by Max Barry

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by Not-brittania. . 258 reads.

Application for Territory Status

Please telegram completed applications to HM the King or the Prime Minister.


Is your nation present in the Empire of Great Britain NS Region? (Y/N):

Is the Union Jack or Flag of the Empire of Great Britain present somewhere on your nation's flag? (Y/N):

Is your nation a member of the World Assembly? (Y/N):

Do you hold citizenship on the EoGB forum? If so, what is your forum username?:

Are you applying to become a Protectorate, Crown Colony, or Dominion? Please review the requirements laid out in this dispatch for each status [url]

British Overseas Territories Act 2022

to define the various territories belonging to the Empire of Great Britain
Proposed by: His Lordship, Baron Holland (Guliveria)
Written by: His Lordship, Baron Holland (Guliveria)

BE IT ENACTED by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Lords, and the House of Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Article I || Titles
1.00 || This Act may be cited and referred to in short as the British Overseas Territories Act.

1.01 || This Act may be referred to in full as An Act to define the various territories belonging to the Empire of Great Britain.

Article II || Definitions
2.00 || Territory: any on-site nation whose holder is a citizen of the Empire of Great Britain.

2.01 || On-site: all that takes place or is available on the website

Article III || Statuses of Territories
3.00 || The Overseas Territories of the Empire of Great Britain shall be divided into the following forms of territories:
3.00a || Dominions;
3.00b || Crown Colonies;
3.00c || Protectorates.

3.01 || All Dominions, Crown Colonies and Protectorates shall be subjects to the Empire of Great Britain and its rightful Sovereign in accordance with the Monarchy Act 2021.
3.01a || Dominions, Crown Colonies and Protectorates and other territories shall be defined for ceremonial purposes and shall have no practical effect or lawful powers and rights within the Empire of Great Britain;
3.01b || In no circumstances any person, official or institution shall have the right to impose any obligations on a holder of an on-site nation that affects its on-site nation or on-site experience;
3.01c || An on-site nation remains the property and shall be under the full control of the holder of the on-site nation at all times.

3.02 || If an on-site nation holder meets the following on-site characteristics and requirements, the on-site nation holder may apply to register their on-site nation as a Protectorate of the Empire of Great Britain:
3.02a || The on-site nation is a member of the region of the Empire of Great Britain;
3.02b || The holder of an on-site nation has been and is a on-site nation holder within the Empire of Great Britain for a minimum of seven (7) consecutive days;
3.02c || The on-site nation has incorporated the Union Jack or the flag of the Empire of Great Britain, as to be determined by Order-in-Council, into its on-site flag;
3.02d || The on-site nation is a holder is a member of the World Assembly.

3.03 || If an on-site nation meets the following characteristics and requirements, the on-site nation holder may apply to register their on-site nation as a Crown Colony of the Empire of Great Britain:
3.03a || The on-site nation is a member of the region of the Empire of Great Britain;
3.03b || The holder of the on-site nation has been and is a member of the Empire of Great Britain for a minimum of thirty-one (31) consecutive days;
3.03c || The on-site nation has incorporated the Union Jack or the flag of the Empire of Great Britain, as to be determined by Order-in-Council, into its on-site flag;
3.03d || The on-site nation is a member of the World Assembly.

3.04 || If an on-site nation meets the following characteristics and requirements, the on-site nation holder may apply to register their on-site nation as a Dominion of the Empire of Great Britain:
3.04a || The on-site nation is a member of the region of the Empire of Great Britain;
3.04b || The holder of the on-site nation has been and is a citizen of the Empire of Great Britain for a minimum of sixty-one (61) consecutive days;
3.04c || The on-site nation has incorporated the Union Jack or the flag of the Empire of Great Britain, as to be determined by Order-in-Council, into its on-site flag;
3.04d || The on-site nation is a member of the World Assembly.

Article IV || Assignment or Deprivation of Status
4.00 || The Sovereign of the Empire of Great Britain has exclusive jurisdiction and is the sole authority to grant Crown Colony or Protectorate status.

4.01 || The Sovereign of the Empire of Great Britain is required to grant Dominion, Crown Colony or Protectorate status by Letters Patent if the following conditions are met:
4.01a || The application to request status as Crown Colony or Protectorate has been lawfully submitted;
4.01b || The applicant for the status has no other country that already holds status as Crown Colony or Protectorate;
4.01c || The applicant meets the eligibility requirements for the holder of an on-site nation and for an on-site nation belonging to the status desired by the application as set forth in Article III of this Act.

4.02 || Deprivation of status as Dominion, Crown Colony or Protectorate takes place by operation of law in the following situations:
4.02a || The holder of an on-site nation or the on-site nation itself with a status as a Crown Colony or Protectorate no longer meets the requirements set out in Article III for the status of Crown Colony or Protectorate.
4.02b || The judiciary has thus decided in accordance with the law.
4.02c || Terms, characteristics, expressions or otherwise visible aspects of an on-site nation are contrary to on-site regulations or the regulations of the Empire of Great Britain.

4.03 || HM Government shall be charged with the task of setting up an application procedure to request a status for a territory and shall review these applications and shall notify the Sovereign of the Empire of Great Britain of its conclusion within seven (7) days of receipt of a application.
4.03a || HM Government shall make an application procedure for on-site members of the region without citizenship available on-site.

Article V || Ratification
5.00 || This Act shall come into effect upon passage by both Houses of Parliament and assent by the Sovereign or other authority as established under the Monarchy Act 2021.

Read dispatch


