Dispatch → Bulletin → Policy
Voice Of The People Issue 1

__________________ECO-IMPERIALISM IN AWELL ISLAND'S YUCATAN_______________________________________________
The Eco-Neoliberal state of Awell islands has transformed Yucatan, a land of rich history with many native americans, such as the Maya, who wish to be left alone and keep there identity and culture. Awell Islands has constructing a public. How could Awell Islands know that all the people like this move? Many natives, who live, hunt, farm, and do indigenous burning, which is a small intentional burns to renew local food, medicinal and cultural resources, create habitat for animals, and reduce the risk of larger, more dangerous wild fires. These Central and Northern Yucatan Maya Natives shall be harmed by this! The areas which Awell Islands is doing this is the area of large native populations. This is evoirnmental imperialism by Awell Islands.
Currently, Hindu puri is leading the electoral race with 20 endorsments. The next is Balasai with 3, quite a drop, then at the botttom is both Kushas and Shreekaristan with both 1, and both the same person, Gujarati empire, endorsing them. So yes Hindu puri is wining with a huge majority. This is a disaster for the left on India. No leftist canidate and the radical right wing canidate is wining by a huge margin.
__________________ANTI-REVOSIONIST MARXIST LENINISM: WHY IT IS THE WAY_______________________________________________
Marxist–Leninist countries have been betrayed by leaders like Nikita Khrushchev in the Soviet Union and Deng Xiaoping in China. These states have been destroyed by state capitalist and social imperialism. Trotskyism and its permanent revolution is hypocritical. Leon Trotsky had at one time thought it acceptable that socialism could work in a single country as long as that country was industrialized, but that Trotsky had considered Russia too backward to achieve such industrialization which is what it later in fact did achieve, mostly through his archenemy Joseph Stalin's five-year plans..
During the Sino-Soviet split, the People's Republic of Albania under Enver Hoxha proclaimed themselves to be taking an anti-revisionist line and denounced Khrushchev's policies in the Soviet Union. In the United States, those who supported Albania at the time were expelled from the Communist Party USA under orders from Moscow and formed the Progressive Labor Movement and other new communist movement parties in 1961. A short time later, anti-revisionist groups were further divided by the Sino-Albanian split, with those following Albania being loosely described as Hoxhaist.
On the whole, the original 1960s-era anti-revisionists tended to take a careful, selective approach to the Cuban Revolution and the way it soon aligned itself with Soviet ideas and practice, criticizing the latter action while simultaneously acknowledging some aspects of Cuban self-described socialism as genuinely revolutionary—in particular the writing and thinking of Che Guevara. Anti-revisionists also took a hopeful approach towards the Vietnamese communists, expressing confidence that they too were genuinely revolutionary-communist in their aspirations and supported their struggle against the United States in the Vietnam War—a side which got a lot of support from the Soviet Union, anti-revisionists' state capitalist enemy.
Several present-day communist parties worldwide still see themselves as explicitly anti-revisionist, but not every such party adhering to elements of anti-revisionism necessarily adopts the label anti-revisionist. Many such organizations may call themselves Maoist, Marxist–Leninist, or simply revolutionary communist. The Workers Party of Korea still claims an anti-revisionist political line, but the communist movement as a whole and anti-revisionists from the Maoist and Hoxhaist camps in particular tend to insist North Korea is a revisionist state. However, many if not most HMaoists are critically supportive of North Korea on grounds of anti-imperialism, proving there revisionism.
Maoism is revisionism. Mao's Three Worlds Theory contradicted Marxism–Leninism and existed only to justify his alliance with the United States that began in the early 1970s and his meeting with President Richard Nixon during the Sino-Soviet split that Hoxha and the Hoxhaists opposed. Hoxhaists the theory of New Democracy and people's war were revisionist and anti-scientific. The Hoxhaist camp came into existence during the Sino-Albanian split.
Without Anti-Revisionism, your country on a socialist path shall be destroyed.