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Nation Mascot Design Contest
[background-block=#004aad][color=#004aad].[/color][/background-block] [background-block=#2b2b78][color=#2b2b78].[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dvtUEBD.png[/img] [size=300][color=#ffffff][font=Macondo]Nation Mascot Design Contest![/font][/color][/size][/center][color=#34b0f5].[/color][/background-block][background-block=#34b0f5][color=#34b0f5].[/color][/background-block] [color=#ffffff].[/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=150][b]Welcome to the Nation Mascot Design Contest![/b] This is your chance to showcase your nation’s unique identity and creativity by designing a mascot that represents your nation. Each entry must include a visual design and a backstory explaining how the mascot embodies your nation. [/size][/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=150][b]Contest Rules[/b][/size] [size=125][b]Entry Submission[/b]: Create a mascot for your nation. It can be an animal, mythical creature, or character that symbolizes key aspects of your culture, history, or values. Send this to me via telegram. [b]Backstory:[/b] Along with the design, include a short backstory explaining how the mascot represents your nation’s identity. What is its origin? How does it reflect your nation’s culture, history, or values? What are the mascot’s special traits or personality? [b]Visual Design:[/b] A drawing, image, or even a detailed description of your mascot. Any format is fine. Use of AI [i]is[/i] permitted. [/size][/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=150][b]Voting[/b][/size] [size=125]After submissions are closed, voting will begin. I will create a dispatch with all the entries after the submission period ends. Each participant will vote for their top three entries by telegramming me: first place will receive 3 points, second place will earn 2 points, and third place will get 1 point. The mascots with the top three highest points will be declared the winners. Each participant must vote for a nation that is not their own to encourage a fair process![/size][/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=150][b]Prizes:[/b][/size] [size=125][b]1st Place:[/b] [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=1716/season=3]Legendary card 1[/url][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=71576/season=3] or 2 [/url] [b]2nd Place:[/b] [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=1430/season=3]Epic card 1[/url][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=2792788/season=3] or 2 [/url] [b]3rd Place: [/b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=3592621/season=3]Ultra-rare card 1[/url][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=34379/season=3] or 2 [/url] Participants who don't place will receive a rare card for their contribution! In case of a tie, both particpants will receive a prize.[/size][/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=150][b]Timeline:[/b][/size] [size=125][b]Entry/Submission Period:[/b] 21 Sep – 9 Oct [b]Voting Period:[/b] 10 Oct – 11 Oct [b]Winners Announced:[/b] 12 October 2024.[/size][/color] [color=#2b2b78][size=115]For any questions or further details, please reach out to me via telegram.[/color] [color=#34b0f5][b]Have fun![/b][/size][/color]