General Assembly Resolution # 45
Repeal: “World Assembly Economic Union”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #26 “World Assembly Economic Union” (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
RECOGNIZING Resolution #26 as an abuse of the international power invested in the World Assembly
APALLED that the resolution makes no reference to developing nations (only to nations in "severe economic crisis"), not recognizing the importance of tariffs, subsidies, and other such protectionist devices to the improvement of developing nations domestic nonessential industry, which is vital to economic expansion and advancement
NOTING that Resolution #26 only benefits the few nations with powerful nonessential industries, effectively out-competing the minor industries of less developed nations due to forcibly unrestricted borders
OUTRAGED especially at the fact that the World Assembly Trade Commission (WATC) is given the unchecked power to arbitrarily regulate intra-national subsidies which do not fall under the category of international trade
The World Assembly hereby repeals the World Assembly Economic Union Resolution.
Passed: |
For: | 2,963 | 71.1% |
Against: | 1,204 | 28.9% |