by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Husrien. . 158 reads.

Husri statement on SC Resolution #513 "Liberate Kelios"

The following is the official Husri stance on the Security Council Resolution currently at vote, Liberate Kelios, along with the Husri opinion on raiding in general and a demand directed towards the Philosopher-Queen of Sophia, Tinhampton. For context, Sophia is the region in which I, Husrien, reside and have resided for all of my existence. I am currently the Prime Minister of Sophia.
This dispatch is quite long; if you do not wish to read the entire text, there is a TL;DR section at the bottom of the page which states the main points.
Written on September 8, 2024 by Husrien.

For essentially all of its history, Husrien has not taken World Assembly Resolutions seriously, with the (People's) Republic either voting for the side with the majority of votes or voting on the same side as Tinhampton. Starting now, this shall change. Husrien will now legitimately read each and every World Assembly Resolution to get an informed view on the matter at hand and will therefore be able to vote more accurately and be a more productive voter and member of the WA in general.

The Husri Vote
That being said, part of being a more productive WA member is to make your positions on important Resolutions known, and so the Husri recommendation shall now be said. The official Husri stance is to vote FOR. This Resolution is a chance for natives of Kelios to gain back control over their homeland and show braindead and/or uncivilized raiders that raiding is not welcome in polite NationStates society. Regions such as Yessssss, Alcatraz and eclipsis, lands with long-standing histories and people, have all been vandalized and squandered by the problematic people that are raiders, and "libjuncts" have had a recent trend of not succeeding in any capacity. This resolution, if passed, will be a tool to turn that trend around and finally push back against the raider menace. Libjuncts have proven to work in the past, for example in Magna Aurea, England, and Canada. As a democratic and progressive nation aiming to be a shining beacon for all in Sophia and beyond to follow, Husrien is in firm support of the Resolution at hand and wishes the people of Kelios and other raided regions a swift and decisive victory in their battles. The fall of Eclipsis hits particularly close to home for me, as I visited Eclipsis's page before they were raided; I was completely charmed by their maroon color palate and stellar flag design. I was seriously considering departing Sophia and emigrating to Eclipsis at one point. To come back to that page and seeing nothing but immature dead memes over the flag and an invitation to join a wretched raider region truly broke my heart.

What Husrien thinks of Raiding
Based on my disparaging comments on the NationStates raiding community in the previous paragraph, you may already be able to guess my stance on the activity. Raiding is a selfish, problematic, and cruel tradition, and people who participate in it should be ashamed of themselves. Regions are intended to be a safe space for peaceful democratic nations to communicate and participate in something greater. Raiding takes all of that, along with all of the history, dispatches, flags and information about a region, and destroys it, irretrievably erasing it from existence if a punishment towards the raiding party. I have lots of other things I could say about raiding and people who do it, but to avoid being banned or at the very least warned by the NationStates moderator team for violating the rules on obscene and threatening content, I shall not post them in this public space. If I were Max Barry, [violet], or someone else very high up in the NationStates team, I would make R/D a bannable offense, delete every raiding region (i.e. The Black Hawks, The Brotherhood of Malice, Lone Wolves United and others), and ban or warn raiders depending on the severity of their actions. I truly despise raiding from the bottom of my heart.

Letter to the Philosopher-Queen
The main issue regarding Tinhampton and Sophia in general is one particular dispatch, that being The Treaty of the Isles, a unilateral agreement between Sophia and Sparkalia. This treaty is located on the front page of Sophia as one of the pinned bulletins.

The Governments of Sophia and Sparkalia
Statement on the Treaty of the Isles

Contrary to popular belief, Philosopher-Queen Tinhampton Lydia does not have that big an office. She has a desk with quite a few things on it, several heaving bookshelves from the Auctor days that really need to be swapped out, and several memorabilia trinkets on the walls - from the Statement on the Development of Trovons, to the announcement of the Karma embassy closure, to some of the praise she's gotten from people elsewhere. But it isn't a big office.

There's a coffee machine in the corner. Lydia prefers to make her own from the kettle most days, but will use the coffee machine if she's bored, desperate or hosting guests. On this occasion, though, it was a very important guest.



"Do you remember me? I'm Sparkles from Sparkalia! The ID card I have here says I'm 'High Queen Chaotic Sparkles,' but we've been talking for so long that we may as well be on a first-name basis. Well, not really first names, but you know."

"Thanks. I'm Lydia. Oh - nice boots."

"Yep. I checked the forecast in the paper a couple of days ago when I set off. Just a little coating around these parts - not a lot, not nothing either, but you get what you can take."

"I know. Nice truck. Heaven knows I have to deal with the hatchback I got fourth-hand from someone who used to be a roleplayer fifteen years ago - long, long before your time."

"Thanks. Ten to fifteen percent of the time, I question what Hecq's spending their budget on. This was one of those times but it's been damn well helpful for getting to most of those regions where you get maybe one or two dirt tracks in. Those exist, by the way. I'm glad your region has three stops off the expressway."

"By the way, don't stay here more than an hour. Foreign Minister Taray might ticket you if you're longer than that. You don't want to be ticketed by Taray."

"Shut up, Lydia. We need to talk about the treaty."

"That's the main order of business, anyway. We've both been meaning to write a joint statement on that for a while. Never mind that it's never actually been used - we've got to get on that at some point in February."

"Oh my god. That treaty has been in force for, what, three months?"

"November 10th... twenty, fifty-one, eighty-two... ninety-five days. Plus fourteen if you start working from when you lot signed it. Plus another fourteen if you start from when we agreed an actual draft text."

" Just no. This needs to stop."

"I'll make it stop. You're in luck because in the second drawer of my desk cabineeeeeeettttt... I have multiple pens. I'll just use the standard black one for today; purple's nice but best if we use that for serious things. And reams of paper in the third. Actually, no, I'm going to put those back and get to my workstation in the next room, you conveyed me lots of e-signatures from Hecq to the original Treaty and it's best if we certify those. Come here, please..."

"Fine, Lydia. I'll do what you want."

About ten minutes later: "Here's what I've written. Mind changing anything, Sparkles?"

Another ten minutes later: "Yes, actually. How does this look?"

On the 10th of November 2023, the governments of Sparkalia and Sophia assented to the Treaty of the Isles. It is our regret that this was not publicised earlier, nor that the Treaty has seen much use so far, but we hope that this advertisement will help to raise awareness of its provisions.

The Treaty is split into three Articles. Article 1 requires the current governments of Sparkalia and Sophia to recognise each other as valid, and not to take any action that would result in the removal of those governments or the destruction of current relations between them. Article 2 requires Sparkalia and Sophia to collaborate in the World Assembly where such collaboration is in their interests; such collaboration may take the form of joint recommendations, approvals, voting, and training programs. Article 3 is a technical article governing how the treaty is to be ratified, amended, and repealed - and clarifying that the treaty may be amended to cover subjects beyond mutual recognition and World Assembly work.

Sophia will not be joining Raider Unity as a result of this treaty. Sophia is a demilitarised region, and it is not the intention of the President of Sophia that her region organise a military - whether raider or defender - at any future point. She believes that a strong domestic presence in the World Assembly is infinitely more valuable.

Neither Sophia nor Sparkalia shall be bound to vote a specific way on any World Assembly resolution or proposal as a result of this treaty. Interregional WA collaboration is voluntary and must be in the interests of both parties. Where their interests align, it is sensible that a unified response results; this intuition is merely codified with this treaty.

This is Sophia's second interregional treaty, and Sparkalia's third. Sophia is known as a hub for knowledge and critical thinking, and Sparkalia for creativity, "violet and violence." While these may seem like distinct areas of interest, we share common passions as well: a desire for domestic peace and order; good-faith participation in the World Assembly; our respective dry senses of humour; Tinhampton. It is our hope that the Treaty of the Isles will not only reflect these, but serve as the first step in our budding partnership.




The Treaty of the Isles itself was signed on October 26th 2023 by the following Court Officers of Sparkalia, and on November 10th by both members of the Government of Sophia:

  • Chaotic Sparkles, High Queen of Sparkalia

  • Choslow, Crown Princess of Sparkalia

  • Nacortuine, Chancellor (minister of foreign affairs) of Sparkalia


  • Tinhampton: President, Philosopher-Queen, and Interim Holder of the Prime and Foreign Ministries in Sophia

  • Drymia, Entertainment Minister of Sophia

Under Title 3, Article 6 of the Constitution of Sophia, the President's agreement to the Treaty of the Isles - provided directly to Chaotic Sparkles on November 10th - constituted her signature of it. The Treaty is therefore effective.

This Joint Statement was authored by Tinhampton and Chaotic Sparkles, the signatory regions' heads of state. This does not mean that other members of the Sophian or Sparkalian governments object to its contents.

"Hmmmm... actually, this does sound like a good idea!"

"I'll put up a few copies in our community spaces so people can see. How about you?"

"My plans are for me. Not you. If we want to talk about those, we'll need to come back some other time and add Article 4 to the treaty."


The Treaty of the Isles: A bilateral agreement between Sparkalia and Sophia

Article 1: Non-Aggression

a. Sparkalia recognises the government of Sophia, as outlined in its Constitution, as the legitimate Sophian government. Sophia recognises the High Queendom of Sparkalia as the legitimate Sparkalian government.

b. Pursuant to Article 1a: Sparkalia must not attempt to invade or overthrow Sophia; Sophia must not attempt to invade or overthrow Sparkalia or its territories; and Sparkalia and Sophia shall maintain embassies, ambassadors and lines of diplomatic communication with each other.

c. Sophia agrees not to militarily oppose any operations which the Sparkalian military leads or actively supports. Should Sophia ever choose in the future to organise a regional military, Sparkalia agrees not to militarily oppose any operations which the Sophian military leads or actively supports.

Article 2: The World Assembly

a. Sparkalia and Sophia shall cooperate in the World Assembly where such co-operation is in the best interests of both regions. Such cooperation may take the form of voting for and against resolutions, writing recommendations on resolutions, and approving or not approving submitted proposals.

b. Access to the #headquarters channel of Linkthe Discord server of Sophia shall be extended to all members who reside in Sparkalia, although they shall adhere to that server's rules while partaking in it.

Article 3: Treaty Procedures

a. This treaty shall be ratified according to the usual procedures of both regions. Either region may leave the treaty at any time, so long as they inform their partner of why they are withdrawing as soon as possible after doing so.

b. This treaty may be amended according to the usual procedures of both regions, although edits that purely affect its formatting shall take effect immediately. An amendment to this treaty may include elements which aim at the signatories' cooperation in areas not covered by the treaty.

Read dispatch

For those of you who may not be aware, Sparkalia is a raider region and is the one responsible for turning Kelios into an area to simp for a fictional character, as is shown by the current bio of Kelios.

As I personally have never played OMORI, I may not be the most informed on this subject, but I am smart enough to know that usurping an entire Greek-based region just because the first three letters of its name happened to be the same as the name of a main character from an indie game seems incredibly childish and immature. Just because you happen to be OMORI superfans doesn't mean that you have the right to destroy what countless people have worked on over the course of years and years. If Sparkalia was really wanting to create an OMORI club, they very could've easily created a new region and encouraged people to join that one. But no, they just HAD to ruin everyone else's NationStates experience. The OMORI club, of course, is a lie. Sparkalia is a raider region, and so they wanted to create an alibi so that they had an excuse to decimate an entirely peaceful region. Out of all of the messages on the Keliosian RMB board as of writing this essay, only one mentions an OMORI character at all (and it's Sunny by the way, not even the "patron saint" that the Sparkalians wanted to simp over so much).

Sophia clearly wants to be neutral in all conflicts, whether raider, defender, or something else, as evident by the existence of Clause 4.4 in the Sophian Constitution. For Tinhampton and Sophia at large to create an active treaty with Sparkalia in which each agree to help the other, and for Sparkalia to be an active raider region and one capable of overthrowing a fellow Frontier region, is extremely hypocritical if not violating the Constitution. It baffles me that Tinhampton agrees to work with such awful people (another fun fact, Sparkalia regularly works with The Black Hawks and The Brotherhood of Malice). I had thought that Sophia was aiming to be a democratic and pro-peace region, but perhaps I was wrong. Tinhampton, if you tout to be a "Philosopher," as your title in the Sophian government so piously says, then perhaps you should further look into just who you are making treaties with before you settle on a decision. I implore and beg - no, DEMAND - that you strike The Treaty of the Isles as null and void immediately, and cut off all ties with Sparkalia and its inhabitants. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing the respect of both I, Husrien, along with perhaps some other well-standing people in Sophia.

Closing Remarks
This is the first time I have ever done something like this (i.e. writing a full-length piece just from a WA Resolution) so I apologize if it might seem a bit clunkily-written or inaccurate. I'm trying my best to further my cause here. If anyone else with large amounts of influence in Sophia can read my text in full, I would greatly appreciate it. All feedback is welcome!

Raiding bad. Raiders bad.
Tinhampton, you should stop supporting Sparkalia NOW!

Best regards to everyone who isn't a raider,
The Republic of Husrien

The Republic of Husrien

