by Max Barry

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by The Greater Ram Rajya of Hindu Ram Rajya. . 90 reads.

India RP General Rules

1. Every nation participating has five [5] days to post one [1] military action post from the previous moderator post. Additional posts will not be moderated. Edited posts will be moderated. Military action posts from a previous moderation that are edited will be voided and any consequent moderations will be done to adjust the resultant outcome. Military action posts will only be moderated as part of the current five-day moderation cycle.

2. Moderators will have five [5] days from the previous moderator post to post a detailed war post accounting for forces, equipment, and tactics. All moderator decisions will be justified by that moderator in a forum only visible to war moderators and the Role Play Council. Any egregious mismoderations will be pointed out here and corrected.

3. If a moderator does not perform a moderator post in the allotted timeframe, please telegram Hindu Ram Rajya, who will assign a new moderator until the previous moderator is capable of resuming his duties.

4. Specific complaints about any moderator or role player should be directed to any Role Play Council member.

5. No war moderator may be a participant in the war or theater he is moderating. If this is not possible, a new moderator will be assigned.

6. To apply to be a war moderator, please telegram Hindu Ram Rajya, who will test your moderation abilities.
7. If you cannot post a military action post in a certain moderation cycle, please telegram your war moderator. Your war moderator will take your past role play and military capabilities into account in deciding your actions during that cycle.

8. No war moderator may moderate a war that he has not been assigned to.

9. Military action posts may only respond to posts in past moderation cycles; those that respond to military actions within a current moderation cycle will be voided. The exception is for posts that can be justified, e.g. by reconnaissance.

10. The moderation cycle may be reduced to three [3] days or increased to seven [7] days by the request of at least one role player in that war or theater and the consensus of a majority of the role players in that theater.

11. New citizens must wait three moderation cycles to participate in any war.

12. Nations that accept Article 5 that join a war will immediately have Article 5 protection revoked. Every nation that uses Article 5 is both neutral and lacks a military; therefore, it will take a reasonable preparation time before these nations can participate in a war. Nations that accept Article 5 may not be participants in a current war and immediately lose the diplomatic possibility of waging war and any military. This includes any nations that partially accepted Article 5 that do not make a decision one way or the other by the 2023 role play year. The exception is mercenaries, who can act independently of their government, but the size of mercenary companies must be justified in role play.

13. Noncitizens who attempt to join a war will not be allowed to join that war if accepted as citizens.

14. Special Forces are rarer and more capable than regular forces, and regular forces are rarer and more capable than militia. Similarly, armored forces are rarer and more capable than mechanized forces, and mechanized forces are rarer and more capable than nonmechanized infantry.
15. The economic, administrative, and diplomatic conditions of a country will be affected by participation in a war, and the effects of these will be revealed through special events by your war moderator outside of regular moderation cycles [as these do not count as war role play]. These are not optional and ignoring them will lead to negative effects on your country.
16. Everyone's army and capability needs a basic verification before engaging.
a) What Forces can a nation have? Without a dispatch, they can only have the forces that the IRL nations they control has + anything they have reasonably built in the RP (while adhering to the maximum capabilities provided by IRL stats). A nation claiming Mexico means that nation would have the Mexican airforce: 4 Northrop fighters, and 25 Bell helicopters, etc, for example, they can buy and build more within regards to the RP. The only exception is nuclear weapons (ballistic and explosive) arsenals - which are more tightly controlled anyway and are temporarily banned for usage in this conflict. This rule is somewhat harsh but it's to stop nations joining the RP as Guinea but having 5 aircraft carriers. Nations which occupy land with no military (myself for example) must have deep and well defined history shown before this conflict, such as through dispatches, the RMB, or discord. With a dispatch approved by Hindu Ram Rajya, custom forces may be used, not exceeding 5% of a country's GDP and population.
b) A nation cannot put all their planes in one airfield and have 5000 planes at once flying from it. We know the ranges and speeds of aircraft. Generally RP admins (Mexico Trigarante, Hindu Ram Rajya, Keshav, Free Boers, Shariq) know how many fighter planes can be launched for sorties from a specific airfield (or carrier) - which for simplicity will be based on IRL airfields unless a post detailing the construction of an Airfield exists and its construction has been completed and is deemed operational.
c) Technology, basically it's modern technology, and dependent on the IRL nation(s) your country has claimed (unless you have a really in-depth historical RP history that predates this conflict; through a dispatch, RMB message, or discord message), other technology outside this will be vetoed. In other words, as an example, you cannot have Chinese tech if you are not China. If you have other nations' techs and have a valid petition from that nation to keep them then that technology can be used. If your nation has technology or equipment from a nation that no longer exists (e.g. USSR) it can be used but spare parts and new models cannot be bought. If your nation has technology from a nation not in the RP but is still around IRL, it cannot be used. If your nation is using technology that breaches those rules, it can change them to a similar/identical model that is applicable, such as changing a British gun to a near equivalent Soviet gun for example.
17. Forces can move through any NPC to attack another nation, but this will bring those NPCs into the conflict if you do not have a military access agreement.
18. Fuel is not considered (it's too complicated). As long as forces have some access to supplies (airdrop, a port) then they are supplied.
19. Any RP that has currently violating these rules will be provided a means to change the issue through an edit to their post. For example, moving through non-owned lands can instead be changed to moving through international waters by landing those troops and equipment. These edits will be checked.

20. Superpower nations will have a fraction of the military forces of that nation equal to the number of portions that country has been divided into.
