by Max Barry

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by The South Pacifican Government of Office of WA Legislation. . 127 reads.

SC Recommendation: Vote FOR Commend The League

Commend The League



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The OWL recommends voting $FOR$ the proposed Security Council resolutions entitled "Commend The League". The Delegate has been asked to cast their vote accordingly.

Please find below the Office's Analysis for an examination of the resolution and the reasons for the final recommendation.

The Office's Analysis
This resolution seeks to commend The League (TL), an active defender region which has achieved several impressive feats since its transition from the region previously known as The League of Conservative Nations (LCN) in 2021. The League has managed to form a consolidated community since its LCN days, and it is now one of the most involved regions in NS gameplay and the R/D spectrum. The League is most notably the home region of some of the most notable and active defenders, such as Quebecshire, New Makasta and Anjan Kloss.
The proposal is pretty detailed, and uses several interesting and important facts about the region's history to defend its commendation. In the first place, the proposal mentions the Consulate's key role in the growth of the region. Said Consulate is the governing body of the region. Its autocratic nature compared to the previous government institutions present in LCN was an important way to deal with the "bad actors" mentioned in the resolution (The League of Conservative Nations attracted individuals with troublesome personal and political thought). This consolidation of power was what permitted the growth of The League as a community and led to the creation of the League Defense Forces, which will be an important focus of this analysis as well.
Secondly, this proposal presents Terraconserva as another of The League's feats. Terraconserva is The League's RP universe, which could be considered one of NS's most active RPs, and its RP history is one that could even be compared to the one we have in TSP for its detail. It is clear that this RP is one of the reasons that TL was able to prosper and grow as a community over these three years.
Furthermore, after its transition, TL was soon able to establish a fruitful relationship with important defender regions: The Grey Wardens, and also our own region, The South Pacific. The League and our region have been treated allies since the signing of the Fellowship of Llamas and Eagles (the treaty can be read here). This important diplomatic effort led by The League brought several partner regions together into defending and was key for the formation of defender institutions (like Aegis).
This incredible diplomatic effort is clearly visible across TL's history, mainly seen as its countless treaties signed, but we can also see it through the incredible defender and operational effort the LDF has been able to rally and do over the years and even recently. LDF's commanders, such as the ones I mentioned above (Quebecshire, New Makasta and Anjan Kloss) have been a crucial part in many big liberations over the months, with their command being a key part of their process.
Most importantly, the LDF led several large operations against fascist-owned regions. One of them was Concord, which they managed to occupy and refound under The League's control. Concord is still part of The League's sphere of control, and is also a large region by its own. However, talking about Concord's community is talking about The League's community and viceversa, as both regions are closely related. Finally, The League also led a large operation against the Confederacy of Layem; both raiders and defenders stood together against a universally hated region in order to clean out our game from the worst. With these operations, it pretty clear that The League has had an huge impact in NS R/D gameplay, especially considering that 100+ people were involved in it at the time.

Due to The League's interesting history, incredible feats, and allied status to The South Pacific, the Office of World Assembly Legislation strongly advices all member nations to cast a vote FOR the at-vote resolution.

Analysis courtesy of Vrigny
