General Assembly Resolution # 39
The Right to a Lawful Divorce
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
CELEBRATING the cultural diversity of its member states,
RECOGNIZING that legal unions of marriage vary among member nations and include civil contracts regulating the union of two or more persons including nationally recognized effects on the common estate and inheritance rights of the parties,
RECOGNIZING the fallibility of sentient desires and actions, failures which can touch aspects fundamental to a person's pursuit of happiness, among them the choice of entering in good faith in a partnership for the purpose of lasting a lifetime,
RECOGNIZING that unions of marriage may become unwanted, untenable, undesirable, harmful, and even dangerous,
APPALLED that certain member States have not desisted to devise ever subtler ways to try to ignore self-evident sentient rights, such as the right to happiness, the right to avoid harm to oneself and one's children, the right to self-determination, and the right to pursue a second chance in life,
ENACTS the following resolution:
1) Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage, which ceases to have legal existence between the requesting party or parties to said marriage from the date the divorce is legally and finally pronounced, and shall henceforth be available to all inhabitants of the World Assembly member states without let or hindrance.
2) Any of the parties to a marriage may ask for and obtain a lawful divorce in appropriate legal systems of the member state which they inhabit, which shall resolve such dissolutions fairly, equitably, and with promptitude.
3) Legal parenthood shall never be annulled by the sole reason of a divorce. In case the divorcing parties to a marriage have children, appropriate legal systems of member states shall resolve issues of custody of and support for said children with an overriding priority of the best interests of each and every child.
4) Upon divorce proceedings, appropriate latitude shall be given in the defense of personal assets, and appropriate legal systems of member states shall determine equitable distribution of the parties common estate and inheritance rights.
5) No penalty of any kind shall be imposed on a party or parties seeking divorce for the sole reason of such seeking or for the sole reason there is no consent of all parties to such divorce.
6) Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed so as to dictate the beliefs or the internal, solely religious procedures and rites any religion should follow.
Passed: |
For: | 2,833 | 61.1% |
Against: | 1,807 | 38.9% |