Security Council Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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Security Council Resolution # 486
Liberate Alcatraz
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region.
The Security Council,
Unshackling itself from the chains of time to look back to an age of titans and legendary feats; home to the stories that gave rise to those who carry on the fight to preserve and protect the innocent today, laying the foundations upon which these very halls rest,
Remembering the part the cold and misty island of Alcatraz has played in history, paving the road towards light in an era of darkness; Alcatraz would forge a reputation as a leading member of the embryonic defender movement, as a training grounds for what would come to be a defining generation of defenders, and as a force in their own right, a lighthouse casting away the shadows in the mist in a time before such light permeated through the darkness,
Amazed at the legacy Alcatraz has put up from their murky abode, leveraging their influence and expertise into the formation of the fabled Alliance Defense Network the first major defender alliance of its kind, nearly unparalleled in stature and impact creating the groundwork for a proper system that could do what any single actor, no matter how skilled, couldnt,
Devastated that while Alcatraz has found its place to slumber peacefully, resting in the early pages of history, villains have once again broken into its walls and wreaked havoc where old ghosts sleep,
Determined to keep Alcatrazs flame alight, and to ensure that a storied defender region, its time done and its due paid, may continue onwards peacefully into the night,
Honoring Alcatrazs legacy as an ancient watcher of the night, standing tall far off the coast in the early dawn to protect this world in its first days, and hoping now to repay that favor to a guardian at rest, chronicled in moments before time,
Hereby liberates Alcatraz.
Co-author: Concrete Slab
Passed: |
For: | 9,654 | 80.2% |
Against: | 2,388 | 19.8% |
Security Council Resolution # 487
Injunct Alcatraz
A resolution to forbid a region's conversion to or from a Frontier.
The Security Council,
Hailing the residents of Alcatraz, the hereditary custodians of a land of legend, residing in peace and quiet solitude, free from the forces of evil that they fought to beat back for so long in the early days of this world,
Orating the many accomplishments of Alcatraz and those who once resided in it, lighting the way for the earliest days of what could be nominally called the defender movement, setting an example as a lone region that could fight back against seemingly overwhelming hordes of invaders despite their relative size and strength,
Overawed by the stand Alcatraz took in developing the faction that has ensured the balance and resistance against the entropic forces that would chip away at the last vestiges of freedom in our world, its prominent leaders like Vazquez being crucial in the formation of the Alliance Defense Network, the tales of which are enumerated in the lengths of this hallowed chamber and have inspired defenders decades since its beginnings, while also setting the example for early progenitors of those who now bring peace to every corner of the multiverse, with subsequent legends like Nasicournia rising from the platform that Alcatraz set,
Verifying the ingression of criminals and outlaws into Alcatraz on one misty morning, assassins, affiliates, and accomplices from the absolute dregs of the malicious forces, dozens of them now flooding into the cells and prisons they deserve to inhabit, but now rule as their own,
Elucidating this bodys place as the preeminent protector of the prone and unprotected, to break down walls that would otherwise imprison the impuissant and to ensure freedom to all who deserve it, and to bring flaming justice upon those who would degrade and disregard the basest principles and rights all inhabitants of this mortal plane deserve,
Recognizing that Alcatraz, if not saved, will fall into the hands of those it has worked since the dawn of time to fight, a fate no innocent region deserves,
Hereby Injuncts Alcatraz.
Co-author: Concrete Slab
Passed: |
For: | 9,577 | 78.7% |
Against: | 2,586 | 21.3% |
Security Council Resolution # 488
On the Strangers' Bar and Three Walled Bar
A resolution to express a position on international affairs and obligations.
The Security Council,
Noting that the Strangers' Bar and the Three Walled Bar have been key meeting places for ambassadors to gather, whether to merely exchange ideas, discuss serious political issues, engage in old fashioned bar fights, or occasional nuclear attacks;
Noting that despite advances in technologies such as video calls, many diplomats still attend the World Assembly in person, for reasons such as seeking interaction with other species, cultural exchanges, or a lack of better things to do, the usual alternatives being either (a) starting pedantic arguments, (b) starting nuclear wars, or (c) starting nuclear wars due to pedantic arguments;
Hereby expresses its gratitude to the Strangers' Bar for, among other things:
The loyalty of the staff, such as Neville, Violet, Jimmy, and the chef, Dazza, for concocting drinks of all kinds, some barely edible pizzas, occasional free donuts for certain patrons, at least one half-decent sandwich and magical teas; and for enduring such work conditions and not find other jobs such as butcher, health and safety inspector specializing in asbestos, or delegate;
Protection inside from threats from the outside world such as getting mauled down by hippos, lawyers, auditors and, through judicious use of Acme machinery, an absence of weapons, giving ambassadors a place to hide from their bosses, loved ones (emphasis on the plural), debt collectors (again, plural) and assorted enemies;
Protection for the outside world from those inside by letting diplomats brawl, sing karaoke (especially dreadful off-key parodies) or otherwise make themselves "comfortable" inside it (including access to the House of Wonders), as long as the outside world avert their eyes, notwithstanding that the windows of the Strangers' Bar are fairly accessible in order to defenestrate patrons out to the pool;
Hereby expresses its gratitude to the Three Walled Bar for, among other things:
Providing at least one type of drink at a 50% discount to the Strangers' Bar by swiping nearly all drinks and bar supplies from the Strangers' Bar, thus giving less affluent ambassadors a chance to get drunk at a low price and relieve them of their boredom;
Having the (allegedly) deranged Cedric as perennially underpaid bartender, who has been forced to make do with less resources such as having to chop off reindeer heads for decoration and installing the heads themselves, enduring far rowdier patrons, and copping the flak for numerous health and safety violations;
Somehow ending up being far seedier than the Strangers' Bar despite the usual topics of discussion being far more serious such as war, peace, national development and correct use of the semi-colon, versus frivolous discussions on abortions, pedophilia and cannibalism that usually prevail in the Strangers' Bar;
Finally, hereby also expresses its deep appreciation to the founders of the two bars, which have spent countless years nurturing the communities that gather at the two bars today, who unfortunately shall remain nameless due to the constant breaking of walls during the ongoing construction (or destruction) of the bars, complete lack of any rent payments since time immemorial, and other factors beyond the comprehension of drunken bar regulars.
Passed: |
For: | 6,356 | 61.5% |
Against: | 3,976 | 38.5% |
Security Council Resolution # 489
Commend Alvalero
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
This Security Council,
Retelling the story of The Ancient Lands of Alvalero, a proud nation led Zander Cerebella, a tale spanning years and years of pure dedication, speaking of a nation which has contributed greatly to the region of Balder in particular,
Studying the humble beginnings of Zander in a set of smaller regions in a period starting in 2009, where they would display an undeveloped talent in region-building, and through a series of mergers and moves would lead the region The United States of Europe, forming a friendly, welcoming, and democratic community that achieved a sizeable population, setting the stage for their future leadership in Balder,
Fascinated that when Balder came into existence in 2011, Zander quickly migrated to the region due to its potential for growth and unique culture that was beginning to take shape. Soon after, Balder became a nexus for contentious activity and growth, starting Zanders path in what remains their home region to the present,
Respecting Zanders stellar leadership of this early Balder, which followed an extreme controversy between delegate Luxembourg and vice-delegate The Honorable Foxes of Fotar. Zander took control, having been a candidate before and offering stability to a region in crisis. Zander was able to guide the region to peace once again and establish a longstanding government that has weathered the years gone by,
Appreciating Zanders diligent work in, alongside Revolution by night, building the totality of Balders law structure, which still stands to this day and has served Balder well over the decade it has been in use, and provided the foundation that the region operates on at its very core,
Magnifying Zanders enormous contributions to Balder outside the delegacy, which have shaped the Balderan community at large and enriched Balder as a region, including:
Their appointment and success in many roles of the Statsraadet, Balders array of ministerial positions, a particularly notable one being the Minister of WA Affairs, where Zander moved for WA decisions to be left up to the common citizenry of Balder instead of those in power, provoking thoughtful and engaging discussions on the usage of Balders vote in the body.
The rejuvenation of Balders diplomatic corps, by analyzing the activity of diplomatic relationships to better understand their positions, reorganizing the Balderan ambassador program, annulling several unproductive treaties while reforging treaties with The West Pacific, The Pacific, and The North Pacific, and advocating for a more open style of foreign affairs that served the corps well.
Zanders election for a combined total of 309 days as Statsminister of Balder, where Zander was extremely effective in managing the Statsraadet to better serve the Balderan populace, by recognizing and incorporating those who could prove themselves into the cabinet, and actively preventing the formation of an oligarchy that could have occurred in those early years, all the while efficiently delegating tasks so that the administration could not only perform its purpose, but excel at it.
Active membership in the Storting, Balders legislative body, where Zander proposed, discussed, and voted on laws, becoming a driving force for the activities of Balders legislature, eventually being elected as Talman, speaker of the house, where Zander continued to do so through diligently exerting the capacities of the office in a manner that Balder had never seen before, setting a high standard for those who would come to be elected in the following years.
Admiring Zanders establishment of the three Viking Cities, Aarhus, Ribe, and Jomsborg, which serve to organize Balderan citizens, specialize them to tasks they enjoy performing, and provide them with a community within Balder, an initiative which saw to foster an improved regional culture and community,
Exalting Zanders efforts to record the history of Balder through the foundation of the early iterations of the University of Balder, a prestigious institution that focuses on preserving history of the region that otherwise could have been lost to time if someone hadnt cared to record it, providing a large resource for its study, while themself creating the document The History of Balder in 2017 which in detail explains the time period from its initial creation to the advent of the first monarchy,
Saluting the tremendous loyalty Zander has shown time and time again to Balder, sticking with the region through all of its hardships, the good times and the bad, building a legacy worthy of immortalization over more than a decade, to be codified into law with the passage of this resolution,
Asserting that if Zander had never been present in Balder, and had not tirelessly worked to improve the region when the odds seemed impossible, Balder could have fallen into chaos and disarray, never gaining the safety and prosperity it currently enjoys,
Hereby commends The Ancient Lands of Alvalero.
Co-author: Quebecshire
Passed: |
For: | 8,990 | 86.2% |
Against: | 1,445 | 13.8% |
Security Council Resolution # 490
Commend Quebecshire
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
This Security Council,
Conditioned to describing the legends of actors and leaders, whose careful diligence, prudent foresight, or steadfast integrity define the paths most traveled by,
Overtly inspired by the gall of those who brazenly defy what is given, instead to blazing a path of unmatched temerity and resolve, taking legacies of misfortune and shaping them into legends of triumph,
Presenting the tale of Quebecshire (Quebec), whose superlative role in modern defending has helped define the faction. Across 12,000 operations, Quebec has stood against insurmountable odds and led indomitable coalitions, displaying unrelenting pressure against their enemies, buoying defenderdom through its lowest points and elevating it in its greatest moments,
Exuberant at Quebecs rise to the highest echelons of defending in 2021, distinguishing themselves ever since in all aspects of military operations including:
amplifying a surging defender faction in record-breaking liberations such as China and Trovons.
notably adding their strategic expertise and vigor to a landscape dominated by resurgent foes in 2022 onwards, leading a force of natives and defenders in 2022s capstone liberation in New Westphalia, and helping to marshal over a hundred liberators to overcome massive raider forces in the liberations of South Pacific and Far East Oriental Federation in 2023, and
distinguishing themselves as a force of speed and precision to be reliant upon, as one of the most committed contributors from The League in all-but stamping out tag raiding in 2023,
Saluting Quebecs commitment to wiping out the forces of evil, going as far as to lead and participate in successful counter-invasion operations including against vulnerable invader holdfast Islamic States, and amassing a record-breaking league of over 200 defenders and independents to raze the raider-aligned frontier of Solidarity.
Emphasizing Quebecs prowess in cultivating a community, demonstrated by the renaissance of The League and Concord (TL/C), a bi-regional community Quebec helped found. Struggling with a dysfunctional system and a difficult history, Quebec would display their ability to plan and execute often difficult but necessary decisions in tearing down the old dysfunctional government and establishing the Consulate and Council system that governs TL/C today,
Electrified by Quebecs seamless relocation of TL/Cs community in an astonishingly bold and successful bid to realize a new era, re-establishing recruitment and integration culture to bring the community past its former peak only two months after the move. They would establish the League Defense Forces (LDF), which under Quebecs leadership has cemented itself as a leading military eventually and refounded Concord, a region occupied by The Leagues longtime enemies and fascists that Quebec incorporated into the League and developed into one of the largest Frontiers in the world,
Taking note of TL/Cs rise as a core pillar of modern defenderdom, and its expansive efforts to further the Defenderdom region umbrella. Quebecs incredible networking ability and diplomatic tact brought TL/C closer to defenders, establishing ties that would propel TL/Cs growth as a defender mainstay. Quebec would then leverage their diplomatic clout in intrepid moves that culminated in treaties like:
the Ampez-Weisshaupt Compact with the Order of the Grey Wardens (TGW), signifying the connection of two military giants and codified TGWs first diplomatic steps,
the Treaty of Morya with Europeia, which heralded a new era of cooperation between Europeia and defenders resulting in Europeias historic transition to defenderdom, and
the Treaty of Savotta and Ribe with Balder, a watershed agreement that have helped developed both regions and culminated in cooperation through crises like the plot to overthrow Balders government known as Operation Ragnarok,
Expressing awe at Quebecs unmatched utilization of this council, adding their name to a record 21 authored resolutions that have served as incredible odes and safeguards to regional sovereignty, including:
major commendations of defender titans like Tim-Opolis and Numero Capitan, whose legacies were undoubtedly earthshaking yet controversial, and guided by Quebecs excellent composition and political direction,
apt usage of the newly-created Injunctions to assist in the speedy protection of vulnerable frontiers such as Canada, the first ever Injunction passed, and
Liberations of regions such as England and Equestria, securing them from unsavory border control measures by their would-be destroyers.
Deeply impressed by Quebecs fiery aura, their legacy of unwavering vigilance, and persistence in fighting evil; their light an exemplar of the ideals of this council, their story an inspiration to those who fight alongside them and, hopefully, to those who come after,
Hereby Commends Quebecshire.
Passed: |
For: | 8,925 | 69.1% |
Against: | 3,994 | 30.9% |