Dispatch → Factbook → Overview
Atolls of Scodalek Brief Overview
Atolls of Scodalek | uh-tolz-ov-sko-daa-lek |
Government | Scodalek Cahoot (SDC) |
National Language | Scottsmumble |
National Religion | Great Scott |
National Capital | Ttocs |
National Currency | Debacle |
Time zone | EST +1 (East Scodalek Time), WST +2 (West Scodalek Time) |
Driving Side | Left |
Phone Code | +73 |
Internet Code | sd |
National Animal | Snotty Nose Dolphin |
National Measurements | metric |
National Plant | Itmakes Mesneeze, Sneezing Palm Tree |
National Motto | "We'll see on the day" |
National Sport | Kicks & Gaps |
National Cuisine | Spit & Fetch it |
National Colours | Black, Dark Grey, green, White and Dark Blue |
National Radio Channels | Scodalek Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Talking Scottlish, Scodalek FM, Listen2me, SDSport |
National Television Channels | Scodalek Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Channel One, Channel Two, Channel Three, Scodalek Sports, Kidding Scotty |
Highest Peak | Mt Kickacanalong (1,606m) |
Largest Rain Forest | Pouring Downs |
Largest Beach | Sand in Shoe Bay |
Largest Port | Port Cahoots |
Largest River | Upship Creek |
Largest Desert | Woopwoopbecanya |
Largest City | Bookarest |
Largest Building | Darn Tower (350m) |