Dispatch → Factbook → International
Official History and Records of the Empire of Great Britain (undergoing a much-needed update)
Welcome to the living history document of the Commonwealth of Great Britain and Eire, British Commonwealth of Free States, and Empire of Great Britain maintained by Not-brittania, current Foreign Secretary and MP for Northern England and former Home Secretary, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the now-defunct Imperial Arts Council and Prime Minister of the Empire of Great Britain.Please telegram Not-brittania if any of the information below is incorrect. Or if you have any additional information.
Table of Contents:
Previous Governments
-First The Founding Father
-First Regal Windsor
-First Colfax County
-First United Provinces Emissary
Royal Navy
Supreme Court
Sessions of the House of Commons:
1st Session (Winter 2018-19)
Commonwealth of Great Britain and Eire:
First The founding father Ministry:
Lord-Protector: His highness cromwell
Prime Minister: The founding father
Deputy Prime Minister: ????
Governor-General: Eastern selousia
Foreign Secretary: ????
Defense Secretary: StWinchester
Home Secretary: Turnerstan
RP and Games Secretary: ???
WA Delegate: Turnerstan
British Commonwealth of Free States:
Monarch: Hm the queen elizabeth ii
Prince-Consort: His highness cromwell
Prince of Wales/WA Delegate: Eastern selousia
Prime Minister: Regal windsor
Deputy Prime Minister: The founding father
Foreign Secretary: The founding father
Deputy Foreign Secretary: United provinces emissary
Defense Secretary: StWinchester
First Home Secretary: Turnerstan
Second Home Secretary: Not-brittania
RP and Games Secretary: Shackley
After HRH Queen Elizabeth II and Eastern Selousia ceased to exist, shortly after Regal windsor's resignation, the newly elected Prime Minister, Colfax county, opted to move to a backup region, the Empire of Great Britain, prepared by Regal windsor.
Empress: Her Majesty Queen Victoria
Emperor-Consort: His highness cromwell
First Deputy Prime Minister: The founding father
Second Deputy Prime Minister: Not-brittania
Foreign Secretary: The founding father
Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: United provinces emissary
First Defense Secretary: StWinchester
Second Defense Secretary: Lunayria
RP and Games Secretary: Shackley
Recruitment Secretary/WA Delegate: Menorica'
First United provinces emissary Ministry:
Defense Secretary/Deputy Prime Minister: Lunayria
Foreign Secretary: Saint Arsenio
Home Secretary: Eastern selousia
Recruitment Secretary: Menorica
Members of the Royal Navy as of 1/29/19:
- Lunayria
- Hms not-brittania
- Saint Arsenio
- Hms rimmer
- United provinces emissary
- British imperials
- Newtopian Britain
Recipients of the StWinchester Medal of Honor:
First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: Creekmoor
Appointed ?/?/18
Second Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: The founding father
Appointed March 2019
Third Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: Jamadlenter
Appointed in the aftermath of the Great Restoration.
On December 4th, 2018, the Constitutional Amendment authored by The founding father concerning the House of Commons was ratified in a vote.
United provinces emissary went on a several-month long diplomatic mission to Iran, serving as point of contact to the region's president, Iramerica and de-facto ambassador to the region, pending the signing of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation drafted by the Foreign Secretary, The founding father.
The treaty was ratified by the Iranian government on December 3rd, 2018.
Sessions of the House of Commons:
First Session (Winter 2018-19)
The candidates for Speaker of the House of Commons were Newtopian Britain and
Saint Arsenio.
Saint Arsenio was elected, however due to suspected counts of voter fraud the election was not affirmed by HIM's government pending an investigation by Chief Justice Creekmoor.
Saint Arsenio then forfeited the election and moved to another region, The United States 0f America. Thus,
Newtopian Britain became the first Speaker of the House of Commons.
The candidates for Prime Minister were Colfax county, the incumbent, and United provinces emissary. Colfax county won, 7 to 4.
The Prime Minister announced his intent to resign effective February 1st, 2019.
On February 2nd, the Royal Navy was deployed on its first operation to liberate Iran and restore Iramerica, the democratically elected president to power.
The candidates to replace Colfax county were Not-brittania and United provinces emissary. United Provinces Emissary was victorious, 6-3.
The Prime Minister established the Imperial Arts Council, appointing Not-brittania as its first director.
After Creekmoor ceased to exist, United provinces emissary nominated The founding father to replace him as Chief Justice.
On 3/24/19, the Royal Navy was deployed to Celtic Britain, which was set up as a protectorate. A long battle was soon to follow. The following account was written by Saint Arsenio.
On March 24 2019, the Empire of Great Britain decided to merge Celtic Britain to it's territory. Huge fleets of the Royal Navy were sent and the vast lands were under the Union Jack in no time.
But two rebel groups Black Ops and The Wolf Clan decided to resist the "invasion" (not really an invasion, more of making the Region a protectorate of the Empire) and fought back the "invading" navy.
(Saint Arsenio in a "war room" with
Newtopian Britain, Not-brittania and United provinces emissary)
(Reinforcement dispatched with Her Majesties Royal Navy)
(Black Ops and The Wolf Clan waiting to "chop their heads")
(Newtopian Britain "declaring war," along with their militia)
Allied Forces fighting off the "invasion" (Again, this was NOT an invasion)
(Black Ops combating the most influential "invader")
("Black Ops combating the most influential invader" went a little more like this)
Remaining militia "fleeing" the battlefield (Not one member of the Royal Navy fled, we all fought until the very second we were banned)
Allied Army celebrating their "victory"
Saint Arsenio returning back with the "injured" Navy (Like I said before, we all remained in the Region until the second we were all banned)
6 hours after the "victory," the Empire of Great Britain "begging" for diplomacy and peace talks with the Allied Force (The Empire of Great Britain, NEVER begs, and we will not be made out to do so. BOTH Regions agreed on specific terms)
True Ending:
What this dispatch on the "Battle of Celtic Britain is missing, is the final parts of the "battle." After the Royal Navy was banned, the true invaders also removed the rightful government from their positions, and banned any Natives from the Region, that tried to fight against them. That is the true ending.
The Empire of Great Britain isn't the invading Region it is made out to be in this dispatch, originally created by one if the main invaders, in an attempt to anger the citizens of the Empire. Instead, the Empire was attempting to protect Celtic Britain from true invaders, and to try to restore the rightful Government to their positions once more.
At some point following the Battle of Celtic Britain, United provinces emissary left the region for the Union of Allied States.
Following a lengthy period of inactivity by Her Majesty the Queen during which yours truly served a term as Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, The founding father who by then had also become Speaker of the House, introduced a piece of legislation called the Imperator Act, which would have created an elective monarchy. This initiative failed when Her Majesty returned from inactivity and sacked the entire cabinet, appointing The holy brittannian empire as Prime Minister.
The holy brittannian empire was followed in office by Newtopian Britain. It was during this election (I think) that
Gwerncyned became Speaker of the House of Commons.
During the Second Newtopian Britain Government,