by Max Barry

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by The Free City of Night City MA. . 2 reads.

Armed Corporations

Arasaka: Arasaka is the largest distributor of Japanese-made merchandise throughout the American, European, and Asian markets. Due to the latest advances in technology and the company's seemingly unlimited capital, Arasaka is poised to achieve its political goals on a massive scale. The Arasaka Corporation maintains the largest and most powerful armed forces of any corporation in the world, with their guards renowned worldwide and feared by many. Most firms will look to licensing from Arasaka corporate security guards, couriers, or mercenaries to protect their assets. However, Arasaka assets take priority if they are at risk and the troops themselves are loyal to death to the Japanese conglomerate.

Kang Tao: Kang Tao is a Chinese, initially Taiwanese, weapons manufacturer. The megacorp consistently surpasses client expectations for quality weapons and equipment that suits both military and paramilitary needs. But most notably, Kang Tao is widely recognized for its specialization in the development, patenting and production of Smart-class weaponry and weapon systems. The corporation has been involved with the death of thousands of citizens and employees due to its operations, and also has a reputation for stealing research from other corporations in its field.

Maximum Force Tactical Division (MaxTac): MaxTac is an elite, special ops division of the Night City Police Department with a singular aim: eliminate cyberpsychos. MaxTac officers enjoy their pick of weapons, the best cyberware, fresh, prototype gear and a free hand in carrying out their ops. Other NCPD divisions tend to keep MaxTac at arm's length, making them something of a state within a state. When MaxTac arrives on the scene, there are sure to be casualties, while any internal investigations are sure to be dropped. Despite these overwhelming privileges, nobody in their right mind would ever join the force. A number of MaxTac members are former cyberpsychos themselves, forcefully recruited after being apprehended.

Militech: Militech International Armaments is one of the largest, most powerful corporations in the world. Known mainly in the New United States for their support of the federal government, they provide both manpower and arms to the regime, including weapons and specialist military gear. Militech also operates in the private sector, providing security as well as defensive and offensive combat services. The corporation offers clients the latest equipment, skilled staff and trained, well-equipped agents to get the job done. In addition, the megacorp also develops and produces its own firearms, drones, implants, even vehicles suitable for land, air and sea combat. Militech is often accused of taking part in ethically shady or blatantly illegal black ops, such as hiring out their private military to support revolutions, military coups, assassinations, terrorist attacks, and ethnic cleansings.

Night City Police Department (NCPD): The NCPD is an underfunded, underequipped, understaffed organization where every officer puts their life on the line each day. It's no surprise then that most badges in the NCPD have lost faith in their thankless jobs. An atmosphere of apathy and corruption pervades the department, while many officers on the street react with brutality and aggression due to the stress and nature of their work. The police force's official sponsor is Night Corp, but the NCPD is also beholden to the interests of Arasaka and Militech. Oftentimes, when official investigations get stonewalled, the NCPD will hire mercenaries on the sly to obtain evidence in areas under corporate jurisdiction that forbid any police presence.

Trauma Team: Trauma Team provides medical, paramedical and extraction services in all of the world's major cities. Their services are highly respected and sought after by those who can afford them. The company automatically bills their patients from the moment they receive the order to the location of retrieval. Trauma Team partners with many corporations such as Arasaka, Militech, Night Corp, Biotechnica, or Kiroshi, allowing certain employees access to Trauma Team memberships without paying for the service themselves. The medical corporation also manufacturers its own products for the general public to use. They don't play politics, they don't ask questions. As long as you pay your dues, your life is safe in their hands – no matter how dire the situation.
