by Max Barry

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by The Holy Star Empire of Histarctica. . 24 reads.

Val-Itani Industries

[color=#786D5F][center][hr][size=150][b]Val-Itani Industries[/b][/size]
[hr][b]Val-Itani Industries is a large corporation which specializes in technology development, forms of energy and mining operations.[/b][/center][hr]
"[i]We Bring You Prosperity[/i]"[/center][hr][b]Headquarters[/b][float=right]Ignis, Entioch[/float][hr][b]Founded by[/b][float=right]Thevon Val-Itani[/float][hr][b]Director[/b][float=right]Fadir Val-Itani[/float][hr][b]Major activities[/b]
Technology Development
Robotics and Cybernetics
Energy Research
Mining Operations[hr][/floatright][/sidebar]

The main seat of Val-Itani Industries's operations lies in the imperial capital of Entioch on the planet [url=]Histarctica[/url]. The colossal corporate complex named [b]Ignis[/b] not only houses buildings for administration, housing, supply and engery facilities, laboratories, shipyards, factories and warehouses but also contains its very own spaceport that directly connects the corporation to its operations and activities in the star system and beyond.

[size=120][b]Major Bases of Operations[/b][/size]
[*][b]Anruz:[/b] In the Cezza Star System on the innermost and resource-rich lava planet, [url=]Anruz[/url], Val-Itani Industries has established five mining and energy colonies named Helios-1, Helios-2, Helios-3, Helios-4 and Helios-5.

[*][b]Lictarx:[/b] On the desert planet [url=]Lictarx[/url] in the Cezza Star System, Val-Itani Industries has established a research and mining colony named Dhemos, located close to the old and controversial colony of Terminus II.

[*][b]Enruz:[/b] 16 moons are orbiting the distant gas giant, [url=]Enruz[/url] in the Cezza Star System. Val-Itani Industries has its main colony Astrus Terminal on the largest moon called Tarterin V, a habitable moon very similar to Histarctica. On Tarterin V, in addition to mining, the company also carries out classified  research. Val-Itani Industries generally has more or less a monopoly on mining operations and energy production on most of Enruz's moons.

[*][b]Minur:[/b] On Histarctica's moon, Minur, Val-Itani Industries has its own spaceport called Sanncu Terminal with, among other things, research departments and laboratories as well as housing.

[*][b]Vanguard:[/b] On the huge armed imperial planetary spaceport and defence platform, called Vanguard, orbiting Histarctica, Val-Itani Industries has several divisions present in connection with imperial contracts and activities.

[*][b]Ashias-1 & Ashias-2:[/b]  In the Ashias Star System, Val-Itani Industries has rights to conduct mining, energy extraction, and other resource industries in and around the system's two planets, the gas planets [url=]Ashias-1[/url] and [url=]Ashias-2[/url], under the industrial project agreement: Ashias Mining and Energy Extraction Enterprise.

[*][b]Yarus, Madotis & Giorus:[/b] On the gas planets of [url=]Yarus[/url], [url=]Madotis[/url], and [url=]Giorus[/url] in the Finnus Star System, Val-Itani Industries conducts numerous of mining, energy, and other resource extraction operations.

