World Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
View: All | Historical | General Assembly | Security Council
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Security Council Resolution # 1
Condemn Macedon
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
NOTING the various nation-regions which the imperialist region of Macedon holds.
UNDERSTANDING that Macedonism is both dangerous and discriminatory.
BELIEVING the bold orange text with blue accents on every colony's world factbook entry is distasteful and grotesque, furthermore removing the nation-region's right to support their own colors on the world factbook entry.
ACCEPTING the fact that Macedon has prevented natives of a particular nation (such as Lithuania, Belarus, France, Pakistan, Finland, etc) from running their own region and celebrating the nation's culture.
CONDEMNING Macedon and the Macedonian Empire for the above statements.
Passed: | |
For: | 3,123 | 72.1% |
Against: | 1,206 | 27.9% |
Security Council Resolution # 2
Commend Kandarin
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
RECOGNIZING the player of Kandarin as a leader in various aspects of NationStates.
OBSERVING his tireless efforts in maintaining order, stability, and leadership in a "collecting" region without means of ejecting or banning the competition.
VIEWING his knowledge, teaching, and leadership in NationStates roleplay, in both in character and out of character aspects, for off-site and on-site forums.
OFFICALLY praises the player behind the nation of Kandarin and recognizes his achievements with a commendation from the World Assembly.
Passed: |
For: | 3,476 | 76.4% |
Against: | 1,075 | 23.6% |
General Assembly Resolution # 51
Humanitarian Aid Coordination
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
The World Assembly,
RECOGNIZING and applauding the existence of many specialized Disaster Relief Agencies (DRAs), both at domestic and/or international level, that strive to provide humanitarian aid, recovery efforts and support to civilians affected by disasters, whose livelihoods may have been destroyed;
CONCERNED that without proper coordinated national and/or international management of humanitarian aid, there may be duplications, delays or other inefficiencies in disaster relief efforts;
- Proper management of the coordination of humanitarian aid will improve the efficiency of humanitarian aid efforts by the DRAs;
- The independence of the DRAs must be preserved to prevent corruption of the humanitarian aid system;
DEFINES for the purpose of this resolution:
- A Disaster as an event caused by man or nature, either of which that causes large scale death and/or destruction to lives and/or livelihoods;
- A Disaster Relief Agency as an organization that provides humanitarian aid, search-and-rescue services, reconstruction and restoration, or other services to relieve suffering, help civilians affected, or otherwise bring a disaster situation back to normalcy;
1. REQUIRES Member states to:
a) Have reasonable and adequate action plans to prepare for, cope with and recover from a variety of foreseeable and realistic disasters;
b) Evaluate and test developed action plans at reasonable and regular intervals and implement all improvements in that the evaluation suggests that can be reasonably accomplished;
c) Stockpile reasonable and adequate supplies for humanitarian aid distribution to civilians to cover immediate and urgent needs in accordance to the developed action plans;
2. ESTABLISHES the International Humanitarian Aid Coordination Committee (IHACC), whose duty is to:
a) Coordinate humanitarian aid to civilians affected by disasters in all member states;
b) Provide assistance in recovery efforts as requested by affected nations, should the IHACC hold the necessary knowledge and resources;
3. PROVIDES for the independence of the DRAs operating under the co-ordination and auspices of the IHACC and in co-operation with the affected nation(s), while respecting the laws and customs of the affected nations(s) while operating within said nation(s);
4. DIRECTS the IHACC to:
a) Provide accurate and truthful reports on the situation of disasters globally and identify areas where their assistance would best be allocated based on the ability of member states and DRAs to cope with an ongoing disaster;
b) Provide training and education to the DRAs and civilians of member states in preparedness for a disaster;
5. EXPECTS the IHACC, member states and DRAs to fairly manage and prioritize the coordination of humanitarian aid and recovery efforts to victims of disasters;
6. PROVIDES for a member state to:
a) Declare a disaster to be officially over within their territory;
b) Determine whether to permit a foreign DRA to continue the recovery operations in their territory under the conditions laid out in Article 3;
7. PROVIDES for a foreign DRA to cease operations if it feels that a disaster situation has returned to normalcy;
8. URGES member states and DRAs to:
a) Work with non-member states in the same manner as they would with member states when they are affected by disasters;
b) Share recovery plans and assist other member states through the halls of the IHACC.
Passed: |
For: | 3,020 | 74.5% |
Against: | 1,036 | 25.5% |
General Assembly Resolution # 52
Food Welfare Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Regretfully noting that starvation and malnutrition are prevalent within a multitudinous number of nations in distress, and further noting that such hunger oftentimes leads to unnecessary conflict,
Recognizing the need for assistance in the production and distribution of food in such nations, as well as the bountiful supplies and surpluses in various prosperous nations,
The World Assembly therefore
ENCOURAGES prosperous nations to support ailing nations when and however possible, to supplant the need of World Assembly intervention;
ENCOURAGES all nations to research more efficient irrigation and drainage technology to prevent crop shortages and wasteful water use; to research plant breeding techniques and soil fertilization techniques, as well as employ crop rotation, and weed, insect, and pest control;
ESTABLISHES the International Food Welfare Organization (IFWO) as the administrator of the processes of this act; authorizes the dispatching of IFWO scientists to nations needing assistance in the creation of beneficial farming practices;
ENACTS a surplus donation system in which national crop surpluses may be donated to the IFWO, while requiring nations to carefully manage the production of such surpluses so to neither promote nor condone wasteful agricultural practices; the IFWO shall be given the authority to distribute food rations to the people of nations undergoing severe economic depression, famine, or conflict which causes a shortage of food;
OUTLAWS governmental actions such as state-based food hoarding and unfair food distribution practices which deliberately produce famines and starvation; also outlaws such actions taken during crises such as famines, natural disasters, and refugee crises that are detrimental to the health and welfare of the people;
RECOGNIZING that under such circumstances a compelling governmental interest exists to protect the health and welfare of the people, the right of governments to seize food to supply to victims of such crises is granted, so long as such seizure is not detrimental to the larger population;
INITIATES the gradual reduction of protectionist and other practices, in regards to farming and food-related industries, that have the potential to severely harm international food trade; to determine when such practices have the potential to harm international food trade and regulate those practices, as well as to manage other international trade issues at the behest of the World Assembly, the International Trade Administration (ITA) is formed;
CONSTRUCTS the World Assembly Seedbank to store seeds as a source of planting where seeds are generally unavailable, due to natural disaster, disease outbreak, and war, as well as to protect the biodiversity of food crops; such seeds shall be collected as volunteered by nations; the IFWO shall manage the distribution of seeds when needed.
ESTABLISHES the World Assembly Emergency Crop Program, which shall be under the authority of the IFWO, and shall serve the purpose of growing those food crops that are major food-sources, but are unable to be stored in the World Assembly Seedbank; such food crops shall be distributed to nations, where they are a major food-source, during times of crises, when such food crops are generally unavailable.
Passed: |
For: | 1,855 | 76.2% |
Against: | 578 | 23.8% |
General Assembly Resolution # 53
Epidemic Response Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
NOTING the danger posed by communicable diseases, especially those whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis are unknown and cause human fatality;
REALIZING that a nation that intentionally withholds information about an epidemic within its borders places the international community at risk by impeding the ability of others to put into action plans to contain the disease or research a vaccine;
1) CREATES the Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response Center (EPARC) within the World Health Authority. The EPARC shall serve the following primary functions:
a. Identifying and confirming international outbreaks;
b. Coordinating international outbreak response using resources from scientific institutions in World Assembly member nations, medical initiatives, regional technical networks, and international humanitarian nongovernmental organizations; and
c. Strengthening readiness for outbreaks of dangerous and emerging pathogens.
2) REQUIRES that all member nations report any outbreak to the World Health Authority EPARC if the incidence rate of a disease in any localized area reaches a level of more than twice that of the same calendar month in the previous year;
3) STRONGLY URGES all member nations enact immediate measures to combat a local outbreak while it is still in the incipient stages, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Providing medical care to infected individuals;
b. Issuing public news updates;
c. Eradicating insects, vermin, or livestock if they carry the disease;
d. Quarantining infected individuals in their homes or in hospitals;
4) REQUIRES that all member nations share viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens samples with the World Health Authority EPARC so that the international community can research a vaccine and is kept abreast of developments if the disease evolves in virulence or other characteristics;
5) FURTHER REQUIRES that all member nations allow health inspectors from the World Health Authority and international aid agencies to travel to the affected area to provide aid to infected individuals, conduct research, distribute medical supplies and vaccines, or report the latest developments to the international community, as appropriate;
6) MANDATES that all member nations act responsibly in the control of the nation's land, sea, and airport and impose travel restrictions, if recommended by the World Health Authority EPARC, to help control the spread of the disease; and
7) ASKS that all member nations cooperate at all times with the World Health Authority EPARC on issues not enumerated.
Passed: |
For: | 3,735 | 74.2% |
Against: | 1,301 | 25.8% |