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by The 15 Kingdoms﹠Colonial Empire of The Terren Dominion. . 677 reads.

The Terren Dominion

The Terren Dominion


Coat of Arms

Capital: Grand Chorhaltov and Hazarika
Largest City: Grand Chorhaltov

Official Language: Terrkovkin

National Languages Terrkovkin, Yamotian

Demonym: Terrenic

Government: Imperial Theocratic Feudal Constitutional Elective Monarchy

  • Emperor: Luka von Heinrich

  • Arch-Chancellor: Claudius Savas Semka

Legislature: The Terren Hoftag

  • Upper House: The High Lords

  • Middle House: The Reichsbundesrat

  • Lower House: The Kurfürstenhaus

Constituent States

  • Ealindaes

  • Haltengeld

  • Sabafia

  • Nostra

  • Hazarika

  • Valheaven

  • Wendrogia

  • Álfheim

  • Inarishima

  • Karibdimar

  • Sukkubusreich

  • Castlerain

  • Vogelreich

  • Insektheim

  • Mortaburg

Imperial Colonies

  • North Leviatheagle

  • South Leviatheagle

  • Grail Lands

  • Ulban

  • Helvetii

  • Bogontona

  • Port Alorian

  • Terrzonia

Establishment: Augodustov 23rd 1456

Land: 9,332,552 km² (Including Colonial Territory)
Water %: 27.1

Highest Point: 6,193 Meters above Sea Level
Lowest Point: 23 Meters below Sea Level

GDP (nominal): $145,614,000,000,000
GDP (nominal) per capita: $15,745.46

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion(s)

  • Eliadic Cult

  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species

  • Humans

  • Verführerin

  • Plantae

  • Beastmen

Minor Species

  • Angles

  • Vampires

  • Serpentines

  • Fay

  • Insectoids

  • Karibdi

  • Slimes

  • Harpies

The Terren Dominion, also known as the Terren Empire, the Realms of the Archipelago, or simply Terren (Pronounced: /t//ɪər//ɛ//n/) is an island nation located of the coast of the Order of the Chief Goddess and below the Exiled Fjord. The modern state of the Terren Dominion was formed very recently by its current Emperor Luka, a young Hazarikan prince who sought out to unite the scattered kingdoms and tribes of the Terren Archipelago against a terrible threat known as the Terminus Mists. Along his journey, Luka gained the support of various races, factions, powerful political allies, and even secured the aid of the Terren pantheon of elemental gods. Using this great force Luka confronted and ultimately defeated the source of the dark mists, freeing Terren from their influence.

Following his victory, Luka was hailed as a hero and, with the backing of his loyal followers, assumed the role of Emperor on Augodustov 23rd. The coronation of Luka is widely viewed as the official founding event of the Terren Dominion. Under Luka's leadership, the empire has undergone a series of rapid transformations including sweeping reforms in education, welfare, industry, and military organization. As the Terren people expanded beyond the archipelago, they began to establish successful colonies in uncharted lands, despite encountering new threats and challenges.

Terren has also formed alliances with powerful foreign entities like the Theocracy of the Chief Goddess and the Imperial Union of Order States. Despite its youth Terren has solidified its position as a global power and Emperor Luka, driven by his ambitions for continued expansion and prosperity, continues to lead the Terren people forward into an era of unprecedented power and opportunity.


The name "Terren" has a relativity mundane origin, tracing its roots back to the Terrenic word for land, "Terr". How this simple name came to represent the Terren Archipelago is debated upon but the most commonly held theory comes from the ancient myths of the Fatherland. According to these tales, in the earliest days of creation there existed a primordial force which bound itself to the developing land mass which would one day become the Terren Archipelago, becoming one with the earth itself and giving the land a form of divine sentience. This force would come to be revered by some of the Human and Menshloyer tribes living in the archipelago as the embodiment of the land itself, the father of the elemental goddesses, hence "Fatherland". This semi-divine land would become a source of commonality for all of the people living within the archipelago, and the land itself became a unifying force between the tribes and kingdoms. Eventually the word "Terren" came to describe more than just the physical terrain of the islands, but the islands themselves, as well as the people and culture which had dwelled upon them. By the time the realms united under Luka the word Terren had already became a symbol shared heritage and identity of all those who dwelled within the Terren Archipelago, and it was a natural name for the new empire.


The first known inhabitants of the Terren Archipelago were the ancient Menshloyer Tribes, the precursors to the current non-human tribes which compose modern Terren. These ancient Menshloyer tribes were violent and warlike, spending much of their time fighting each other for resources. But the first humans who made their way to the Terren Archipelago came from 3 primary places, the shores of the region which currently comprises many of the Order States, the Exiled Fjord of the north, and most strangely, colonists from the far eastern empire of Dragonic Kantan. The arrival of these humans immediately led to conflict with the different Menshloyer tribes already inhabiting the islands. The vast majority of Menshloyers saw humanity as little more than slaves or food and conflict was frequent. However, some Menshloyers where significantly less barbaric than their kindred and would aid the desperate human settlers, some even helped them escape slavery and flee to isolated parts of the different Islands. As such humanity endured and those who were not recaptured started to develop primitive kingdoms and tribes all across the archipelago. Yet when these realms grew to large and prosperous they would be raided by hostile Menshloyers, often to the point of complete destruction. The cycle of humans building civilizations and then being destroyed would continue for almost 2 thousand years. Eventually, this cycle would end when a powerful and brutal warlord came to power among the Menshloyer tribes, uniting the vast majority of them into a terrible force, and igniting a brutal war of genocide upon humanity. The kingdoms of humanity and the surprisingly large number of Menshloyers opposed to this warlord would unite and defend themselves, launching the archipelago into a war which would last for nearly 200 years. In the end the warlord was defeated and the Menshloyers would redivide themselves into their racial tribes. Although the Menshloyer warlord was killed, they were not done bringing suffering to Terren, and after their death their body would unleash a great spell which would forge a dark mist which would circle the archipelago, completely sealing the Terren Archipelago from the outside world.

Although now cut off entirely from the outside world, the people of Terren would continue to grow and thrive. Humanity would also divide itself into 5 kingdoms, spreading out across the Terren Archipelago. These kingdoms would frequently battle each and the Menshloyer tribes, but not much changed for over 600 years. This all changed when the Sorcerer-Kings of Hazarika, who were widely considered to be the most powerful human sorcerers in Terren, attempted to harness the power of the Terminus Mists which encased Terren. This attempt failed utterly and would usher in the Age of Mist. The Age of Mist was a horrific time in which all people within Terren were forced into a desperate fight for survival. During this era, the Terminus Mists would frequently flow inland, covering all the islands in foul corruption for some time before retreating back out to sea. Crops would become mutated, rivers would dry up, and even the ground itself would harden and decay. But this was not the worst of it. Dark figures began to emerge from the mists to terrorize the people of Terren. These unholy beings became known as the Mistwalkers, and whenever they were sighted, tragedy was not far behind. Mistwalkers would frequently attack villages and towns, slaughtering the inhabitants. This brutal cycle went on for some time before the coming of a man named Luka.

Determined to end the terror of the mists, Luka would venture across the archipelago gaining support from the diverse tribes and kingdoms which inhabited the isles, convincing them to support his mission to free the Archipelago. His quest took him through various trials and massive battles, fighting against rebels, demons, and even corrupted angles. As stories of his success and fame spread through the Terren realms, he earned the loyalty of various factions and, most importantly, the adoration of the common people. As his quest continued, Luka would discover his own lineage as one of the descendants of the ancient Sorcerer-Kings of Hazarika. This revelation would add a personal dimension to his quest. Through diplomacy, military prowess, and sheer determination Luka would ultimately confront the source of the Terminus Mists in the fallen city of Hazarika. After a climactic battle against a possessed sorcerer Luka would shatter the power of the Terminus Mists and free all of Terren from their influence.

Following the fall of the mists Luka would ascend to become the embodiment of the entire Terren Pantheon of Gods and, with some encouragement from his allies, would ultimately be crowned as the emperor of the newly formed Terren Dominion. Under his leadership, the realms of Terren would undergo reforms leading to a massive increase in the level of industrialization within the archipelago. Rapidly the Terren people would evolve from a collection of petty tribes and kingdoms into a unified superpower. The newly born empire quickly took advantage of the mists fall to launch a series of exploration and colonization missions, expanding Terren influence far beyond the archipelago. Terren would also reconnect with its neighbors and begin forging alliances with other nations, particularly the Imperial Union of Order States, a mighty alliance which stood against the Demon Realms of the North. Terren has thus far proved itself to be a mighty power and a political and military force to be reckoned with.

Main Article: Luka von Heinrich


The land area of the entire Terren Dominion is 9,332,552 km², including Terren's many colonies. The climate varies wildly across the empire, and thanks to its colonial nature, Terren itself is home to climates of every stripe. The Northern Isle of Valheaven and the upper half of the colony of North Leviatheagle are a mixture of alpine forests and arctic wastelands. The Isle of Gehinnom is a freezing tundra. Eliadland, South Leviatheagle, Ulban and much of Zentral Ostrov have a mostly Mediterranean climate, although several regions of Zentral Ostrov are also quite arid. The Grail Lands, Bogontona, and Helvetii are mostly tropical in climate, although Helvetii has a desert further inland, and a savanna to the west. Lastly the isle of Achtemactide is an artificial landmass created during a terraforming project. It is comprised out of dried out seafloor which has been lifted to the surface. There are mountain ranges found on all of the major Terren Islands which have frequently served as both protective barriers and obstacles to trade.

A detailed map of the Terren Archipelago and the Imperial Colonies can be found here.


The Terren Empire has an extremely large and diverse population of not only different racial identities but different sapient species. Humanity is the most dominant in terms of both numbers and political influence, making up around 23% of the population. In terms of population percentage after humans the list goes, Verführerin(13%), Beastmen(10%), Plantae(9%), Serpentines(7.2%), Harpies(7%), Insectoids(6.8%), Karibdi(6.6%), Slimes(5.4%), Angles(5%), Fay(4%), Vampires(3%). Each of these species' categories include both the “baseline” members of the species as well as the variety of subspecies which come from them.

More information about the races of Terren can be found here.

Terrkovkin is the national language used by the vast majority of Imperial citizens. Approximately 91% of the population speaks Terrkovkin as their first language, with another 9% speaking Yamotian as their first language. Approximately %25 of the population is fluent in both languages.

The 53% of Terren's population identifies with the Eliadic Cult and 43% with the elemental Orthodoxy. 4% of the population identify as nonaligned, choosing not to identify with either religion for one reason or another. In addition, although the Eliadic Cult still holds a majority, the Elemental Orthodoxy is increasing in popularity rapidly.

Largest Cities



Metro area population



Grand Chorhaltov


Captial District






























The City of Sinners












The Seat of Imperial Power:
Castle Morriganheim

The Terren Dominion is an Elective Monarchy. The position of Emperor is an elected position, but they are considered to be the be all and end all of imperial politics, and the emperors word is final in all matters of state. But the Emperor does not rule alone. The Terren Hoftag is the main legislative and political body of the empire, doing much of the actual day to day governing of Terren.

The Hoftag has three major branches:

  • The High Lords: The High Lords are the former kings and queens of the Terren Tribes. They are the ones who oversee the administration of each of Terren's tribal provinces. Each High Lord holds considerable influence and authority within their respective territories and are tasked with managing local affairs, maintaining public order, and collecting taxes on behalf of the empire. They are also responsible for maintaining control of the nobles within their regions. When the High Lords converge, they are overseen by the Grand Overlord, a powerful figure within the empire who mediates and facilitates their discussions and plans.

  • The Reichsbundesrat: The Reichsbundesrat is a deliberative assembly composed of representatives from each of the Terren Tribes. Elected by the nobility and prominent figures of their respective tribes, senators convene regularly to debate and legislate on matters of national importance, such as taxation, trade, and defense. They are the branch of government responsible for writing and proposing national laws and policies. They are overseen by the Chairman of the Bundesrat, who is elected from within their ranks and then approved by the emperor.

  • The Kurfürstenhaus: The Kurfürstenhaus is a deliberative body comprised of elected representatives from the empire's various tribes, with each of its members being part of a vast array of social and economic classes. Elected through a system of proportional representation, members of the Kurfürstenhaus advocate for the interests of their constituents and the common people, examining the legislation created from the Reichsbundesrat and voting on whether or not the proposed laws are beneficial for the common people of Terren.

Foreign Relations

Terren has only recently emerged onto the global stage but thanks to its military and economic strength they have made a variety of allies in the Imperial Union of Order States, in particular the Theocracy of the Chief Goddess. Yet despite this diplomatic success Terren is hesitant to rely to heavily on trade. Terren has existed in isolation for a long time and has been forced into a form of Autarky. There is vigorous debate about whether or not the Terren should continue to maintain their economic self-sufficiency. Despite the Imperial-Hazarikan reluctance for opening their economy Emperor Luka has ordered the creation of the Diplomatic Korps who have begun launching diplomatic and trade expeditions across the world.


The Grand Reichsheer of the Terren Dominion is the vast military force born from the amalgamation of the martial traditions of the 15 original kingdoms that comprise what is now Terren. It is structured into four distinct branches, each serving a unique purpose in safeguarding the empire's dominion at home and enforcing its will across its vast colonies.

At the forefront of the Imperial Military stands the Imperial Army of Terren, a formidable force of conscripted State Troops mixed in with professional soldiers hailing from the different realms of Terren. These warriors are supplemented by a formidable arsenal of war machines, ranging from towering siege engines, fearsome war constructs, and devastating long ranged artillery. They are also supported by a menagerie of monstrous beasts who serve as living weapons, instilling fear and awe in the hearts of enemies.

While the Imperial Army is the core of the Terren Reichsheer, the Imperial Legions are the panicle of the empire's military might. The Legions are not bound by any kingdom, instead each legion is comprised of one of the different races of Terren. These legendary soldiers are distinguished by their mastery of a mystical process known as soul-binding. Through this ancient and esoteric art, soldiers forge powerful bonds with feral monsters, war beasts, and mystical sprits, imbuing them with enhanced strength, resilience, and agility, enhancing their already existing racial traits. United in purpose and empowered by their connection to the arcane, the Imperial Legions are an unstoppable force on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of those who would dare oppose the empire.

Taking to the seas, the Terren Imperial Navy commands vast fleets of warships, each bristling with cannons and manned by skilled sailors and mariners. But the true strength of the navy lies in its formidable creatures of the deep, bound to the service of the empire. From colossal whales to the mighty Höllenkalmar, these beasts of the sea serve as the empire's guardians, patrolling the waters and ensuring the safety of imperial trade routes and coastal territories.

Completing the quartet of military prowess is the Imperial Police Korps, the iron fist of the law and the keepers of order within the empire's borders. Tasked with maintaining peace and stability, the Police Korps is comprised of highly trained officers and enforcers, equipped with the latest advancements in law enforcement technology and tactics. From bustling city streets to remote frontier outposts, the Police Korps ensure that the empire's laws are upheld, and its citizens protected.

Main articles: The Grand Riechsheer of the Terren Dominion
The Terren Imperial Navy
The Imperial Police Korps


The Terren Dominion has a vast and diversified capitalist economy made up of two distinct types of economic entities, companies, which are privately-owned organizations designed around the selling of goods and services, and guilds, which are designed to educate and protect workers in an industry, different companies and guilds compete with the other for market power, customers, and imperium. The Imperial-Hazarikan economy is fueled by high productivity, vast ground and sea transportation infrastructure, and extensive natural resources both in the mainland Archipelago and in Terren's far-flung colonies. Thanks to Terren's colonial Empire, they have the largest economy in the Imperial Union of Order States.

While Terren is mostly capitalist and has a variety of extremely well-developed industries which make up the bulk of their economy, the Terren Colonies are differently structured. The colonies rely on a system semi-feudal labor with the lowborn Prastagott working on colonial farms and plantations under the supervision of feudal lords.


The Terren Dominion is a society characterized by the strict organization of its social classes comprised of the nobility, the common people, and the Prastagott . The Terren nobility itself is split into 2 different classes, the Gustivars(Imperial Nobility) and Herrstivars(Colonial Nobility) as well as the members of their immediate families. The entirety of Terren's social structure is strictly defined yet it is designed to encourage a form of meritocratic aristocracy. Membership of any social class is dependent on skill as well as blood and noble titles have been known to be granted to even the lowest of Prastagott as a reward for exceptional service, and vice versa revoked from Gustivars and Herrstivars as punishment for abuses of power or incompetence.

While Terren is comprised of 15 Realms, most of these tribes are affiliated with one of the 4 kingdoms of Terren. These kingdoms each have distinctive reputations and national characters. The Kingdom of Nostra and its affiliated tribes are politically and economically minded, renowned for their intelligence, magical affinity and frugality. However, the Nostrians are also sometimes viewed as soft and manipulative by their fellows. The Haltengeldi are the near complete opposite of the Nostrians, being warlike, resilient and stubborn. Yet they are sometimes viewed as simple war minded brutes. The Sabfians are a mysterious, contemplative and insular folk who tend to keep to themselves. However, they are loyal to the empire, and valued allies. Finally, are the Eliadics, the most pious of the Terren Kingdoms, but also zealous and fanatical, and most religious disputes in the empire are often centered around the Eliadics.

The food culture of Terren is diverse and rich and is reflective of the empire's cultural diversity. Ranging from hearty stews, savory pies, delicate pastries and exotic beasts, Terren cuisine contains a truly tantalizing array of options. For much of its history Terren has never really developed much of a food culture due to the constant race for survival that was the Age of Mists. This has changed however and thanks to its colonial holdings abroad, Terren cuisine has recently enjoyed a renaissance in terms of quality thanks to the variety of exotic spices and ingredients which made their way back into Imperial markets. Yet it is not just colonial power which has revitalized Terren food culture. The use of magic has started to become very common in cooking Terren cuisine. Skilled spellcasters, particularly Enchanters and Arcanists, have been known to use magic to enhance flavors, preserve ingredients, and create near-supernatural culinary masterpieces. Magical herbs, enchanted spices, and alchemical concoctions may also be used to imbue dishes with unique flavors and mystical properties, with some beginning to explore the use of such enchanted meals to bestow benefits to the consumer.


The Terren people have a great love of sports and have the Terren Dominion is home to a verity of unique sporting events. Below are some of the different Terren games which are played in the great sporting arenas found in most Terren Cities. Many people will gamble in these sporting events and the Fighters Guild is responsible for maintaining and training these athletes.

War Games
The War Games are a series of sporting events in the Terren Dominion which combine elements of athleticism, strategy, and martial skill in a competitive and thrilling spectacle. Rooted in the martial traditions of the Terren tribes the War Games provide a platform for warriors to showcase their prowess and skill in battle. Warriors are assigned into teams which are given a random objective. Sometimes it's a capture the flag style event where one group of warriors attempts to siege a small castle, while another group defends it. Other times warriors battle each other in open combat. In extremely rare circumstances, naval battles will occur with teams manning corvettes and fighting each other.

The Terrens love themselves a good race and have a large number of different styles of races. Foot and horse races are the most common type of race but they are not the only kind. Pegasus races are a rare but famous event in Terren, and when they do happen, they often bring large numbers of foreign officials and dignitaries to attend as well as massive number of Terrens.

Terren Wolfball is a popular and fast-paced team sport played which is known for its high-energy gameplay and the competitive spirit it tends to invoke in the populace. The game is played on a rectangular field split in half with an earthen hill in the center, a set of 2 rivers on the side, and sand bunkers with a hole dug into it. There are two opposing teams each consisting of eight players. The objective of Wolfball is to score points by maneuvering a ball, known as the "Wolfen" into the opposing team's Bunker while preventing them from doing the same.

Terren celebrates a variety of holidays and festivals throughout the year to mark important events and to serve as a reminder of a shared Imperial culture. During holidays school is let out and workers are permitted time off to be with their families and partake in the festivities.

Coronation Day: Coronation Day commemorates the establishment of the Terren Dominion and the unification of the original tribes into a single empire. Coronation Day is often celebrated with parades, fireworks, and public ceremonies of patriotism. Coronation Day is also a military appreciation holiday, and it is custom to present gifts of flowers and incense to actively serving soldiers. Coronation Day is a patriotic holiday that simultaneously honors the past and looks forward to the future.

Elemenstag: Elemenstag is a major holiday in the Elemental Orthodoxy, celebrated over 4 days each marked by a grand festival dedicated to one of the elemental goddesses. The 4 Festivals happen over the course of the 4 days, starting with the Festival of Fire, then the Festival of Earth , next the Festival of water, and finally the Festival of Wind. Each festival is marked by a grand parade as well as dedicated shamans preforming spells to awe the audience.

Eliadtag: Eliadtag is a holiday which is dedicated to celebrating the Terren Goddess of light. The day is marked by Elaidic Church bells ringing out across the land. Then a presession of priests emerge and walk the streets singing Hymes of praise to the goddess. Once these preseasons pass, people will attend a series of church services listing to the history of the goddesses and heroic stories of the faithful. Finally once night comes the priests will send up glowing balls of pure holy energy to the sky to pierce the darkness and show the power of light.

Dunkelheitag: Dunkelheitag is the 13-day festival of darkness and a celebration of the Goddess Elisfizz. It is a festival meant to remined the people of the value of the dark. To celebrate people of all species will dress up as horrifying monsters and march in grand precessions, called Night Parades, singing Hymes to Elisfizz. Necromancers will use their dread magic to summon the spirits of the dead to haunt the streets and to stupefy and terrify the enthralled population. During this time the Dark Goddess will use her great magic to ensure that the moons will all be in full for the duration of the festival.

Winterferien: Winterferien is one of the most beloved holidays of all, its arrival often eagerly anticipated by children for months beforehand. Winterferien is meant to stand as a reminder that even in the coldest of winters, cooperation and kindness can bring warmth. Winterferien is celebrated by families gathering together and engaging in gift giving ceremonies in which people exchange all manner of items with each other, while drinking melted chocolate and sharing stories.

Lukamas:Lukamas is a holiday dedicated to celebrating the life and achievements of Terrens emperor. Businesses close and many take to the streets singing hymns of victory and reenacting various scenes from the life of Luka and the wars which led up to Terrens founding. The celebrations are concluded with a mighty feast, during which all nobles must open their homes to the people and provide a great meal for each of their guests.

Days of Service: The Days of Service are a series of holidays during which the nobility of Terren must gather together and perform community service in the name of the empire and its people. During the Days of Service, nobles can be seen clearing debris and trash, building homes, paving roads, and doing the work of the people. These community service projects are vast and expansive, and nobles have been known to compete with each other to create more valuable and important projects. This is done to remind the nobility of Terren of their responsibilities and to remind them of the work that the common people do to serve the nation.

Terren's infrastructure was created by the empire's advanced engineering capabilities and due to Luka's commitment to supporting the needs of all citizens Imperial infrastructure is consistently being built and improved upon. The vast network of roads which exists across the Terren Archipelago, and to a lesser extent its colonies, are designed to both facilitate commerce and maintaining control. Much of Terren engineering is focused on efficiency and durability and Terren's infrastructure is no exception to this but thanks to this focus on function over form Terrens infrastructure networks are incredibly well maintained. Additionally, the Terren Archipelago's strategic location along major trade routes for the rest of the Imperial Union of Order States has led to the expansion of the already bustling ports and harbors in many coastal cities, allowing them to serve as vital hubs for maritime transportation and international trade.

Almost every town and city in Terren has a school of some kind, and most within Terren will attend school for the first 18 years of their lives. Most will not pursue education past that point, choosing instead to enroll in one of the guild-run vocational schools. Yet for those that do desire to pursue a higher education there is a lot to choose from. Every major city in Terren has some form of college or university, including those in the colonies, as education is viewed as a priority of the Imperial Government. But there are 9 collages which stand above the rest in terms of power, prestige and educational opportunities, the 8 Universitäten für Magie and the Imperial Collage of Engineers.

The Imperial Collage of Engineers

The Imperial College of Engineers: The Imperial College of Engineers is an institution dedicated to the pursuit innovation in the field of engineering. Nestled within the heart of Grand Chorhaltov, the college itself is a grand and imposing structure with soaring spires, intricate stonework, and magnificent stained-glass windows that depict the marvels of engineering throughout the ages. The college is led by the Chief Imperial Science Advisor Dr. Nindtorior Testia and a council of esteemed master engineers, each renowned for their groundbreaking contributions to the field. Students from all corners of the Terren Dominion, as well as from The Imperial Union of Order States, come to the college to study under the tutelage of these masters, eager to unlock the secrets of engineering and push the boundaries of what is possible. The curriculum at the Imperial College of Engineers is rigorous and comprehensive, encompassing the study of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, architectural design, alchemical engineering, and even the arcane arts of magitech. The college boasts state-of-the-art workshops, laboratories, and libraries filled with ancient tomes and practical manuals, where students can immerse themselves in the theoretical principles and practical applications of their craft. Throughout the year, the college hosts grand exhibitions and competitions where students showcase their inventions and designs, vying for the coveted recognition of the masters and the admiration of their peers. These events draw crowds from across the Terren Dominion, as well as foreign dignitaries and scholars seeking to witness the cutting-edge innovations emerging from the college. In addition to its civic pursuits, the Imperial College of Engineers also plays a crucial role in the Terren Dominion's Grand Reichsheer. Its graduates are sought after to serve as advisors to the army, work on defensive fortifications, devise and maintain ingenious war machines and defensive structures, and oversee sieges. The college is a symbol of the Terren Dominion's commitment to progress and advancement, and its graduates are revered as the architects of the future, shaping the very fabric of the world with their ingenuity and expertise.

Universitäten für Magie:In an effort to gain access to the best spellcasters possible, Terren government will offer to those who display raw magical ability a scholarship to attend one of the Universitäten für Magie, highly specialized state-owned universities that are dedicated to the study of magic. There are eight of these universities, each one focused on one specific type of magic. The Arcane University stands as a bastion of ancient knowledge, where scholars delve into the intricacies of raw magical energy, unlocking its potential to reshape reality with incantations and spells that transcend mortal comprehension. Elementalism finds its home in the hallowed halls of the Elemental University, where students commune with the very forces of nature, harnessing the primal energies of fire, water, earth, and air to wield devastating powers capable of shaping landscapes and commanding the elements themselves. At the Ealindaes Theurgical Academy, disciples learn the sacred art of Theurgy, weaving threads of divine essence into their magic to invoke the blessings of the Eliadic gods, channeling their divine will to heal, protect, and smite those who would oppose the forces of righteousness. In the shadowed corridors of the Demonological Institute, daring sorcerers brave the forbidden arts of Demonology, delving into the forbidden lore of infernal pacts and dark summoning's to command the legions of the abyss and bend demonic entities to their will. Necromancy finds its dark sanctuary within the Hazarikan College of Necromancy, where necromancers peer into the veil between life and death, wielding powers over souls and corpses to command undead legions, divine secrets from the beyond, and manipulate the very essence of life itself. Pharmamancers hone their craft within the Mortaburg Alchemical Academy, where the mysteries of the body, healing and disease brewing are unraveled, unlocking the secrets of medicine and healing. The Enchantment University serves as a beacon of mystic craftsmanship, where artisans imbue objects with magical properties, infusing them with spells of protection, enhancement, and empowerment to create artifacts of wondrous power and enduring legend. Lastly, the Inarishimin School of Beastromancy embraces the primal bond between magic and nature, where druids and shamans commune with beasts and spirits, invoking the primal forces of the wild to shape-shift, command creatures, and draw upon the untamed energies of the natural world. The 8 Universitäten für Magie stand as pillars of arcane wisdom, each dedicated to the study and mastery their distinct lore of magic.
