General Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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General Assembly Resolution # 31
World Health Authority
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
The World Assembly,
Believing that the nations of not only the World Assembly, but those outside WA jurisdiction should be committed to the health and well-being of their people,
Further believing that good health is a key component in socioeconomic growth, development, and progress,
Deeply concerned by the potential lack of prevention and control of disease or other threats to good health in the respective member states of the World Assembly, as well as the potential lack of coordination between agencies of nations in bringing medical advances and preventative measures to nations of the WA in fighting disease, as well as addressing overall health concerns,
Emphasizing the importance of disseminating crucial information concerning current and emerging threats to global health throughout the international community, to include nations which may not hold membership in the World Assembly,
Resolving to bring decent health standards as well as coordination and preparedness to combat threats to health to as many nations as possible, hereby:
I) Strongly encourages nations to make spending commitments to achieving decent health standards for their people;
II) Further encourages coordination between the existing health agencies of nations in order to promote decent health standards in the international community;
III) Establishes the World Health Authority (WHA), with the mission to:
-identify, assess, and communicate current and emerging threats to global health,
-actively research treatment, cures, and preventative measures concerning threats to global health,
-coordinate efforts between WA member states in preventing and controlling serious health concerns;
IV) Mandates the establishment of WHA offices in the member states of the World Assembly, as necessary in order to:
-monitor the global health situation in order to prevent and control emerging threats,
-articulate and advise governments on health matters with information that is both ethical and evidence-based,
-disseminate crucial information and research concerning health internationally in a quick and orderly fashion,
-coordinate and/or support relief efforts in WA member states in partnership with the appropriate agencies or take responsibility itself should those agencies be unable to respond;
V) Strongly encourages individual nations to:
-create agencies concerned with the health of their people,
-research ways to prevent and remedy threats to decent health,
-disseminate such information in the international community in order to impede threats to decent health.
Passed: |
For: | 3,284 | 79.7% |
Against: | 838 | 20.3% |
General Assembly Resolution # 32
Veterans Reform Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Co-authored by Nebulantis
The World Assembly,
DEFINING, a 'veteran' who has served, or is currently serving, in a nations armed services during times of peace or war, whether through conscription or by ones own free will,
ALSO DEFINING, civilian life as the pursuit of an existence external to a nations armed services
RECOGNIZING that most nations and regions have armed services,
ALARMED by the inadequate treatment of returning veterans in some nations, regarding employment, medical care, and psychiatric care,
EMPHASIZING the need for a comprehensive and updated strategy to assist returning veterans,
1. ESTABLISHES the WA Veteran Assistance Offices (WAVAO), an organization designed to carry out the actions outlined in this resolution;
a) Endorses the founding of WAVAO in all WA-member nations;
b) Proclaims the World Assembly shall finance WAVAO in its entirety, within WA-member nations;
c) Notes that the cost of WAVAO, financed by the World Assembly, shall include the establishment of offices, services, and other expenses incurred by the program;
d) Invites WA-member nations to assist non-member nations who desire to establish WAVAO in their own states, at the discretion of the former;
2. DECLARES that all returning veterans shall be guaranteed full re-instatement, conditional upon a satisfactory review to their place of employment, upon their return to civilian life;
3. URGES that this re-instatement shall include, but not be limited to, the following;
a) Current or equivalent position at time of deployment;
b) Rate of pay at time of deployment, appropriately adjusted for inflation or deflation;
c) Access to any bonus pay or monetary raise that the veteran would have achieved under typical circumstances;
d) Reasonable consideration of the veteran for promotions that they would have been eligible for;
4. ENCOURAGES that this re-instatement shall also include assistance in finding alternative employment, under the following conditions;
a) Veteran may select any employment or government agency of their choosing, should they wish to seek this assistance;
b) The selected agency shall assist in trying to find employment for the veteran that matches their current skills, technical ability, and past job history;
c) Until sufficient employment is achieved, the veteran shall receive a check equal to their monthly rate of military pay, payable monthly for a maximum of twelve months, and financed by the World Assembly through the WAVAO;
d) If acquired employment is lost, the veteran shall be subject to their jurisdictions unemployment laws and code.
5. SOLEMNLY AFFIRMS that all veterans shall be offered access to state-of-the-art medical and psychiatric treatment, with monetary assistance being provided by the World Assembly through the WAVAO as needed;
6. FURTHER RESOLVES that monetary insurance shall be provided for combat-related injuries and illnesses, and that the WAVAO shall work with the individual nation to determine appropriate compensation levels for different conditions;
7. REMINDS all nations that dishonorably discharged veterans may be excluded from any of the services applied by this resolution, at the individual nations discretion.
8. PROCLAIMS that a veteran under investigation for war crimes / already found guilty of war crimes, will be excluded.
Passed: | |
For: | 2,423 | 52.8% |
Against: | 2,165 | 47.2% |
General Assembly Resolution # 33
Repeal: “Coordinating Relief Aid”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #5 “Coordinating Relief Aid” (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
ACKNOWLEDGING that, in principle, such a resolution is an admirable effort to better provide relief aid to areas that need it,
APPLAUDING all non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on providing such humanitarian aid,
NOTING that, although providing relief aid should be a fundamental part of The World Assembly, the coordinating of NGOs is not an effective way to go about it. This is because, naturally, many NGOs would prefer not to affiliate themselves with an organisation such as The World Assembly and shall continue to work independently thus making coordination of relief aid a fruitless task.
SEEKING an opportunity to establish a resolution which would put World Assembly resources to a more effective system of providing humanitarian aid,
AND HOPING that a resolution will, in the future, be put forward to create a World Assembly body that will, while working closely with NGOs in an informal capacity, shall provide its own structure of providing relief aid.
The World Assembly hereby repeals the 'Coordinating Relief Aid' Resolution.
Passed: |
For: | 2,582 | 64.4% |
Against: | 1,429 | 35.6% |
General Assembly Resolution # 34
International Transport Safety
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.
UNDERSTANDING that the international transport of both passengers & cargo is a necessary part of world trade
DESIRING international transportation systems to be consistent in its safety & reliable throughout the nations of the World Assembly
CONVINCED that the international standardisation of safety features, accident investigation and communications is the best means towards greater transport safety
1) FOUNDS the International Transport Safety Committee (ITSC)
2) CHARGES the ITSC to enact regulations pertaining to the safety, communications, markings & signals, distress signals, loading limits, emergency protocols, the provision of life saving equipment, mechanical inspection protocol, standards of accident investigation, and search & rescue procedures for international shipping, aviation, and railways
3) FURTHER AUTHORISES the ITSC to set training and, where deemed necessary, experience requirements for internationally operating:
a) Cockpit Personnel, Flight Attendants and private pilots on aircraft
b) Masters, Deck & Navigation Officers, Chief Engineers & Engineering Officers, Stewards and Seamen on merchant vessels
c) Enginemen, Guards, and Brakemen on trains, and Signalmen & Station Staff on international railway lines
d) Maintenance Personnel & Officials involved in the upkeep & operation of transport systems
4) DECLARES that the ITSC undertake cost benefit analysis, feasibility & technological practicality studies, and other considerations before issuing regulations. Regulation will vary depending on the type, design & construction date of the aircraft, sea vessels, locomotives & rolling stock in question, as well the infrastructure surrounding such, and whether its use is classified as private or commercial
5) MANDATES that all aircraft, seagoing vessels, trains & railway routes operating internationally, and their relevant infrastructures, conform to ITSC requirements, subject to exemptions in article 6. Nations may require transport based in their own countries to conform to higher standards
6) AUTHORISES the following exemptions to article 5:
a) Domestic transport need not comply with ITSC regulations
b) Military craft & related control systems operating in peacetime need only comply with communications directives in circumstances where a threat is posed to civilian craft. Military craft operating during in wartime or involved in military operations are exempted fully from ITSC regulations
c) Military airfields & naval dockyards operating in peacetimes, and domestic transport hubs, must also comply with communications, markings, emergency equipment requirements, and avail themselves to civilian transport in distress
7) PROHIBITS nations from barring WA member state commercial transports in compliance with ITSC regulations from operating in their airspace, territory or territorial waters, or preventing such from docking, landing, or otherwise embarking/disembarking passengers & loading/unloading freight,
a) Nations are permitted to introduce reasonable requirements of prior notification and authorisation, but such are not to be refused on the grounds of the nation of the transports origin
b) Nations may refuse entry &c., if there are necessary practical reasons for doing so, such as limited capacity or quarantine, or in times of war or economic sanctions.
Passed: | |
For: | 2,839 | 72.6% |
Against: | 1,070 | 27.4% |
General Assembly Resolution # 35
The Charter of Civil Rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Hailing the work in furtherance of personal freedom already achieved by the World Assembly and,
Recognising this work as the preeminent task of civilisation and,
Seeking to augment this,
The World Assembly,
Requires W.A. member states to fairly and equally enact and enforce the following articles,
Article 1.
a ) All inhabitants of member states are equal in status in law and under its actions, and have the right to equal treatment and protection by the nation they inhabit or in which they are currently present.
b ) All inhabitants of member states are entitled to rights secured to them in international law and the law of the nation they inhabit or in which they are currently present.
c ) All inhabitants of member states have the right not to be and indeed must not be discriminated against on grounds including sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, skin color, language, economic or cultural background, physical or mental disability or condition, religion or belief system, sexual orientation or sexual identity, or any other arbitrarily assigned and reductive categorisation which may be used for the purposes of discrimination, except for compelling practical purposes, such as hiring only female staff to work with battered women who have sought refuge from their abusers.
d ) Member states are enjoined to counteract ignorance and prejudice, and are urged to create or support education programs in ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity.
e ) The application of both emergency legal measures and Martial law during periods of national crisis must also respect the provisions of this resolution.
Article 2.
a ) Unfair and unreasonable discrimination, on the grounds outlined in clause c) of article 1 of this resolution, in private employment, housing, education, employment benefits, compensations and access to services provided to the general public shall be prohibited by all member states.
b ) Unprovoked violence against or intimidation of any person on the grounds outlined in clause c) of article 1 of this resolution shall be a civil cause and criminal offense in all member states.
c ) Member states shall actively work towards eliminating criminal incidents motivated by hatred or prejudice based on cultural or societal differences.
d ) Nothing in this article shall be construed as to deny additional or stronger protections against discrimination and abuse enacted by member states.
Passed: | |
For: | 3,076 | 67.0% |
Against: | 1,513 | 33.0% |