General Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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General Assembly Resolution # 41
Access to Life-Saving Drugs
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
NOTING the awe-inspiring and hard-worked advancements in the pharmaceutical industry in what regards producing life-saving drugs, rescuing entire populations from despair and certain death from some of the most deadly epidemics ever known to sapientkind,
ACKNOWLEDGING that, for better or for worse, the search for financial profits and academic recognition are as of now indissociable and main driving forces for development of said life-saving drugs,
FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING that the poorest nations most of the times only benefit from these breakthroughs after decades of their inception and after countless lives were needlessly and tragically lost, destroying families, entire communities, cities, nations, regions,
REALIZING that both concerns can be through good will and common sense be brought to a common and decent ground, balancing economic interests needed to continue the development of new life-saving drugs and the self-evident right of every sapient being to have access to the best medicines available to the cure of their ailments,
DECLARING AS OBVIOUS that no sapient beings health should be held hostage to any nations ideology, notwithstanding the sacred notion that nations of all stripes are equal before this World Assembly,
1) An appropriate part of World Health Authoritys budget shall be directed for buying and distributing, when and where necessary, high-cost life-saving medications and vaccines. Negotiations shall take place between the agencies and patent holders so as to achieve a minimum acceptable price, one that does not hamper the industries affected nor further research, nor depletes the WA economic resources or otherwise adversely impacts the multitude of activities dependant on WA funding.
2) Life-saving medications and vaccines patents may be temporarily waivered only in the most extraordinary of situations, like in the presence of imminent or unfolding public health catastrophes, such as lethal airborne diseases with a small period of incubation, strictly for as small a period as necessary, as determined by the WHA and only after every other venue of emergency negotiations between the WA and the patent holders have been exhausted.
3) If such a waiver is to be proclaimed, patent holders shall receive financial compensation proportional to the period between such proclamation and the suspension of said waiver, after a through audit of the values disputed, done by the WHA, the WA Trade Commission, and the WA General Accounting Office, in an appropriate time frame, and always mindful of the imperative of not to adversely impact the universe of WA-funded activities.
a) Funding for such compensation shall come from the usual WA funding mechanisms. Private donations, insofar they may create a perception of bias, are strictly forbidden.
4) The WHA shall, through statistical analysis, identify diseases that affect mainly the poorest populations, diseases for which there have not been as yet serious attempts at a research for a cure or a vaccine.
a) A Health Research & Development Division is hereby created within the WHA, with the aim to research and develop cures and vaccines for said diseases. All breakthroughs arising therewith shall be put into public domain. Products arising from such breakthroughs shall be produced according to standards set by the WHA and its divisions, and distributed when and where necessary.
Passed: |
For: | 3,269 | 73.4% |
Against: | 1,183 | 26.6% |
General Assembly Resolution # 42
WA Environmental Council
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
RECOGNISING that the maintenance of a balance between the advances of modern life and the natural world is a vital but often neglected factor in the hope of the worlds continued prosperity.
REALISING that the World Assembly, as a governing body and aid to the international community as a whole, has the responsibility to help explore and protect the environment and its resources.
SECTION 1-The World Assembly Environmental Council
The World Assembly hereby creates the World Assembly Environmental Council (WAEC) as a neutral organisation for the benefit of the environment and our continued existence within it.
SECTION 2-The Aims and Activities of the WAEC
a) The WAEC shall conduct research to identify and resolve environmental problems including but not limited to: climate change, pollution, depletion of natural resources, and natural disasters, in association with experts in the respective field. Scientists shall be employed from around the world to produce detailed accounts and records for the WAEC to help them issue advice to the international community
b) The WAEC shall publish records of all its findings and activities and make them public. These shall include annual surveys of the condition of the environment and assessments of potential future dangers and damages.
c) Nations are urged to assist WAEC research within their own country. However, members must avoid putting pressure upon scientists so that WAEC work is without bias.
d) The WAEC has the authority to monitor the environment of international territory in addition to the environments of World Assembly members. All surveys and studies shall be carried out legally in accordance with international and national law.
e) Based upon the advice and suggestions of scientists and the facts made clear in WAEC scientific reports, the WAEC shall discuss and debate goals or limits to be aimed for by particular nations or by the World Assembly as a whole. The progress of nations to whom particular goals or limits have been suggested will be monitored and governments are strongly urged to cooperate with the activities of the Council.
SECTION 3- Funding of the WAEC
Funding for the WAEC shall come directly from the World Assembly; it shall receive no additional funding from other sources.
Passed: | |
For: | 2,832 | 67.1% |
Against: | 1,390 | 32.9% |
General Assembly Resolution # 43
WA Labor Relations Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
The World Assembly, believing that the ability to form and join labor unions is an important factor in assuring proper compensation and adequate working conditions; recognizing that industrial actions are sometimes the only means available for workers to influence management decisions; however, also believing that the welfare of the general public must be of paramount concern in weighing the right of workers to engage in such actions; hereby:
1. RESOLVES that all WA member nations must recognize and ensure the right of workers to form or join unions of their choice for the purpose of collective representation, and the right of those unions to establish and join international unions and federations of labor organizations both nationally and internationally.
2. ESTABLISHES the right of all workers to engage in strikes and other industrial actions, including, but not limited to, work slowdowns, overtime refusal, work-to-rule and general strikes, provided that those actions are authorized by a union and do not cause physical harm to persons or property;
a. Employers are not required to pay wages of workers while they are on strike.
b. Workers may not be terminated from employment for participating in a strike or industrial action legally authorized by a union.
c. Employers are prohibited from engaging in actions which interfere with the right of workers to engage in strikes, or actions which interfere with the ability to maintain a strike.
3. DECLARES that national governments may exempt from the rights granted in clause 2:
a. Strikes or other industrial actions not authorized by a union.
b. Strikes or other industrial actions which significantly endanger the health or welfare of the public, such as, but not limited to strikes by medical and police personnel.
4. RESERVES to the respective member nations the right to determine the extent to which the provisions of this resolution shall apply to members of the armed forces, law enforcement personnel, providers of emergency services, and government employees providing essential public services.
5. MANDATES that labor disputes involving workers lacking the right to strike under articles 3.b. and 4 of this resolution be settled through binding arbitration administered by an independent and unbiased third party.
6. DECLARES that national governments may require unions to supply fair notice to employers and relevant government agencies in advance of industrial action.
7. AFFIRMS the right of unions and their national and international organisations to be free to draw up their own constitutions and rules, organise their own administration and activities, and formulate their own programs. National governments may require that unions operate democratically and may set a minimum percentage of membership for legal recognition of unions, not to exceed 50%+1.
8. Union members have the right to form new unions or seek representation from a different union if they feel they are not currently being provided fair and competent representation.
9. FORBIDS discrimination based on union membership where employment is concerned. Union members and non-members must be afforded equal treatment in hiring, work assignment, compensation, promotion, training and education, and disciplinary actions.
10. DECLARES that unions must abide by national law, and that national laws shall not be made to impair the guarantees provided for in this resolution.
Passed: |
For: | 2,682 | 61.8% |
Against: | 1,661 | 38.2% |
General Assembly Resolution # 44
Reduction of Abortion Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
The World Assembly,
RECOGNIZING that legitimate and good-faith differences of opinion exist concerning the legality and morality of abortion, but that abortion is nonetheless a matter of concern and the reduction of abortion rates is desirable to all parties,
OBSERVING that abortion rates may be reduced by the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, improvements in relevant medical care, and increased access to information,
DEEPLY CONCERNED that member states may unintentionally increase abortion rates due to limitations on information and services that would decrease pregnancy complications and remove incentives for abortion,
BELIEVING that many resources that would reduce abortion rates are also inherently desirable such as better family planning, help for those who wish to adopt children, safer childbirth and pregnancy, prevention of rape and incest, and reduction of the emotional, economic, and physical cost on pregnant women and mothers,
DESIRING the removal of economic reasons for abortion and economic barriers to childbirth,
1. DEFINES "abortion reduction services" as including all of the following: (1) abstinence education, (2) adoption services, (3) contraceptives, (4) family planning services, (5) pre-natal, obstetric, and post-natal medical care, counseling, and services, (6) comprehensive sex education, and (7) education, awareness, prevention, and counseling programs to prevent rape and incest;
2. AFFIRMS the right of individuals to access information regarding abortion reduction services;
3. STRONGLY URGES member states to research, invest in, and provide universal access to abortion reduction services;
4. FURTHER ENCOURAGES member states to provide financial aid to pregnant individuals and parents to reduce or remove economic reasons for abortion and economic barriers to childbirth;
5. EXPANDS the mission of the World Health Authority and its offices in WA member states to include:
a. providing universal access to abortion reduction services in accordance with national and local laws,
b. actively researching the subjects of the epidemiology of abortion and abortion reduction services and making public the results of such research in a non-political manner,
c. facilitating the sharing of technology among member states concerning abortion reduction services;
6. DECLARES that nothing in this resolution shall affect the power of member states to declare abortion legal or illegal or to pass legislation extending or restricting access to abortion.
Passed: | |
For: | 3,166 | 67.6% |
Against: | 1,516 | 32.4% |
General Assembly Resolution # 45
Repeal: “World Assembly Economic Union”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #26 “World Assembly Economic Union” (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
RECOGNIZING Resolution #26 as an abuse of the international power invested in the World Assembly
APALLED that the resolution makes no reference to developing nations (only to nations in "severe economic crisis"), not recognizing the importance of tariffs, subsidies, and other such protectionist devices to the improvement of developing nations domestic nonessential industry, which is vital to economic expansion and advancement
NOTING that Resolution #26 only benefits the few nations with powerful nonessential industries, effectively out-competing the minor industries of less developed nations due to forcibly unrestricted borders
OUTRAGED especially at the fact that the World Assembly Trade Commission (WATC) is given the unchecked power to arbitrarily regulate intra-national subsidies which do not fall under the category of international trade
The World Assembly hereby repeals the World Assembly Economic Union Resolution.
Passed: |
For: | 2,963 | 71.1% |
Against: | 1,204 | 28.9% |