Security Council Resolution # 516
Commend Yodle
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Applauding Yodle, a nation with an unshaken, exceptional commitment to maintaining a successful, thriving community over more than eight years, weathering hardships and long periods of inactivity,
Recognizing the fabled beginning of Yodles story, when under a former name they founded The Place That Has No Big Banks, a region which tragically succumbed to invasion by the forces of HYDRA Command,
Acknowledging that Yodle, undaunted by the invading forces and ever loyal to the citizens of the now-occupied TPTHNBB, quickly went on to found The Region That Has No Big Banks, a haven for refugees from the fallen region,
Praising Yodles dedication to their fellow citizens, exemplified in their establishment of the regions first democratic elections, the assembly of the regions first government, and their authorship of the first iteration of TRTHNBBs Constitution,
Acclaiming Yodles long-lasting presence in TRTHNBB in which their activity only grew, expanding their commitment to an extensive number of projects both regional and interregional, including:
The establishment of The Social Reformer, a regional newspaper which has documented TRTHNBB's internal and external affairs, serving as a important archive of regional history over the past seven years,
The institution of the Endotarting Initiative, a project which greatly increased TRTHNBBs regional influence by awarding active citizens for endorsing one another, leading to the regions acquisition of Very High Regional Power status in late 2022,
The co-authorship of SC Resolution 218: Liberate South Pacific, a resolution which continues to safeguard South Pacific from invaders,
Lauding Yodle's dedication to TRTHNBB over the years, safeguarding it through a lengthy period of inactivity and eventually instituting a new government which led to a wholesale revival of the region's activity,
Celebrating Yodles unending passion for highlighting the accomplishments and talent of newer nations, illustrated by their willingness to pass the torch to new generations of leadership within TRTHNBB, including:
Former Provisional Governor and Prime Minister, Aya Democratic Republic, whom Yodle began mentoring in early 2020 following a period of inactivity, eventually elevating them to the position of Provisional Governor. During this nations term as Provisional Governor, Yodles advice and experience proved instrumental in reviving the regional roleplay and Parliament, two institutions which inspired the presence of new, active citizens,
Long-standing Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and former Delegate, New United Common-lands, who aided Yodle in fully revitalizing regional affairs by assisting in the administration of regional elections, instituting many of the regions cultural events, and overhauling the foreign policy of TRTHNBB, expanding its interregional presence,
Former Speaker of Parliament, Minister of Domestic Affairs, and current Delegate, America the Greater, who became the primary author of the regions Constitution upon being inspired by Yodles first iteration and authored legislation following in the footsteps of Yodle's extensive work,
Highlighting Yodles extensive accomplishments under this new generation of leadership, including:
A continued dedication to crafting legislation for TRTHNBB and refining its institutions, including the establishment of the regions judiciary via extensive legislation,
The custodianship over TRTHNBB through their role as Governor, Delegate, and Chief Justice, serving as an impartial mediator for regional disputes, including the authorship of critical legal documents and court case rulings which led to the establishment of a number of limits on the power and jurisdiction of regional moderators,
The expansion of TRTHNBBs interregional presence through assisting in the administration of its highly successful cultural events, including SummerFest and the Twelve Days of No Big Banks,
Exalting Yodles contributions as an avid collector of International Artwork, with such notable collections as:
The world's most extensive collection of artworks depicting guinea pigs,
A completed collection of all animated artworks from the latest collection of international artwork,
A collection including artworks from every nation calling itself a resident of TRTHNBB,
An interregional effort which successfully acquired artwork from each citizen of Declansburg,
Asserting that Yodles unending drive to maintain and expand their community have borne fruit in the continued existence of an active region with extensive cultural significance and a thriving political environment, breathing new life and longevity into TRTHNBB through the mentorship of generations of leadership and continued dedication to refining the regions cultural and foreign affairs,
Hereby commends Yodle.
Co-author: New United Common-lands
Passed: |
For: | 10,510 | 93.8% |
Against: | 690 | 6.2% |