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by The Imperial Government of N27. . 1 reads.

Government releases statement on expatriate citizens in Marche Noire.


Author: Julia Asquithe

It has been announced in a televised national address which began at 2:34pm today by Secretary of State for Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, Elizabeth McGrey, that following a meeting at the Central Palace with their majesties, the Westerosi government will undertake rescue operations for those expatriates in Marche Noire, provided they have not yet renounced their citizenship, as until such time as they renounce their citizenship officially, they remain the citizens of N27. For those individuals who have already renounced their citizenship and all claims of citizenship to N27 or Westerosi citizenship, they have legally exited this realm and are no longer under the jurisdiction of N27. We spoke to Secretary McGrey outside the Department of State buildings in downtown King's Landing earlier today.

"Unfortunately, due to the legal ramifications imposed by international parties, we're unable to interfere with foreign citizens unless specifically called upon to do so on humanitarian grounds. As soon as these citizens renounced their claim to our citizenship, and accepted a foreign power's, we were barred from interacting with them for situations like these. We have reached out to a few countries who have granted us permission to assist, however a vast majority are still unresponsive, having been distracted by their own response to the Marche Noire crisis. Our diplomats are also attempting to back-channel with NGOs to resolve the situation with as little bloodshed as possible." She said during this statement.
