by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Popular Councils of Neo Kerala. . 16 reads.

Anthem of Neo Kerala

ANTHEM OF The Republic of Popular Councils of Neo Kerala

Avenge Me O Youth

A voice is rising, from the bottom of the grave.
Like the sun when it shoots, and opens on the ground.
Revenge, revenge, in the mouth of the barbarian.
Ahead, O people, upon it like lightning.
Avenge me O youth, the martyr cries.
That fell for freedom, on its own land.

Avenge me O youth, the martyr cries.
That fell for freedom, on its own land.

Avenge me they cry, martyrs from the grave.
That the shed blood should be washed with blood.
It is a whole people, with Malayali faith.
With guns in hand, we shall fight.
O people take revenge, the martyr cries out.
That washed with blood, its own flag.

O people take revenge, the martyr cries out.
That washed with blood, its own flag.
