by Max Barry

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by The Empire of Ebonnium. . 42 reads.

Regional Message Board Code of Conduct Act (2024)

Regional Message Board Code of Conduct Act (2024)

To enable the in-game community to craft a Code of Conduct for the Regional Message Board

BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament assembled, with the grace of His Majesty King George IX, as follows:-

Short Title

(1) This Act may be cited as the RMB Code of Conduct Act or the RMB-COC Act.


(1) Nation: A player who controls a nation on Nationstates and holds residency in the United Kingdom.

(2) Regional Message Board (RMB): A messaging platform located at region=united_kingdom

(3) WA Nation: A nation that holds World Assembly membership in the United Kingdom.

(4) WA Delegate: The WA Delegate of the United Kingdom.

(5) Regional Officer: A citizen appointed by the RSC whose nation is granted an "officer" role in the United Kingdom's in-game NationStates community.

I - RMB Code of Conduct

(1) Nations shall be permitted to establish and maintain a "Code of Conduct" for the RMB. A Code of Conduct will cover behavioural standards for all nations posting on the RMB. The Code of Conduct shall be enforced by the Regional Officers.

(2) WA Nations may submit a petition containing a proposed Code of Conduct, alongside the names of at least four WA Nations supporting the proposed Code of Conduct, to the WA Delegate who shall be responsible for verifying support for the proposed Code of Conduct. Should the requirement be met, any regional officer will administer a poll on the United Kingdom's in-game webpage at region=united_kingdom; with a poll question stating whether the proposed Code of Conduct should be approved, the poll shall run for 48 hours.

(3) A proposed Code of Conduct must be approved by a two-thirds majority of Voting WA Nations. Should a proposed Code of Conduct be approved, it shall be considered a ratified Code of Conduct.

(4) Should this Act be repealed, the ratified Code of Conduct will be declared void.

II - Amendment Process for a Ratified RMB Code of Conduct.

(1) WA Nations may seek to amend any provision of a ratified Code of Conduct through the following process:

(1a) Submit a petition containing the proposed amendment, alongside the names of at least four WA members supporting the amendment, to the WA Delegate who shall be responsible for verifying support for the amendment.
(1b) Should a petition meet the requirement specified in (1a), any regional officer will administer a poll; with a poll question stating whether the amendment should be approved. The poll will run for 48 hours.
(1c) An amendment must be approved by a two-thirds majority of Voting WA Nations to take effect.

III - Grounds for Suspension

(1) The Regional Security Council reserves the right to suspend a ratified Code of Conduct for up to fourteen (14) days if it deems an in-game situation to pose a significant security risk to the United Kingdom's in-game community.

IV - Schedule

(1) Upon receiving Royal Assent. A regional officer will post this Act as a dispatch on Nationstates and pin the dispatch to the World Factbook Entry of the United Kingdom.

Notification of Royal Assent
10 August 2024

The Empire of Ebonnium

