by Max Barry

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by Not-brittania. . 3 reads.

Her Majesty's Government's Embassy Policy

Her Majesty's Government will only consider embassy requests from regions that meet the following criteria at the time of their application:

I. Must have a population of at least 25 nations.
II. Must have evidence of RMB, Discord or Offsite Forum activity within 5 days of application submission.
III. Must not subscribe to or support any racist, sectarian, or extremist ideology.
IV. Must not have been involved in or supported any raids on regions that share embassies with the EoGB within a week prior to application submission.

These are the minimum requirements for the consideration of your request. Acceptance is granted at the discretion of the Foreign Secretary, who may change the criteria at their discretion. Please contact the Foreign Secretary with any questions.

Regions whose embassy requests are accepted are invited to join the Foreign Office channel on our regional Discord server.

Policy last updated 5/4/2020

