THE RIVER! [i]However, due to the high speeds they are falling at, their bulged eardrums and the doppler affect effecting Chadley's speech, Stevie Sottings doesn't hear anything. So instead, Chad Chadley II grabs Stevie and directs themselves to the river. Now they can communicate with each other.[/i] [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: SIR! WE CAN'T SURVIVE THIS, EVEN INTO WATER! [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: RELAX! I HAVE A BACK-UP. WATCH THIS! [i]Chad Chadley II proceeds to pull out a secret pcoket parachute from his pocket. This doesn't curb their speed entirely, but enough so when they land into the river with a giant splash, they are relatively unharmed. Call it a[/i] deus ex machina[i], but I seriously can't remove the leader of Mesvice and his most trusted advisor, Stevie Sottings, just for this.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: [i](Absolutely wet, but as jovial as ever, walking out of the river)[/i] Whew! Thank god I decided to build a manmade river there! How are you, Stevie? [b]Stevie Sottings[/b]: [i](Following Chad out of the river)[/i] Get Berto to host with you, I need to recover... [i]Stevie Sottings faints as a huge crowd have decided to see what is going on.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Please, no photos. Get me into the stadium, PRONTO! [i]A few minutes later, Chad Chadley II walks onto the stage, with Berto Sinpatton as Co-Host.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Thank you all for being so patient! Stevie and I had a few difficulties getting here, and Stevie can't be here today, so please welcome the actor [b]BERTO SINPATTON[/b]! [i]The crowd goes wild.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Yes, the actor from the famed movie series [i] The Dusk Story[/i], as well as appearing in movies like [i]The Flittermouse Guy[/i], [i]Hydration for Hyraxes[/i], [i]The Forgotten Town of A[/i], [i]Dogma[/i] and many more! [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Yes, and please make sure you check out my movie that's coming out next year, [i]Donald 18[/i]! [i]The crowd goes wild again for no reason, except that he is Berto Sinpatton. In particular, the Funlandians really cheer for Berto Sinpatton.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Enough dawdling! Berto! Please do the honours! [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Thank you Chad Chadley II! Without further ado, the [b]FLAG PARADE[/b]! [i]The crowd goes hysterical. There will never be another event in Mesvicean history where the noise reaches the level of this. Thankfully, the stadium is so reinforced, it barely moves.[/i] [background-block=#800020] [align=right][centre][color=#ffffff][size=230][b]The Flag Parade![/b][/size] [size=80](Not really, more like musical artist parade)[/size][/align][/color][/centre] [/background-block] [centre] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/xC9WFkZZ/Animu-Place.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvB48s8S/Anne-of-Cleves.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/CKpykrsS/Bir-Matras.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/vBXpRYFZ/CBMBC.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/636mfk2J/Ethnon.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/1zsCykKn/Germanic-Cat.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qvfD5hhG/Greater-Portugaliza.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W39fW5gD/Ihese.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/JngS7Tnf/Izern.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Ls9cxYwb/Jughru.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/bwTMSYrH/Luminerra.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/50Hkrw3n/Marlducro.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4xZq3Hfx/Mesvice.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/q7D5Qm8N/Name-0.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/TwZHvpNG/New-Cordyceps.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/FsXnPkJV/Parouty.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/GtKYJfyN/Petronellania.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3r1DqPkf/radio-of-cousco.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/m2TyzYHJ/Rettverborg.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Jh0Tyb9M/Singaporen-Empire.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/g0hZBjh3/TLOFF.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/SNwQ1rft/Wrangler-Island.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/hG0SjqWH/Wrangleria.png[/img] [/centre][/box] [box] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: We decided to make the flag parade more minimalistic, inspired off Ihese's TNPV before this. We tried to represent the flags by the colour of the text boxes, but it's rather subtle and nations change their flags all the time. So we would like some feedback on whether it should stay minimalistic, or we should return to our old designs. [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Uhh... yeah. Please do, we'd appreciate it. [i]A man runs up to the stage and whispers something into both their ears.[/i] [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: The votes are in already? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Neat! Let the machines do their work! [i]It takes roughly thirty seconds before another man hurries back onto the stage.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Yes Ben? Ah, the votes are in? Good. [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Alright, let's commence the ceremony! [i]From the VIP crowd, Stevie Sottings sighs in relief. TNPV LI is saved from Chad Chadley II's dad jokes once more.[/i] [/box] [box] [background-block=#800020] [align=right][centre][color=#ffffff][size=230][b]Votes![/b][/size][/align][/color][/centre] [/background-block] [centre] [colour=red]Red[/colour] nations mean they were disqualified. [spoiler=Jughru's votes] [b]12 points[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]10 points[/b] - Germanic Cat [b]8 points[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]7 points[/b] - Free State of Wrangler Island [b]6 points[/b] - Luminerra [b]5 points[/b] - Petronellania [b]4 points[/b] - Animu Place [colour=red][b]3 points[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]2 points[/b] - Izern [b]1 point[/b] - Ethnon [b]R1[/b] - Wrangleria [b]R2[/b] - Communist Beijing Must be China [b]R3[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]R4[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R5[/b] - Rettverborg[/spoiler] [spoiler=Luminerra's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Mesvice [b]10 points[/b] Parouty [b]8 points[/b] TheLandofFunFunFun [b]7 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]6 points[/b] Germanic Cat [colour=red][b]5 points[/b] Marlducro[/colour] [b]4 points[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]3 points[/b] - Jughru [b]2 points[/b] Free State Of Wrangler Island [b]1 point[/b] Radio of cousco [b]R1[/b] - Ihese [b]R2[/b] - Communist Beijing Must be China [b]R3[/b] - Animu Place [b]R4[/b] - Ethnon [b]R5[/b] - Wrangleria[/spoiler] [spoiler=Izern's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]10 points[/b] Parouty [b]8 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]7 points[/b] Ihese [b]6 points[/b] Mesvice [b]5 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]4 points[/b] Animu Place [b]3 points[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]2 points[/b] Petronellania [b]1 point[/b] Communist Beijing Must Be China [b]R1[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]R2[/b] - Ethnon [colour=red][b]R3[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R4[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]R5[/b] - Wrangleria[/spoiler] [spoiler=Radio of cousco's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]10 points[/b] Germanic Cat [colour=red][b]8 points[/b] - Malducro[/colour] [b]7 points[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]6 points[/b] Bir Matras [b]5 points[/b] Mesvice [b]4 points[/b] Ihese [b]3 points [/b]- Animu Place [b]2 points [/b] Petronellania [b]1 point[/b] Ethnon [b]R1[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R2[/b] - Free state of Wrangler Island [b]R3[/b] - Izern [b]R4[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]R5[/b] - Jughru[/spoiler] [spoiler=Mesvice's votes] [b]12 Points[/b]: TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]10 Points[/b]: Anne of Cleves in TNP [color=red][b]8 Points[/b]: Marlducro[/color] [b]7 Points[/b]: Ethnon [b]6 Points[/b]: Ihese [b]5 Points[/b]: Singaporen Empire [b]4 Points[/b]: Wrangleria [b]3 Points[/b]: Luminerra [b]2 Points[/b]: Animu Place [b]1 Point[/b]: Parouty [b]R1[/b]: Jughru [b]R2[/b]: New Cordyceps [b]R3[/b]: Greater Portugaliza [b]R4[/b]: Petronellania [b]R5[/b]: Izern[/spoiler] [spoiler=TheLandOfFunFunFun's votes] [b]12 Points[/b] Mesvice [b]10 Points[/b] Parouty [b]8 Points[/b] Animu Place [b]7 Points[/b] Rettverborg [b]6 Points[/b] Ethnon [b]5 Points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [colour=red][b]4 Points[/b] Marlducro [/colour] [b]3 Points[/b] Wrangleria [b]2 Points[/b] Name 0 [b]1 Point[/b] Petronellania [b]R1[/b]: Luminerra [b]R2[/b]: Ihese [b]R3[/b]: New Cordyceps [b]R4[/b]: Izern [b]R5[/b]: Singaporen Empire[/spoiler] [spoiler=Petronellania's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Ihese [b]10 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]8 points[/b] Mesvice [b]7 points[/b] New Cordyceps [b]6 points[/b] Ethnon [b]5 points[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]4 points[/b] Animu Place [b]3 points [/b]- Sir Matras [b]2 points[/b] Luminerra [b]1 point[/b] Germanic Cat [colour=red][b]R1[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R2[/b] - Jughru [b]R3[/b] - Name 0 [b]R4[/b] - Radio of cousco [b]R5[/b] - Rettverborg[/spoiler] [spoiler=Ihese's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Free State of Wrangler Island [b]10 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]8 points[/b] Luminerra [b]7 points[/b] Wrangleria [b]6 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]5 points[/b] Radio of cousco [b]4 points[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]3 points[/b] - Parouty [b]2 points[/b] Jughru [colour=red][b]1 point[/b] Marlducro[/colour] [b]R1[/b] - Animu Place [b]R2[/b] - Name 0 (WA account) [b]R3[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R4[/b] - Ethnon [b]R5[/b] - Bir Martras[/spoiler] [spoiler=Parouty's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Wrangleria [b]10 points[/b] Communist Beijing Must be China [colour=red][b]8 points[/b] Marlducro[/colour] [b]7 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]6 points[/b] Ethnon [b]5 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]4 points [/b] Rettverborg [b]3 points[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]2 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]1 point[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]R1[/b] - Free State Of Wrangler Island [b]R2[/b] - Bir Matras [b]R3[/b] - Name 0 [b]R4[/b] - Animu Place [b]R5[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun[/spoiler] [spoiler=Germanic Cat's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Ihese [b]10 points[/b] Bir Matras [b]8 points[/b] Free State of Wrangler Island [b]7 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]6 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]5 points[/b] Name 0 [b]4 points[/b] Rettverborg [b]3 points[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]2 points[/b] Izern [b]1 point[/b] Radio of cousco [b]R1[/b] - Parouty [b]R2[/b] - Mesvice [b]R3[/b] - Luminerra [b]R4[/b] - Petronellania [b]R5[/b] - Wrangleria[/spoiler] [spoiler=Ethnon's votes] [colour=red][b]12 points[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]10 points[/b] - Mesvice [b]8 points [/b]- Luminerra [b]7 points[/b] - Ihese [b]6 points[/b] - Petronellania [b]5 points[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]4 points[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]3 points[/b] - Free State Of Wrangler Island [b]2 points[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]1 point[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R1[/b] - Name 0 [b]R2[/b] - Animu Place [b]R3[/b] - Jughru [b]R4[/b] - Radio of cousco [b]R5[/b] - Germanic Cat[/spoiler] [spoiler=Greater Portugaliza's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Radio of cousco [b]10 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]8 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]7 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]6 points[/b] Jughru [colour=red][b]5 points[/b] Marlducro[/colour] [b]4 points[/b] Petronellania [b]3 points [/b] Mesvice [b]2 points[/b] Ihese [b]1 point[/b] Ethnon [b]R1[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R2[/b] - Wrangleria [b]R3[/b] - Izern [b]R4[/b] - Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]R5[/b] - Parouty[/spoiler] [spoiler=Free State of Wrangler Island's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]10 points [/b] Izern [b]8 points[/b] Petronellania [b]7 points[/b] Communist Beijing Must be China [b]6 points[/b] Mesvice [b]5 points[/b] Luminerra [b]4 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]3 points[/b] - Wrangleria [b]2 points[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]1 point [/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]R1[/b] - Parouty [b]R2[/b] - Rettverborg [colour=red][b]R3[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R4[/b] - Ethnon [b]R5[/b] - Bir Matras[/spoiler] [spoiler=Animu Place's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]10 points[/b] Mesvice [b]8 points[/b] Izern [b]7 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]6 points[/b] Free State Of Wrangler Island [b]5 points[/b] Rettverborg [b]4 points[/b] Jughru [b]3 points[/b] - Name 0 [b]2 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]1 point[/b] Ihese [b]R1[/b] - Communist Beijing Must be China [b]R2[/b] - Luminerra [colour=red][b]R3[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R4[/b] - Petronellania [b]R5[/b] - Parouty[/spoiler] [spoiler=Rettverborg's votes] [b]12 points[/b] New Cordyceps [b]10 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]8 points[/b] Ihese [b]7 points [/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]6 points[/b] Communist Beijing Must be China [b]5 points[/b] Animu Place [b]4 points[/b] Name 0 [b]3 points[/b] - Mesvice [b]2 points[/b] Petronellania [b]1 point [/b] Ethnon [b]R1[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]R2[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]R3[/b] - Germanic Cat [colour=red][b]R4[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R5[/b] - Izern[/spoiler] [spoiler=Wrangleria's votes] [b]12 Points[/b] - Ihese [b]10 Points[/b] - Mesvice [b]8 Points[/b] - Wrangler Island [b]7 Points[/b] - Greater Portugaliza [b]6 Points[/b] - Anne of Cleves [b]5 Points [/b]- Luminerra [b]4 Points[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]3 Points[/b] - Ethnon [b]2 Points[/b] - Jughru [b]1 Point[/b] - Germanic Cat [colour=red][b]R1[/b] - Marlducro[/colour] [b]R2[/b] - Rettverborg [b]R3[/b] - Petronellania [b]R4[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]R5[/b] - New Cordyceps[/spoiler] [spoiler=Anne of Cleves in TNP's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Bir Matras [b]10 points[/b] Radio of cousco [b]8 points[/b] Ethnon [b]7 points[/b] New Cordyceps [b]6 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]5 points[/b] Communist Beijing Must be China [b]4 points[/b] Animu Place [b]3 points[/b] - Mesvice [b]2 points[/b] Petronellania [b]1 point[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]R1[/b] - Name 0 [b]R2[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]R3[/b] - Rettverborg [b]R4[/b] - Wrangleria [b]R5[/b] - Ihese[/spoiler] [spoiler=Singaporen Empire's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Parouty [b]10 points[/b] Luminerra [b]8 points[/b] Animu Place [b]7 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]6 points[/b] Izern [b]5 points[/b] Bir Matras [b]4 points[/b] Germanic Cat [b]3 points [/b]- Free State of Wrangler Island [b]2 points [/b] Name 0 [colour=red][b]1 point[/b] Marlducro [/colour] [b]R1[/b] - Rettverborg [b]R2[/b] - Ethnon [b]R3[/b] - New Cordyceps [b]R4[/b] - Petronellania [b]R5[/b] - Radio of Cousco[/spoiler] [spoiler=Name 0's votes] [b]12 Points[/b]: Free State of Wrangler Island [b]10 Points[/b]: Rettverborg [b]8 Points[/b]: Mesvice [b]7 Points[/b]: Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]6 Points[/b]: Izern [b]5 Points[/b]: Ihese [b]4 Points[/b]: Petronellania [b]3 Points[/b]: TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]2 Points[/b]: Bir Matras [b]1 Point[/b]: Parouty [b]R1:[/b] Jughru [b]R2:[/b] Wrangleria [b]R3:[/b] Luminerra [b]R4:[/b] Communist Beijing must be China [colour=red][b]R5:[/b] Marlducro[/colour][/spoiler] [spoiler=New Cordyceps' votes] [b]12 points[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]10 points[/b] Free State Of Wrangler Island [b]8 points[/b] Ihese [b]7 points[/b] Mesvice [b]6 points[/b] Ethnon [colour=red][b]5 points[/b] Marlducro[/colour] [b]4 points [/b]- Greater Portugaliza [b]3 points[/b] - Petronellania [b]2 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]1 point[/b] Animu Place [b]R1[/b] - Singaporen Empire [b]R2[/b] - Wrangleria [b]R3[/b] - Communist Beijing Must be China [b]R4[/b] - Bir Matras [b]R5[/b] - Name 0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Communist Beijing Must Be China's votes] [b]12 points[/b] Izern [b]10 points[/b] Greater Portugaliza [b]8 points[/b] Mesvice [b]7 points[/b] Rettverborg [b]6 points[/b] Ihese [b]5 points[/b] Wrangleria [b]4 points [/b] Germanic Cat [b]3 points[/b] - Ethnon [b]2 points[/b] Singaporen Empire [b]1 point[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]R1[/b] - Parouty [b]R2[/b] - New Cordyceps [colour=red][b]R3[/b] - Marlducro [/colour] [b]R4[/b] - TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]R5[/b] - Luminerra[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bir Matras' votes] [b]12 points[/b] Radio of cousco [b]10 points[/b] New Cordyceps [b]8 points[/b] Animu Place [b]7 points[/b] Ethnon [b]6 points[/b] Anne of Cleves in TNP [b]5 points[/b] Name 0 [b]4 points[/b] Communist Beijing Must be China [b]3 points[/b] - Petronellania [b]2 points[/b] Ihese [b]1 point[/b] TheLandOfFunFunFun [b]R1[/b] - Jughru [b]R2[/b] - Wrangleria [colour=red][b]R3[/b] - Marlduco[/colour] [b]R4[/b] - Mesvice [b]R5[/b] - Singaporen Empire[/spoiler] [/centre] [/box] [box] [centre] [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Now the moment you have all been waiting for! It's time for the RESULTS! [i]The crowd roars into applause. Chad Chadley II thinks he should invite Berto has second co-host next time Mesvice hosts.[/i] [spoiler=23rd place goes to...] [size=150][nation]Marlducro[/nation]![/size] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Unfortunately, Marlducro didn't vote. [i]The crowd of Marlducroans are silent in reflection. Many people clap out of respect[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=22nd place goes to...]With 19 points, 2nd place goes to... [size=150][nation]Jughru[/nation]![/size] [i]The crowd of Jughruans are disappointed but still clap. Everyone else claps respectfully as well.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=21st place goes to...]With 23 points, 21st place goes to... [size=150][nation]Name 0[/nation]![/size] [i]The Name 0ians are a proud bunch, and cheer as if they won. Everyone else joins in (who wouldn't).[/i][/spoiler] [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: We have now reached the top 20! [spoiler=20th place goes to...]With 33 points, 20th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Communist Beijing Must be China[/nation]![/size] [i]The crowd of pwjbpwbpbpj (that's their demonym) cheer jovially.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=19th place goes to...]With 37 points, 19th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Wrangleria[/nation]![/size] [i]The sizeable crowd of Wranglerians applaud with much happiness.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=18th and 17th place go to...]Both with 39 points, 18th and 17th place (respectively) go to... [size=150][nation]Rettverborg[/nation][/size] and [size=150][nation]Bir Matras[/nation]![/size] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: The reason why Bir Matras is ahead of Rettverborg is that when ties happen, who is ahead is determined by who received the most 12 pointers, and then 10 pointers if they have the same amount of 12 pointers, and so on. Bir Matras has one 12 pointer, whereas Rettverborg had none. [i]The decently big crowds of Rettverborgians and Bir Matrasians stand to celebrate with vigour.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=16th place goes to...]With 42 points, 16th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Radio of cousco[/nation]![/size] [i]The big crowd of Radio of couscoans cheer with much delight.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=15th place, 14th place and 13th place go to...]All three with 47 points, 15th place, 14th place and 13th place (respectively) go to... [size=150][nation]Petronellania[/nation][/size], [size=150][nation]New Cordyceps[/nation][/size] and [size=150][nation]Izern[/nation]![/size] [i]The great crowds of Nellans, Brits and Izernians all stand up to cheer together. It's rare to have a three-way tie, so even though their scores were less than hoped, all three crowds have something to bond over.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=12th place goes to...]With 48 points, 12th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Parouty[/nation]![/size] [i]The big crowd of Paroutyans all celebrate with much amusement. After all, the song Parouty submitted was The Duck Song.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=11th place goes to...]With 51 points, 11th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Luminerra[/nation]![/size] [i]The huge crowd of Luminerrans stand up to cheer and celebrate with joy in the air.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: And with that, we have now reached the top 10! [spoiler=10th place goes to...]With 55 points, 10th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Animu Place[/nation]![/size] [i]The mammoth crowd weebs (that's their demonym) all stand up to cheer and clap. The hardcore weebs make weeb noises in celebration.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=9th place goes to...]With 57 points, 9th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Singaporen Empire[/nation]![/size] [i]The vast crowd of Singaporeans cheer and stand up to do so.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=8th place goes to...]With 61 points, 8th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Ethnon[/nation]![/size] [b]Personal Note[/b]: Ethnon once again has supported me in every way possible! Without him, there still would've been semifinals, which would be a bit of a hassle (as pointed out by Ihese via Discord), as well as notifying me of some non-WA participants who needed to be checked up. Massive thanks to Ethnon for making this edition as smooth as possible! [i]The massive crowd of Ethnonians all stand up to celebrate with pride.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=7th place goes to...]With 67 points, 7th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Greater Portugaliza[/nation]![/size] [i]The humongous crowd of Portugalizans all celebrate and applaud with delight.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=6th place goes to...]With 74 points, 6th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Free state of Wrangler Island[/nation]![/size] [i]The great crowd of Wranglerians (not to be confused with Wranglerians, from Wrangleria) all stand up to cheer with jubilation. Some confused Wranglerians (not to be confused with Wranglerians, from Free State of Wrangler Island) join in on the fun as well.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: We have now reached the top five folks! [spoiler=5th place goes to...]With 75 points, 5th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Germanic Cat[/nation]![/size] [i]The gigantic crowd of Germanic Cats are jump up in joy, cheering loudly, enough to temporarily deafen some poor elderly people who were taking a stroll outside the stadium.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=4th place goes to...]With 97 points, 4th place goes to... [size=150][nation]Ihese[/nation]![/size] [b]Personal Note[/b]: Thanks for being here, Ihese. Like Ethnon, you helped me out in everyway you could. Another massive thanks to you! [i]The grand crowd of Ihesians and everyone else all celebrate, clapping their hands together so loud, the elderly people in the old peoples' home nearby all get temporarilty deafened.[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler=3rd place goes to...]With 98 points, 3rd place goes to... [size=150][nation]Anne of Cleves in TNP[/nation]![/size] [b]Personal Note[/b]: This is the last massive thanks, this time to [nation]Anne of Cleves in TNP[/nation]! As my facilitator, it's almost obvious that they have been a massive help, like helping me set-up the schedule of this event (before it being shortened, of course.) Once again, a massive thanks to you! [i]Everyone stands up to cheer with much noise and clamor. Now regular people are starting to get deafened. The stadium stands firmly in place, not even budging.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Here we are people! The top two! [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: If you were paying attention, the two nations left are [nation]TheLandOfFunFunFun[/nation] and... [nation]Mesvice[/nation]! [i]The crowd of Mesviceans goes wild.[/i] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Woah! Don't cheer now! [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: So, who will come out on top? [nation]TheLandOfFunFunFun[/nation], with an impressive seven wins beforehand, their latest win from TNPV XlVII? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Or would it be the host nation, [nation]Mesvice[/nation], with a respectable 4 wins beforehand, its latest win being the last edition, TNPV L. [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Will [i]California Gurls[/i] win? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Or will [i]Kung Fu Fighting[/i] prevail? [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Katy Perry? [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Or Carl Douglas? [b]Berto Sinpatton[/b]: Let's see! [spoiler=2nd place goes to...]With 105 points, 2nd place goes to... [size=150][nation]TheLandOfFunFunFun[/nation]![/size] [i]The crowd goes wild, deafening a sizeable portion of the people nearby. Luckily, each person was given emergency ear-plugs in case this happened. Unfortunately, some people didn't notice and now can't hear anything for a while.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: If they're second, then... [spoiler=1st place goes to...]With 115 points, 1st place goes to... [size=150][nation]Mesvice[/nation]![/size] [i]The crowd goes absolutely ballistic, especially the native Mesviceans, who start to crawl onto the stage and start parading Chad Chadley II. Some Funlandians have taken the opportunity to parade Berto Sinpatton around as well.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Chad Chadley II[/b]: Please, let go of me! Stop carrying me! Stop it! HELP! [i]The huge crowds take Chad Chadley II and Berto Sinpatton out of the stadium. Stevie Sottings hurries shortly after to rescue Chad Chadley II.[/i][/centre][/box] [box][centre][spoiler=[size=200][b]Scoreboards![/b][/size]] Sorry, but I don't know how to make a good scoreboard, so enjoy these screenshots of the Google Sheet I worked off of. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/0yXhF1jP/Screen-Shot-2024-11-04-at-3-37-55-pm.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/2SSP0Sz0/Screen-Shot-2024-11-04-at-3-38-18-pm.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9Fp6P7j4/Screen-Shot-2024-11-04-at-3-38-29-pm.png[/img][/spoiler] [/centre][/box] [hr] [centre][size=75][u][b]Credits![/b][/u] [i]Huge thanks to [nation]Ihese[/nation], [nation]Ethnon[/nation] and [nation]Anne of Cleves in TNP[/nation] for all aiding me in one way of the other. Thank you![/i][/size] [spoiler=Pinguins!][nation]Mesvice[/nation], [nation]Izern[/nation], [nation]TheLandOfFunFunFun[/nation], [nation]Petronellania[/nation], [nation]Anne of Cleves in TNP[/nation], [nation]Communist Beijing Must be China[/nation], [nation]Bir Matras[/nation], [nation]Greater Portugaliza[/nation], [nation]Animu Place[/nation], [nation]Wrangleria[/nation], [nation]Rettverborg[/nation], [nation]Free State Of Wrangler Island[/nation], [nation]Luminerra[/nation], [nation]Name 0[/nation], [nation]Radio of cousco[/nation], [nation]Ethnon[/nation], [nation]Singaporen Empire[/nation], [nation]New Cordyceps[/nation], [nation]Germanic Cat[/nation], [nation]Marlducro[/nation], [nation]Jughru[/nation] and [nation]Parouty[/nation][/spoiler][/centre]