Security Council Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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Security Council Resolution # 46
Commend The Cat-Tribe
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly,
RECOGNIZING a civil, but nonetheless productive debate on the topic of Abortion in the World Assembly was the result of The Cat-Tribes resolution, the Reduction of Abortion (GA#44),
NOTING that the Reduction of Abortion (GA#44) respected national sovereignty on the issue of abortions legality, and made a groundbreaking compromise that as a result has permitted a comprehensive sex education to help reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in all member-nations,
FURTHER NOTING the countless lives that GA#44 has undoubtedly bettered in (1) nations with otherwise high obstetric death rates, (2) nations where the prohibition of Abortion would have been the source of more dangerous self-induced abortions,
BEARING IN MIND that the nominee recently returned to the hallowed halls of the World Assembly to ardently counter Christian Democrats and several of its allies during a resurgence of the Abortion debate in the World Assembly. The Cat-Tribe's presence in the debate was instrumental --alongside several other actors-- in establishing a compelling case against numerous prohibitive abortion proposals and an attempted repeal of GA#128,
APPLAUDING the constructiveness that can follow when debate is abetted with the decorum, civility and thoughtful meticulousness that The Cat-Tribe has demonstrated in the World Assembly, but also in general,
IMPRESSED that The Cat-Tribe has been awarded twice (an unchallenged feat) the Grand Prix for General Debating award in the 8th and 10th presentation of a popular award ceremony that recognizes "excellency in the Fields of General Debating",
CELEBRATING the conduct demonstrated to receive this popular recognition, which includes:
Not accepting assertions as fact, thus requiring proper research and citation,
Distinguishing between fact and opinion,
Seeking to uncover assumptions, unquestioned beliefs and faulty logic,
Distinguishing between connotative and denotative meaning.
Being open to new ideas,
Applying reason and logic to discussions,
ACKNOWLEDGING The Cat-Tribe's thorough willingness --in the spirit of goodwill-- to thoughtfully share their expertise in Law upon request,
UNDERSTANDING that as an exemplary model of constructive, critical, informed and civil forum and general conduct, The Cat-Tribe will help future generations of NationStates establish further resolutions of peace and goodwill,
For the sake of posterity,
Passed: |
For: | 5,785 | 70.0% |
Against: | 2,481 | 30.0% |
Security Council Resolution # 47
Condemn Swarmlandia
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
The Secruity Council:
IDENTIFIES that Swarmlandia has been capturing all tourist from neighboring nations around the world.
NOTING that the tourist are used as experimental test subjects.
HORRIFIED that test subjects undergo and are not limited to:
* Poison Testing (Documentation shows The poisons were secretly administered to experimental subjects in their food. The victims died as a result of the poison or were killed immediately in order to permit autopsies.
* Freezing Experiments (The Leader of Swarmlandia admitted to conducting experiments with the intent of discovering means to prevent and treat hypothermia. One study forced subjects to endure a tank of ice water for up to five hours.)
*Incendiary Bomb Testing (Documents clarify that experiments were conducted to test the effect of various pharmaceutical preparations on phosphorus burns. These burns were inflicted on captured tourist using phosphorus material extracted from incendiary bombs.)
* Bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation experiments (The bone transplantation from one person to another. Sections of bones, muscles, and nerves were removed from the subjects without use of anesthesia. As a result of these operations, many victims suffered intense agony, mutilation, and permanent disability.)
CLARIFYING that Swarmlandia is a nation that does not tolerate foreigners.
FINALIZING that Swarmlandia be condemned for the vicious acts against humanity of the peoples of the world.
Passed: | |
For: | 5,165 | 60.2% |
Against: | 3,412 | 39.8% |
Security Council Resolution # 48
Liberate Wonderful Paradise
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region.
The Security Council,
Having considered the following annotations:
Annot.1§ Before the most recent invasion of Wonderful Paradise, the region was a small but healthy colony of The Mega Region. In Early December, the region had about 20 nations and an active regional message board (RMB). Several attempts from raiders to invade it had been attempted and ultimately quashed by the natives of the region, The Mega Region and the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA),
Annot.2§ On Jan 29 2011, Flaming soul forces had become delegate of Wonderful Paradise and implemented a password. Flaming Soul Forces was a native who was planning to leave the region. Flaming Soul Forces established a password for the region's security, but after incidentally endorsing a raider sleeper, The undead reich, said raider became delegate,
Annot.3§ A brief excursion from the region by some of the old natives, allowed the sleeper raider to successfully eject the remaining natives and alter the password, without an opportunity for reprisal from the natives or defenders,
ACKNOWLEDGING that the remaining natives of Wonderful Paradise, including Demphor, have taken refuge in The Mega Region, and have sponsored this liberation -- expressing their wishes to return to Wonderful Paradise,
UNDERSTANDING that NAZI EUROPE is responsible for these acts, having claimed Wonderful Paradise as its property. Although the mission was ordered by a former delegate who is no longer affiliated with NAZI EUROPE, The Undead Reich remains adamant to maintain the acquisition of Wonderful Paradise. The Undead Reich has declared, "[NAZI EUROPE] has spent over a year and a half kissing the ground that the [Security Council] walked on to get a repeal [of their] condemnation. And yet [NAZI EUROPE] continued to get stepped on and kicked to the side. Frankly, [NAZI EUROPE is] tired of it. If [NAZI EUROPE is] going to [be] treated like monsters, by god [they] are going to act like it",
BELIEVING that this is an insufficient justification for the forceful removal of a region's natives or the continued acquisition of Wonderful Paradise because two wrongs do not make a right -- any injustices that NAZI EUROPE thinks have been committed against them cannot serve as a defense of any new injustice that NAZI EUROPE has perpetrated,
HEREBY LIBERATES Wonderful Paradise.
Passed: | |
For: | 7,303 | 83.2% |
Against: | 1,477 | 16.8% |
Security Council Resolution # 49
Commend Crazy girl
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly,
Aware that Crazy Girl was founded in early 2003 in The Pacific; becoming involved in the region's governance, and later fighting (ultimately in vain) to free the region when it was subjected to the infamously tyrannical rule of Francos Spain,
Observing that Crazy Girl was involved in the Alliance Defense Network (ADN), the leading defender military organisation of its day; serving as Secretary of Defence, and through this role helping to protect the sovereignty of numerous regions by defending them against invasion,
Noting that Crazy Girl was a driving force behind the reorganisation of the ADN, which saw it re-branded as the 'ADN Reloaded', with new forums and a new Charter, resulting in a reduction of bureaucracy, allowing the organisation to concentrate on its primary goal of defending regions,
Perceiving that Crazy Girl was one of the three organisers of the 'puppetmaster' liberation of The North Pacific in July 2004, which was the largest successful liberation in NationStates history, freeing the region from the occupation of the New Pacific Order, and seeing it returned to the rightful control of its natives,
Recalling Crazy Girl's contributions to The Rejected Realms, which include:
Constructing and maintaining their current forums, to aid communication between members, and organisation of the regional government,
Defending with, and leading, the Rejected Realms Army -- a military that helps to defend vulnerable regions from the threat of invasion,
Maintaining the security of the region by successfully keeping Kandarin -- the recipient of a WA Commendation (SCR #2), in the position of delegate - despite the delegate being unable to eject or ban nations from the region,
Recognising that following control of Kandarin being ceded to Naivetry, Crazy Girl played a critical role in the transition, ensuring stability, and protecting the interests of residents of the region by facilitating the holding of an election to allow them to decide on the regional delegate,
Believing that Crazy Girl has had a major impact on the improvement of NationStates, by giving insightful feedback on suggested changes to the structure of the global environment, and by providing helpful advice to fledgling nations seeking to involve themselves within international affairs,
Acknowledging Crazy Girl's more irreverent contributions to NationStates, including petitioning the World Assembly to change its misogynistic categorisation of nations as 'Father Knows Best States' by allowing Matriarchies and Queendoms to be recognised as 'Mother Knows Best States',
Concluding that through these diverse and multitudinous contributions, Crazy Girl has made the world a more peaceful and enjoyable place, and that these actions are more than worthy of recognition through a World Assembly Commendation,
Hereby Commends Crazy Girl.
Passed: |
For: | 7,512 | 80.6% |
Against: | 1,811 | 19.4% |
Security Council Resolution # 50
Commend Northern Chittowa
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly,
Aware that Northern Chittowa has been a key member of the Global Right Alliance, responsibly administrating their forums, and helping to keep the region stable, secure and active, despite the combative nature of its residents,
Recognising Northern Chittowa as an important participant in the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA), an organisation dedicated to the protection and stabilisation of founderless regions across NationStates, through such actions as:
Founding the alliance alongside Big killer babys and The merlion,
Serving as Arch Chancellor of the alliance for 3 terms, comprising a total of 9 months, in the process professionalising the organisation, as well as rescuing it from the brink of death after the failure of Falconias's term as Arch Chancellor,
Participating in the FRA Rangers, the alliance's military, for over 4 years,
Believing that Northern Chittowa has made a significant contribution to protecting the sovereignty of founderless regions through the aforementioned actions,
Observing that Northern Chittowa established the 'Defender Awards' in 2006, an annual awards system that has now been successfully running for 5 years, and has helped to unite the defender community,
Recalling that Northern Chittowa was a leading member of Lazarus for a number of years, holding a number of governmental positions, and serving as delegate for five months until June 2008,
Applauding the nominee's actions in magnanimously putting the interests of the region above prestige, by stepping down as delegate upon realising that their presence as delegate was leading to the region being targeted by invaders,
Noting that Northern Chittowa's honourable and diplomatic behaviour is acknowledged even by invaders,
Asserting that those nations that contribute to NationStates as significantly as Northern Chittowa has, whilst maintaining the respect of their peers, should be Commended,
Hereby Commends Northern Chittowa.
Passed: |
For: | 6,466 | 73.3% |
Against: | 2,355 | 26.7% |