by Max Barry

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by The Self-Administrative City of Tinhampton. . 4 reads.

Sophia & Sparkalia recommend a vote FOR Promoting Ethnic and Cultural Equality

Office of the President of Sophia & Office of the Delegate of Sparkalia

General Assembly: Promoting Ethnic and Cultural Equality (Civil Rights; Strong), by The Ice States with Wallenburg and Simone Republic

Recommendation: FOR

Rationale: This proposal would require member states to ensure that nobody is prevented from accessing any service or enjoying any right on account of their racial or cultural background; enforce anti-discrimination laws on such grounds; and forbid the segregation of, and genocide against, people on such grounds. It also makes clear that there is nothing in its mandates that forbids member states from acting to rectify historic harms against those from disadvantaged racial and cultural backgrounds, or from forbidding hiring only among people of certain racial or cultural backgrounds where that background is related to the job and necessary to efficiently conduct it. There is nothing here that would lead us to oppose it.

We are, however, concerned at the rapid turnover of laws that has resulted from the repeal of the Charter of Civil Rights. Already, the North Pacific has decided to oppose this on various grounds, despite it being extremely similar to The Ice States' predecessor proposal on similar lines, which they supported. If the World Assembly were a real-world chamber, a good many businesses would be dismayed at how rapidly its laws can change. This would complete the author's project of comprehensively replacing the Charter and there is no good reason to stand in his way any further from now on.


This recommendation was written by Tinhampton, the President of Sophia; and Japuile, the Delegate of Sparkalia.

This resolution will be at vote between the major updates of March 3rd 2024 and March 7th 2024.

This recommendation was jointly issued between Sophia and Sparkalia. This does not mean that the President's opinion of this resolution was influenced by what Sparkalia believes. Under the Constitution, the President must always cast their vote in line with the interests of Sophia, not some other region; this recommendation reflects the sincere beliefs of all regions involved.
