Security Council Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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Security Council Resolution # 26
Commend The Joint Systems Alliance
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly,
RECOGNIZING The Joint Systems Alliance as a vast intergalactic alliance of many peoples and species who have banded together in the hopes of achieving a more stable and peaceful galaxy,
OBSERVING the many positive actions of this alliance of technologically advanced nations, these actions being based around the alliances basic values of promoting peace within the nations own borders, within the borders of nations around the world or in other locations within the galaxy which are not members of the JSA, and within the vast and wild expanse of the dark void known as outer space,
ADMIRING the devotion of the members of this alliance to keeping the peace on an intergalactic scale and acknowledging the many political feats that their collective power humbly achieves, such as:
a.) - - - maintaining a massive and popular foreign embassy program within the gargantuan space station, Delta Capita,
b.) - - - holding the lengthy and lively JSA Joint Councils with the intent of resolving pressing issues with their fellow JSA nations, resolving issues with directly involved nations from outside of the alliance, and, overall, making decisions on the actions of the alliance and its members,
c.) - - - aiding in an intergalactic exploration and colonization effort initiated by non-JSA entity North calaveras,
d.) - - - creating a highly organized and highly efficient form of government for the alliance run by officials of individual member nations the alliance,
PRAISING the many efforts of The Joint Systems Alliance and its members to be prepared to act quickly on any disruptions of any nations peace whenever these disruptions occur, these actions involving for the most part the sending of military assistance and/or humanitarian aid (medical supplies, equipment, personnel, et cetera) to the nations in need,
APPRECIATING the alliances firm code of conduct which assures that all nations within the alliance are to take military action only when it is just and necessary or if it is in defense, and believing that this system has been very effective due to witnessing numerous examples of JSA military action, such as:
a.) - - - the JSAs interference with the Malaklans genocidal attack on a human colony,
b.) - - - the JSAs collaborative effort to put down an attempt to conquer the galaxy by the Hyperborians of The steppe empire and their successful peace talks with the offender after the ordeal had been sorted out and the offender defeated,
c.) - - - and the two current triumphant defenses of JSA territory from a hostile arachnid race known as the Bugs,
FURTHER APPRECIATING the JSAs commitment to strong and free international trade and approving of their awareness of a need for a healthy world economy,
ACKNOWLEDGING in particular the alliances founder and leader nation, Magna omega, for the enormous devotion of time and effort made by this entity to the alliances organization, maintaining its political stability, and to the well-being of nations both within and outside of The Joint Systems Alliance,
HEREBY COMMENDS The Joint Systems Alliance for its many great contributions to the world of NationStates and for the honorable example it sets for other nations around the world
Passed: | |
For: | 2,985 | 65.8% |
Against: | 1,554 | 34.2% |
Security Council Resolution # 27
Condemn Unknown
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
The World Assembly Security Council,
Identifying The Crusaders of Justice as a defender organization based out of Equinox,
Recognizing the validity and usefulness in responsible espionage missions carried out by regional governments,
Observing that Rougiers publicly pretended to break ties with Unknown and the invader community to ally with the defender community, all while secretly working with the upper levels of Unknown to gather information on defense forces,
Further observing Rougiers was left in charge of the forums of The Crusaders of Justice and given some power over the regional forums of The Council of Narnia following their apparent betrayal of the raider community,
Shocked that following the gathering of sensitive information from the two forums and the completion of the mission, Rougiers completely erased the forums of The Crusaders of Justice as well as erasing records from the regional forums of The Council of Narnia,
Asserting that a destruction of forums destroys the cultural and historical records of a region, as well as the collaborative effort put into it by its members, and also leaves the members of the region with no means of communication other than the Regional Civil Headquarters,
Insisting that the regional government of Unknown is responsible for the actions of its agent,
Dismayed with Unknown's refusal to accept responsibility; issuing instead a message to other regional governments blaming both The Crusaders of Justice and The Council of Narnia for the damage to their own regional forums,
Condemns the region of Unknown for the destruction of and the damage to the regional forums of both The Crusaders of Justice and The Council of Narnia caused by its agent.
Passed: | |
For: | 2,361 | 60.6% |
Against: | 1,535 | 39.4% |
Security Council Resolution # 28
Commend Sionis Prioratus
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
NOTING that the delegation of Sionis Prioratus worked tirelessly to pass resolutions in our hallowed halls to establish an inalienable access to pharmaceuticals for the benefit of sapientkind (GA#41) in addition to quality health services (GA#97) which no doubt improved the international quality of life by combating disease and illness all across the impoverished world,
FURTHER NOTING that the delegation of Sionis Prioratus also succeeded in resolving a lack of education in the most impoverished member-nations with a basic education program (GA#80) and the advancement of scientific education (GA#48),
REMEMBERING the international contributor of these ambitious projects as a courageous and venerable international federalist that was not afraid of providing assistance to those who needed it when those who claimed sovereignty over them did nothing to prevent their suffering,
ENDEAVORING not to commemorate Sionis Prioratus's international accomplishments as 'supererogatory' but instead to commemorate Sionis Prioratus for showing us how we can all make the world a better place if we make the effort to do so,
BUT NEVERTHELESS ACUTELY AWARE that if the betterment of the world that the delegation has ensured was not enough to indefinitely enrich the lives of the neglected, this commendation immortalizes a fearless and amiable spirit in our hallowed halls forever via the inspiration it will ensue to the next generation of General Assembly authors,
CELEBRATING the enormous service that Sionis Prioratus provided to the world as a means to communicate the warm gratitude from all those who have benefited from the social work of the Sionis Prioratus delegation,
HEREBY COMMENDS Sionis Prioratus.
Passed: |
For: | 2,752 | 76.8% |
Against: | 830 | 23.2% |
Security Council Resolution # 29
Liberate Greece
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region.
The Security Council,
Recognizing Greece as one of the oldest surviving regional communities in NationStates and that understanding its relatively complicated history is necessary to fully understand the region's current and dire situation,
Understanding that around August 2009, the two remaining natives of Greece (Grandon and Nikolaos the great) decided to refound their founderless region to ensure the survival of the community,
Concerned by the fact that a relatively unknown nation, Yauna, happened to refound the region before the native, Nikolaos The Great, which intended to become the new founder of Greece, could,
Taking into consideration that, although Yauna performed its duties to the region's security by eventually repelling invasions, it was a notably inactive nation and even called a joke of a founder, by one native,
Reviewing some speculation by natives of Greece that Yauna is secretly allied with a foreign force, the Persian Empire, to protect its status as founder from the natives of Greece who were plotting to refound and commit mutiny against Yauna,
Concluding that, although Yauna made some critical and suspicious administrative decisions (such as permitting delegate access to the regional administration) just leading up to the current recent invasion of Greece by the Persian empire, if Yauna was, in fact, allied with the Persian Empire, Yauna would have been capable of banning and ejecting the natives of Greece without the assistance of the invaders currently holding the region down (and it is therefore unlikely that Yauna is allied with the invaders),
Deeply concerned by the invasion of Greece that was conducted by the Persian Empire on July 30 2010 -- an invasion that used a condemned technique of invading, often referred to as Password Grabbing, that was popularized by Macedon and involves an invader delegate imposing a regional password immediately after successfully claiming the position of delegate,
Aware that the founder, Yauna, has not responded to the civil turmoil in Greece because of inactivity, and has since ceased to exist,
Affirming that a counterattack is impossible to conduct in Greece without the removal of the Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry,
Expecting that, without action by the World Assembly, Greece will become another prized possession of the Persian Empire, much like Ctesiphon, Greek Empire, Parthia, Hayk, Aria and Media -- all of which lack the desirable qualities of a region: activity, access and amenities,
Hereby Authorizes a removal of Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry into Greece to aid in the eternal conflict against those who threaten interregional harmony and goodwill.
Sponsored by the natives of Greece, including but not limited to Grandon and Nikolaos the great.
Passed: |
For: | 3,414 | 73.8% |
Against: | 1,213 | 26.2% |
Security Council Resolution # 30
Commend 10000 Islands
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly Security Council,
RECOGNIZING the region 10000 Islands as a pioneer of what are now vastly used components of regional government and organization, being one of the first regions to:
create its own private forum,
design a constitution for its members to obey in order to promote regional unity and better organize regional activity,
introduce a regional economy,
and establish a regional currency, thereby pushing the boundaries of the seemingly limited world of NationStates and setting numerous conventions for many regions that formed later;
ADMIRING the fact that 10000 Islands has managed to accomplish the difficult task of maintaining a population of over 200 nations for seven years,
ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of TITO, the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization, a defender army based out of 10000 Islands,
APPLAUDING TITO's home region, 10000 Islands, for initiating over 1200 successful defensive interventions (through the mobilization of TITO-involved WA nations) to protect hundreds of regions from raider invasion,
AWARE that TITO also keeps the World Assembly from being overwhelmed with liberation requests, as their goal of "seek[ing] to live in peace with all regions in NationStates, but [refusing to] back down to those that wish to impose their will on innocent regions" shares the fundamental principles of the World Assembly Security Council, a body "dedicated to the dissemination of inter-regional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary."
NOTING that 10000 Islands was, in fact, the very first region to be commended, however the original commendation of 10000 Islands was later repealed because it was poorly written,
BELIEVING that the many contributions of 10000 Islands to the world of NationStates go far beyond what can normally be expected of a single region, and are hence worthy of World Assembly comendation,
HEREBY commends 10000 Islands.
Authored by Firstaria.
Co-authored by A mean old man and Goddess Relief Office.
Passed: |
For: | 3,482 | 72.4% |
Against: | 1,330 | 27.6% |