by Max Barry

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by The Self-Administrative City of Tinhampton. . 5 reads.

Sophia & EoGB recommend a vote FOR Star Gazing Day

Office of the President of Sophia & WA Affairs Ministry of the Empire of Great Britain

General Assembly: Star Gazing Day (Environmental; All Businesses - Mild), by Namwenia with Dixionconderoga

Recommendation: FOR

Rationale: For as long as there have been people with easy access to stars in the night sky, there have been people taking advantage of that easy access. The fun, instant and sure-to-be-beloved component of this proposal would be to enact an eponymous Star Gazing Day for the day after its official enactment - or whatever similar date is most convenient - and to exhort member states to take steps to ensure that all of their inhabitants can in fact Star Gaze on the Day (or, as it were, night).

Amidst all this, however, there is a subtle prod for members to ensure that outside artificial lighting which is not absolutely necessary is turned off throughout the Day. It is all very likely that this will serve as an impetus for much-needed, permanent regulation to this effect, and hopefully regulation that will not be as intrusive as Minskiev's last attempt to cover this matter. This is a good proposal and, once again, we see no reason to oppose it.


This recommendation was written by Tinhampton, the President of Sophia. The Empire of Great Britain concurs.

This resolution will be at vote between the major updates of September 13th 2023 and September 17th 2023.

This recommendation was jointly issued between Sophia and Empire of Great Britain. This does not mean that the President's opinion of this resolution was influenced by what Empire of Great Britain believes. Under the Constitution, the President must always cast their vote in line with the interests of Sophia, not some other region; this recommendation reflects the sincere beliefs of all regions involved.
