by Max Barry

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Trading Cards

Earn Trading Cards by answering issues. Each issue has a chance of granting a new pack!

Junk cards you don't want and receive a small amount of bank by tapping the top flag area!

Buy and Sell cards in the Market!

Gift a card to any nation by paying a transfer fee!

Read more thrilling details in the FAQ!


The Kingdom of
We rise from the Depths
Most Stationary: 9,004thLargest Populations: 27,983rdLargest Insurance Industry: 28,349th
15.6b Inoffensive Centrist Democracy 586t
Owners 13 Current Owners
Cards 13 Finds History
Trades 2 Trades History
Collections 1 Collections
Junk Price 0.10
Market Value (estimated) 0.10
Highest Sell Price 0.11
Most Recent Sell Price 0.11