by Max Barry

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by The Regional Book Keeper of India Dispatch Office. . 78 reads.

The Regional Assembly of India

"Let your voice be heard! Apply for LinkCitizenship to take part in the legislative process."

What is the Regional Assembly?

The Regional Assembly is our place for the citizens of India to come and discuss topics of varying importance.The Regional Assembly makes up the legislative branch of our government. It is where new laws are created, existing laws are repealed, treaties are ratified or revoked.

How can I join it?

Every Citizen of India is automatically a member of the Regional Assembly. All Citizens have equal power in the Regional Assembly since everyone ultimately gets one vote. Nations that reside in India can apply for citizenship Linkhere.

How can I get involved?

The most important thing that all members of the Regional Assembly can do is vote. The more votes there are, the stronger our democracy is. Besides voting, members can provide feedback on current proposals and even create their own proposals.

How does a proposal become a law?

1. A proposal is typed up in a specific format and posted on the LinkRegional Assembly forum.

2. Other Citizens voice their input on the bill and the proposer makes changes to the bill in response to the feedback.

3. Once the proposer is satisfied,and the proposal is verified by the speaker to have in proper format,they move to the LinkVoting Floor.

4. A formal debate period is started by the Speaker and can last up to 2 days. This is the last chance make the bill perfect before voting begins.

5. The vote is scheduled by the Speaker.

6. If a proposal gathers a majority of the vote, it passes in the Regional Assembly and becomes a law.

So I can propose any laws?

Currently only those laws are allowed to be proposed which does not affects our Gameplay or Our Constitution.The right to amend constitutional laws are held by elected ministers and members of Parliament only.

What type of laws can I propose?

Laws which come under the category of Roleplay,such as:

2.Industry Advancement
3.Civil Rights
4.Furtherment of Democracy
5.Arts and Education
7.International Security
