Security Council Resolution # 497
Repeal: “Commend Yohannes”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #149 “Commend Yohannes” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The Security Council,
Stating that the nation of Yohannes has been commended by this body under SCR#149 for its diplomatic efforts promoting peace and stability throughout the world;
Surprised and disappointed upon hearing recent news that the leaders of Yohannes, through their satellite nation of Isabella van der feltz, have committed grave offences resulting in their banishment from many regions;
Noting that the offences unearthed are both unspeakable and severe enough that they have culminated in the form of many of the diplomatic ties with other nations being severed and the privileges that they have once enjoyed being revoked;
No longer believing that Yohannes can be a positive example to the world as SCR#149 proudly proclaims;
Aware of what now must be done by this body;
Hereby Repeals SCR#149 Commend Yohannes.
Passed: |
For: | 12,270 | 93.8% |
Against: | 811 | 6.2% |